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Posts posted by faatal

  1. 14 hours ago, Watermelon said:

    @faatal Hello! I have one question. Why in the last stream of the developers were all the animals with old models (chicken, snake, vulture, wolf, bear, zombie bear)? After all, you showed us all ready-made new models with a new fur shader?

    New wolf is in game. Bear is waiting for me to recreate the prefab with the new mesh and adjust the colliders and ragdoll bones and test, which has to wait until I am not loaded down with bugs. Allan knows the process now, so he may get to it before me, but also is slammed with work.


    I don't know the state of the art for chicken/snake/vulture as I have my priorities on the game running well.

    11 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    I suspect the delay in using the new animals is that the animations for them aren't complete.

    I also forgot the rigging an artist does, which is often a different artist than who made the mesh. Also anims are different if they changed the bones or just want to do new ones, which is often another artist.

  2. 17 hours ago, User said:

    What I found a bit confusing with last night's dev stream was the big deal about showing fps. Sure, it definitely wouldnt demonstrate the performance of the people watching, since everyone has different machines, and the stream and such, but at this point, everyone's hyped up for the release, you can't really blame them for asking questions, and it felt like a lot of these streams are the streamer just constantly saying no, or telling the people watching that they shouldnt ask about xyz. The performance at this point is kind of a meme, and not showing it, even if it wouldn't demonstrate much, wouldn't be a big deal. But like, just for fun, you could give the people what they want on occasion 😂 

    Lathan has an RTX 3080 and was using 4k res with ultra preset and streaming. Not a combination for a great FPS, but they wanted highest quality, not FPS. Opaque glass is also not going opaque right now, so no occlusion for objects behind it, which loses some FPS.


    I use a 3070ti with high preset and find it works best at 1440 with the new FSR Ultra setting. Better FPS and quality than at 4k with FSR High, but people will have to experiment for what works best for them.

  3. On 6/14/2024 at 11:22 PM, Space4Ace said:

    FATAAL: How's bug crushing going? Still many of the nasty ones?

    We saw one this evening with one armor piece floating over Rick.

    16 high priority MFs now, so not bad.


    The floating armor is from being ragdolled. Unity's rig constraints are doing something dumb that needs to be refreshed. I have that bug.

    On 6/15/2024 at 12:23 AM, Arez said:


    How about zombies crawling out of the ground?! That would be lovely

    Maybe someday.

    22 hours ago, Riamus said:

    I watched some of the dev stream tonight.  It was looking really good.  The new POI looked especially nice.  And the zombies looked good, though they were pretty gray as if lighting on them wasn't working properly.  I love that the third (and presumably fourth) rider in the 4x4 sit in the back.  The only thing that I saw that really looked bad was the animation for the 4x4 wheels.  That was really awful.  Hopefully that is fixed before release.

    Wheel rotation looks fine for the driver as the physics are local to the driver. It is the network syncing that needs improvement.

  4. On 6/11/2024 at 6:42 PM, Fanatical_Meat said:

    @faatal What’s your estimate as to how many zombies let’s say a current day mid range machine will be able to handle with the various improvements that a coming with 1.0.

    Also what about a normal server with the improvement can we go higher with the spawned zombies and keep the frame rates decent (decent means 30-ish frames per second)



    I don't know. Too many variables.

    7 hours ago, SONTURK said:

    I think so too. Wouldn't it be nice if we made a surprise and played this Monday? They also wish they added innovations other than what they said. If there was world peace :D

    No happening. We are still working on a lot of bugs and tweaks. Hopefully the 24th.

    On 6/13/2024 at 9:46 PM, Watermelon said:

    @faatal I agree, all you need to do is add animation.
    It would be great to push zombies away, for example, with your hands, feet or weapon strikes.
    This would add variety to close combat. You just need to balance this so that the damage from such a pushback is literally 1 hp and the zombies do not fall to the ground, but only play the animation of being thrown back 1 meter.

    Sounds like something for a sequel.

  5. 12 hours ago, spud42 said:

    @faatal Currently if you have the perk for silencers dont reduce damage the stats still show in red that the damage of the weapon is reduced. will this be fixed in 1.0?

    Probably not for experimental. Maybe for stable or post stable.

    Edit: Allan just tested and shows in green.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Space4Ace said:

    Hello FATAAL!

    How many bugs are still left to fix? If you can say of course.

    Last time was like: 3 10 86 18 1 = 118. From highest to lowest priority.

    Highest and High are 3, 26, which are the ones we are trying to fix before experimental. Those numbers generally go up at first as it usually takes less time to find bugs, than fix them.


    In some cases you fix a bug, but then it comes back to you. Like I fixed the mountain lions rear end jittering when turning, but then they found a case where it does it when sliding around cars, so have to figure that one out. Cue funny remarks...

  7. On 6/7/2024 at 2:27 PM, Дмитрий said:

    Hello @faatal, this is Dmitry, I also remember in the old version there were bees 7 days to die, they had honey!I have 7 days to die, 3000 hours have been played, I started playing with alpha 3-6 from a pirate, I was lagging on the computer, I bought 7 days in steam to die with alpha 8, I really like this game,I will continue to play it with pleasure!And I wanted to ask if hostile insects (bees) will be added again?Do you plan to add not only bandits in the game, but also allies, such as survivors, who need to be protected from zombies!Would it be fun to add zombie kids???Thank you in advance for reading my answer, thank you very much, let the game become popular for everyone)

    Sorry, not planning to add bees or other insects. Bandits are planned, but while we are not doing followers, there could be friendly NPCs that attack bandits.


    We will not be doing kids.


    Thanks for playing!

    On 6/7/2024 at 3:38 PM, Jost Amman said:

    Watching the stream made me think about one question on future content after 1.0.


    Has the idea of Bosses and mini-Bosses been completely discarded?

    We still have only Grace as a unique boss, and she's not even a (human) zombie!


    It would be great to see something like that added to the game at some point.

    Imagine reaching the end of a T4 or T5 POI and having to fight an end-level boss (like in 90' games) and having it drop legendary parts! :hat:


    Any news on that?

    @faatal @madmole or anyone who can reply...

    Boss ideas are not discarded. Those are simply things we are not thinking about right now. Bandits need to be in a good place before I concern myself with special ones.

  8. On 6/6/2024 at 9:32 AM, Maxley said:

    @faatal is the bug where when you collapse a building a lot of the furniture remains floating in the air on the list of bugs to fix?

    There is an older bug ticket for it, but it was never a MF as does not happen that often and does not break games. We have much worse things to fix.

  9. 10 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    I haven't looked too closely but they appear to support dyes like their older versions.  For some reason, I never liked the idea of having a bicycles in the game (maybe the idea of seeing a heavy armored player on one just shatters my immersion lol).  However, that opinion has changed with the new look.  All of the vehicles have more character in them and the visible changes to them when you install mods is "chef's kiss."

    Yep, dyes work.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    It's not really a gun purists thing, the Iron sights are..... just .... just bad! 


    If GNS says it's bad! You know it's bad! It also doesn't make sense! Some aim well while others are bad


    The AK, m60, pistol, deagle, sniper, pipe weapons aim well! 


    But the others are so bad! What's the point of aiming 


    Old weapons aimed well

    It is a purist thing as in caring how real guns work vs video games. If you don't look at the iron sights, and treat it like a video game, then it works fine. Aiming by putting the + on the target and clicking a button to hopefully hit the target is pretty important. It works when used in that way, but no, it is not setup like aiming a real gun with iron sights. It would be nice to make the iron sights line up and remove the strafing gun sway as I don't like that either and maybe someday we will do that.


    I actually don't care for iron sights IRL or games as they obscure part of the target. Rather have a red dot or scope so I see the whole target.

  11. 9 hours ago, Chaton Noir said:

    Hello, @faatal.
    1. How many bugs are in the fix queue now, and with what priority?

    2. Will crosshair during aiming ever be removed? I realise it's obviously not the highest priority feature, but it's really needed.

    3. On the dev stream I noticed some pretty strong ghosting. Is this FSR 3 Native AA, FSR 3 or did you make the changes in TAA?

    4. Which version of Unity 2022 will 1.0 use?

    5. What are you working on now?

    1.  3 10 86 18 1 = 118. From highest to lowest priority. As usual, not all of those will addressed for experimental or even stable and more will get added.

    2.  I don't know. Most of us are not gun purists and probably don't even look at the iron sights. I put the + on the target and shoot. I do realize it annoys some people and could be better.

    3.  It is FSR. It adds some ghosting on certain types of motion. It will probably not change for 1.0 and the older AA methods are available for those who don't like it.

    4.  Currently 2022.3.29, but could get a bump if we need another bug fix.

    5.  Falling tree improvements for old ugly I noticed yesterday.

  12. On 6/1/2024 at 2:24 AM, Watermelon said:

    @faatal, Hello, do you remember when was the last time you updated the first person controller? It seems to me that this was back in the 13th alpha, or maybe even earlier. in those days you posted news on tumblr 😁
    What I mean is all the first person movements, when you jump, when you move, when you turn, when you run, the camera swaying from side to side, up and down physics, acceleration effects, as well as realistic and effective swaying of weapons, tools in your hands when walking and running
    that is, roughly speaking, the effects of first-person camera behavior, character movement
    I think this would greatly increase the immersion effect
    update this please 🙂😉
    Thank you so much! My english is very bad, sorry :D

    Yes, that could be improved, but not for 1.0 as time is being spent elsewhere. I don't know when we would get to those type of changes.

  13. 13 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    Hellohi @faatal, not exactly your area of expertise here as far as I know, but I'm just curious if the loading screen cards (for world generation) will eventually be updated? :) Quite a few of them show some outdated zombie models, like the old lumberjack in one and the soldier in another. No biggie, just a tiny nitpick. lol

    I can't say I know.

  14. On 5/27/2024 at 1:14 PM, Дмитрий said:

    Hello @Faatal, this is Dmitry wanted to ask I used to remember in the old version of 7 days to die there were quests or magazines of killing zombies, animals!For example, I found a quest and there were animal kills (kill one moose, kill one chicken, pig, and so on) for these quests they gave experience and chips!Please tell me when it will be added again?Thank you in advance!

    I remember. We have the new challenge system which should have some similar stuff.

  15. On 5/23/2024 at 10:09 PM, Old Crow said:

    So basically.. Rick shouldn't have said experimental was shooting for end of May.

    Features being worked on right up to an experimental is the norm.

    Experimental was shooting for end of May and earlier dates before that.

  16. 5 hours ago, Doomofman said:

    Wild to hear features are still in development for a supposedly long time planned 1.0 launch that's roughly a month away, figured it'd be all bug fixes and polishing at this point

    In any release, features are often still in development right up to experimental. Even some feature changes during experimental.


    I started adding the new minibike model yesterday. That is a feature change as it shows mods added to it, but was not a high priority to me compared to many other tasks, so it has waited until now.

  17. On 5/20/2024 at 8:02 PM, Roland said:

    We don't have exact dates but there will be a short experimental beta released on PC soon. It will go live for us on one of the upcoming Mondays following Memorial Day so possibly: June 3, June 10, or June 17 as the most likely candidates if they want to launch 1.0 for console before the end of June. Whatever Monday it launches there will be a streamer weekend during the 2-3 days before the beta launch.


    So as long as they are still on schedule with their plans there will be a beta branch sometime during the first part of June and then 1.0 will release for both console and PC at the end of June. If they are behind schedule then the beta branch will hopefully release before the end of June with 1.0 for console and Steam launching in July. I don't think it would slip any later than that. The announcement wasn't an off-hand comment during an interview or wishful thinking by the owners. It was an intentional press release as part of their ongoing roadmap. So hopefully it is right on time with the caveat that sometimes stuff happens to delay slightly.


    EDIT: I just read the blurb with the Hops pic and it says June for Steam and July for Console so it sounds like things slipped a bit. That means you can probably add June 24 as a possible Monday for the experimental launch.

    Tasks are coming along, but multiple features are still in development and quite a few bugs to fix.


    Console date was defined as July when 1.0 was announced.

  18. On 5/17/2024 at 3:50 AM, Alphabeta110 said:

    @faatal Hello, I have a couple of questions. 1. Will the console version have keyboard and mouse support? 2. Will it be possible to change the language in the game itself without reinstalling it by changing the region on the console? 3. What will be the approximate weight of the game on the console.

    1. It works for us, so might work for release.

    2. I don't know

    3. Weight? Like install size? I don't know as each platform builds differently. Maybe 20 to 40 GBs.

    6 hours ago, zztong said:


    I'm probably mistaken, but if sometimes (1/100, 1/250?) RWG would place dirt or gravel, instead of asphalt, for a road, then the decorations for those alternatives would open up.

    We have dirt/gravel roads.

  19. On 5/10/2024 at 4:02 AM, Pinnollo said:

    Oh and @faatal with the new streets coming to 1.0, is there any chance that we get grass breaking trough the street in some places and more destroyed asphalt to make it more immersive / realistic? 🙂

    RWG road pathing changes is a different system than decorations, so no plans for deco changes like that.

  20. 19 minutes ago, Maxley said:



    Hello sir! do you know if they will be updating the old tree models? I like the newer burnt forest pines and the snowy pine trees, but there’s some pretty old tree models in the green biome (whatever it’s called). 

    Maybe someday, but probably not for 1.0.

  21. 1 hour ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

    Why is everyone so concerned about antialiasing nowadays? What purpose does it serve, other than blurring sharp pixel edges? If you want a better picture, get a better monitor with higher resolution. No kind of antialiasing algorithm will solve your issues...

    Even a 4k monitor has visible aliasing. I have one. When the camera or objects move you will get a shift of what a pixel renders on light/dark edges, which will cause it to pulsate. Camera jitter with multiple frame blending averages that out and certainly looks better to me.

  22. 3 hours ago, Дмитрий said:

    Hello faatal, my name is Dmitry, I wanted to know if version 1.0 or a future update will have new music or melodies in biomes!For example, in the Desert there is one melody, in the Forest another, in the wasteland is terrible and frightening?Thank you so much in advance!

    I have no idea. I am one of those people that turn off all game music, so not on my radar.

    2 hours ago, Chaton Noir said:

    1. By FSR AA, by any chance did you mean FSRAA? This is FSR 2\3 with x1.0 scaling, as far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong). Why don't you add it then?
    2. The same situation with DLAA: this is DLSS SR, which does not scale the image. Why don't you want to add this when DLSS SR is added? I know that DLSS SR works well. But still, not everyone needs an upscale, but a higher-quality AA is definitely needed. In addition, there will still be no FPS gain from the aspcale, since the game depends on the CPU. And DLAA will obviously be of higher quality than DLSS SR Q. Therefore, I would also like to see the opportunity to increase the resolution of the render. Unless, of course, it is difficult to implement. In that case, I can understand it. However, it would still be desirable to implement this someday.
    3. Will helmet modifications be visually displayed? Will we see a night vision device, a cigar, and so on? I suppose not.
    4. Will it be possible to install a night vision device and a flashlight mod at the same time? How will it work?
    5. Will it be possible to switch between DX 11, DX 12, VK and OGL in the game settings? It will be inconvenient if this remains in the launcher.
    6. I hope the inscription with the game version disappears from the screen?

    7. Will the traders's open/close announcements be redone? Right now it's the same voice for everyone.

    1 They call it FSR native. I call it FSR Ultra in the AA choices. It is FSR 3 with no upscaling and it is added.

    2 DLSS is not added as I could not get the plugin I used for Unity to be stable.

    3 Head mods are currently not shown.

    4 Yes. The top mod slot would get toggled by F. The radial menu would allow you to toggle each.

    5 Don't think so. I believe Unity needs to be set to one on launch.

    6 Don't know.

    7 Yes.

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