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Everything posted by Star69

  1. eOS is not the Epic store and has nothing to do with Epic store. It was created by Epic in order to facilitate cross platform gamimg….xbox, ps5 & pc players all playing with each other. Right now, the game is only developed for pc past A15. I’m sure you’re aware of the console debacle a few years ago. After this game goes gold the fun pimps have said they’ll address the console version. This is the first step towards that. Oh and if you try to disable EOS, the game will not run.
  2. Are you sure that the servers you are trying to join are running A20? That error is usually caused by version mismatches.
  3. This is a known bug that hopefully gets fixed with the next update.
  4. Dig down 3 or 4 blocks, hopefully it’s there
  5. Post your log file using pastebin. The source of the problem is usually in that log.
  6. I seem to remember reading an article in the past month or so about Windows 11 nerfing some aspect of gaming pcs. Maybe it was intel cpus??? Might be wrong on the Intel thing. If I can find it again, I’ll post a link.
  7. Are there tier 4 buildings in your town? Each tier uses specific buildings so it will send you to closest one even if it isn’t in your town.
  8. I get a steady 110fps that drops to 60 during horde night. My settings are mostly on ultra at 4k resolution and while my rig is better than yours, it’s not that different. Did you try decreasing your resolution to 1080?
  9. Did you do a clean uninstall of A19? If you’re not sure, click the blue banner at the top of the page and follow step by step instructions. Maybe between a cleaned uninstall and excluding 7 Days from your antivirus will help.
  10. If you still have A19 files present on the server, the server will not run.....one of the biggest reasons why A20 won't run on servers and clients. If you want to save some A19 worlds, then move them out to some other folder. Click the blue banner at the top of the page for step-by-step instructions on how to properly get rid of A19 files.
  11. There's 2 pinned topics at the top of this section......it has answers to both of your questions. Excluding the game from your antivirus depends on which antivirus you use. In the pinned threads, SylenThunder goes into great detail for several antivirus programs.
  12. We need your log files posted using pastebin. There are many reasons for not being able to connect so the fix that works for one person may not work for someone else.
  13. I think it’s a connection issue. Have you excluded 7Days to Die folder from your antivirus software? I’d start with that. Maybe someone else has other ideas if that doesn’t work.
  14. Pinned topic at the top of the page:
  15. This is due to your antivirus program blocking the connection to EOS. Exclude the 7 Days to Die folder and your saves folder from the antivirus software and all should work fine. So it doesn’t affect any other games I have excluded the steam folder.
  16. I've read of this happening in A20 and most everyone has said they dropped through the floor or ground. Supposedly if you dig down or use god mode go below the ground and you should find them.
  17. Go ahead and post your full log using pastebin. Unfortunately, not all the info needed to discover what's wrong will be in the console window but with the entire log, someone will have some ideas for you.
  18. Good. The other errors I'm seeing are this: 2021-12-27T09:29:06 2700.419 WRN No chunk for position 1504, 43, 2044, can not add childs to pos 1503, 43, 2043! Block semiFlatbedFront 2021-12-27T09:29:06 2700.419 WRN No chunk for position 1504, 43, 2047, can not add childs to pos 1503, 43, 2046! Block semiFlatbedMiddl There are several instances of different blocks with this error. Hopefully someone else will chime in as to whether these are A20 blocks or A19 and if A20, if it means the save has some corruption due to your repeated crashes.
  19. Post your output log file using pastebin and we’ll be able to see what’s happening.
  20. You have several issues in your log. I’m not on my pc with 7 Days installed so I can’t verify, but there may still be some A19 files but don’t hold me to that until I get the chance to check. Your crash, however, was a directx crash. I would do a clean reinstall of your video drivers using Geforce Experience. It will remove all your drivers and install just the latest version. You must select customize and check the clean install box. I will check on the files I’m seeing later today when I can get to my rig.
  21. We would need more information in order to tell you why this is happening. Litenetlib is what facilitates your connection to the server. A good first step would be to post your friends log file here using pastebin so someone can some answers for you.
  22. Probably best you post your log file using pastebin. EOS may not even be your Problem. However, EOS must run in order for the game to play. I’m assuming by your words in your first post you tried disabling EOS……you can’t do that if you want to play the game.
  23. Looks like he’s getting kicked by EAC, the anticheat program. I don’t understand that error, maybe someone else will chime in. If it’s a private server for you and your friends, just turn off EAC on the server and see if that solves his issue.
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