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Everything posted by chikorina

  1. If you mean the one that says ''Cabinet Filler (No Loot)" on it, it is by design that it can not be accessed. Both the links you posted show the corner cupboard, so I can't tell exactly which one you are talking about. The No Loot cabinet and the cabinets/cupboards with their doors opened can not be accessed by design.
  2. Thank you for the report. Confirmed.
  3. This was not reproduceable on a vanilla server. Please attach an output log from when the issue occurred. Please read the pinned post for instruction on how to upload an output log.
  4. This was not reproduceable on a vanilla server. Please attach an output log from when the issue occurred. Please read the pinned post for instruction on how to upload an output log.
  5. This was not reproduceable on a vanilla server. Please attach an output log from when the issue occurred. Please read the pinned post for instruction on how to upload an output log.
  6. The next tier quests won't be added until the quest list has been reset. Do you still not have tier 2 quests after 1 in game day has passed? If you are still not getting tier 2 quests, we will be needing more details. Please read the pinned topic, and give us the details needed by filling out the bug reporting form.
  7. The next tier quests won't be added until the quest list has been reset. Do you still not have tier 2 quests after 1 in game day has passed? If you are still not getting tier 2 quests, we will be needing more details. Please read the pinned topic, and give us the details needed by filling out the bug reporting form.
  8. The next tier quests won't be added until the quest list has been reset. Do you still not have tier 2 quests after 1 in game day has passed? If you are still not getting tier 2 quests, we will be needing more details. Please read the pinned topic, and give us the details needed by filling out the bug reporting form.
  9. Thank you for reporting. We will need more details in order to pinpoint the issue that you are experiencing. Please read the pinned topic and fill out the bug reporting form.
  10. Thank you for reporting. We will need more details in order to pinpoint the issue that you are experiencing. Please read the pinned topic and fill out the bug reporting form.
  11. Thank you for reporting. We will need more details in order to pinpoint the issue that you are experiencing. Please read the pinned topic and fill out the bug reporting form.
  12. I am sorry that your PC crashed multiple times, but unfortunately, this is the intended design for trader quests at this time. If you feel that the the design should be changed, please try mentioning it in the general discussion section. This is not a bug, so I will be moving it to the Not a Bug category.
  13. I am sorry that your PC crashed multiple times, but unfortunately, this is the intended design for trader quests at this time. If you feel that the the design should be changed, please try mentioning it in the general discussion section. This is not a bug, so I will be moving it to the Not a Bug category.
  14. I am sorry that your PC crashed multiple times, but unfortunately, this is the intended design for trader quests at this time. If you feel that the the design should be changed, please try mentioning it in the general discussion section. This is not a bug, so I will be moving it to the Not a Bug category.
  15. A21 b6 : This has been reported and a ticket made. Thank you.
  16. A21 b6 : This has been reported and a ticket made. Thank you.
  17. A21 b6 : This has been reported and a ticket made. Thank you.
  18. Summary: When you change the material of a frame shape block, you can't pick it up anymore if your inventory is full, even if the material of the frame placed and the one you have in your inventory is using the same material. Platform: Windows 10 Game mode: SP Repro steps: 1 - Go into dm and cm. 2 - Take some frame shape blocks from cm. 3 - Select 'material' from the radial menu while holding the frame shape block and pick any material. 4 - Place one frame shape and pick it back up. 5 - Pick random items from cm and make your inventory and toolbelt full. 6 - Place a frame shape down again, and confirm that you get a message saying that your inventory is full, even if the stack of frame shapes you have isn't full. YT link: https://pastebin.com/iyfuSVwu
  19. Summary: Starting a quest for a poi on the rwg_tile_countrytown_cap resets the poi next to it. Platform: Windows 10 Game mode: SP Repro steps: 1 - Generated an 8k map with the seed 123456789 (The map name should be Saciza County). It would probably work on the same tile on other maps, but this is the one I tested on. 2 - Teleport to 1850,-1535. 3 - Console command givequest test_sleepers inside the the poi area of countrytown_business_13 at around 1866,-1555. 4 - Do the quest, and loot some containers there. 5 - Console command givequest test_sleepers inside the the poi area of business_burnt_01 next to the countrytown_business_13 that you just finished a quest on. 6 - Finish the quest. 7 - Go back to the countrytown_business_13 and confirm that all the sleepers and loot has been reset. Youtube Link : https://youtu.be/s43t0CeG30w outputlog : https://pastebin.com/YsYAzeUP
  20. Very nice. It's fun to see and compare what used to be in the game. I'd like to see all the hand models that used to be in vanilla come back, like the stews, egg, meat, etc. May I do Japanese translation for this mod? I can either give you the translations, or distribute a separate localization modlet for it to the Japanese users. Either way would be good with me.
  21. Here is another log from a different server, owned by a different owner that also had a missing chunk at 0,0 on PREGEN6K. Summary: Missing chunk at 0,0 when using the PREGEN6K map on a server. It happened at around Dec 11th 18:00. Platform: OS - Linux (Ubentu Server), CPU - AMD Ryzen9 3900X, Memory - 64GB (DDR4-3200 ECC) Game mode: Dedicated Server I will give the link for the map datas for before and after the incident, as well as the output log to one of the QA team members through discord. I'm sorry I can't paste it here, but the server owner is concerned about who the files are visible to.
  22. Here is another log from a different server, owned by a different owner that also had a missing chunk at 0,0 on PREGEN6K. Summary: Missing chunk at 0,0 when using the PREGEN6K map on a server. It happened at around Dec 11th 18:00. Platform: OS - Linux (Ubentu Server), CPU - AMD Ryzen9 3900X, Memory - 64GB (DDR4-3200 ECC) Game mode: Dedicated Server I will give the link for the map datas for before and after the incident, as well as the output log to one of the QA team members through discord. I'm sorry I can't paste it here, but the server owner is concerned about who the files are visible to.
  23. There were visible destroyed blocks there for you?😲 I wonder why they were invisible for me.
  24. There were visible destroyed blocks there for you?😲 I wonder why they were invisible for me.
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