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Posts posted by faatal

  1. 12 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    We could call these "different styles" if they gave the same result. This is not the case. Playing with bow and stealth on Warrior difficulty is like riding a bike with square wheels.

    If the result you were looking for is an A on your report card. The result I look for in games is to have fun. Warrior is not fun to me, so why would I run around using anything on that setting. I actually prefer agility and stealth with some int, but I play with settings that make it fun for me.


    Reasonable balance is a nice goal, but you can't please everyone.

  2. 41 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    Yeah, having them a bit dumber and more direct on horde night would mean you gotta defend all angles instead of easily funneling them using their "intelligence" against them. It's just jarring to see multiple groups going ham on a wall, only for all the other groups to join whichever one weakens a wall first as soon as they detect the weakness.

    They are only going to get so dumb. You build small bases and you limit their choices. Build bigger bases and since distance is a path expense, they will tend to not go the long way. One solution is just adding some totally stupid filler zombies.

  3. On 9/29/2021 at 1:06 AM, Roland said:

    faatal is totally addicted to Traders. I doubt he'll dump that monkey on his back. ;)

    Ha ha. I don't care for traders. Makes the game too easy. I pretty much just use them to sell junk to and buy books. Do the occasional quest. I want a survival experience, not a social one.


    Trader stock would be a good setting. I'd go 10%, but when you have hundreds of things to do, features like that will often not happen or sometimes team members will object to a feature and it does not happen.

  4. 3 hours ago, Roland said:

    If I had one wish it would be to have separate pathing rules for horde night and then I would hope that longer path detection and less random behaviors could be reinstated so the zombies behave more like they did in A17 while exploring POIs. Then I wouldn't mind if they made the zombies even a bit dumber for horde night. That being said, I don't want a return to pre-A17 horde nights. The way it is now if you build a basic bunker with sunken spikes you get a pretty close to classic experience. But if you want to design a kill corridor and funnel the zombies through it you can also do that and that also has a lot of appeal and it is something that could not be done effectively under the old AI.

    Is possible. Added to todo list.


    They do still look for long paths, but they use reduced block health precision and may quit on the paths, based on intelligence, and do destroy area instead.

  5. On 5/27/2021 at 5:59 AM, apex1x said:

    Could you please provide some evidence for ongoing and planned game optimizations?

    This game is how many years old and you think there will suddenly be an optimization design phase? This is like the cart leading the horse.

    See these changes in 19.5 release notes.


    Voxel mesh pooling

    Distant terrain decreases mesh detail when farther

    FindTagInChilds does not make garbage

    Distant POIs to use a shared material 

    Improved chunk LOD update 

    Optimized chunk object handling and frame timings 

    Optimized terrain mesh generation 

    Optimized terrain control textures to not update with every mesh update 

    Optimized distant terrain tile size 

    Optimized VoxelMesh AddMesh 

    Optimized distant terrain render order

    Block preview for normal blocks leaking a mesh on each update 

    ItemClassBlock CreateMesh having to destroy unneeded colliders 

    Empty voxel meshes were being created 

    Distant POI mesh and material leaks 

    Distant POIs could load and leak extra invisible objects


    This game is not done. Pretty much all games go through an optimization and bug fix period for the last x months of development. Being early access, this game goes through a small version of that with each alpha.

  6. A20 is currently on Unity 2020.3.1. I'm currently on 2020.3.10 for testing. A20 will probably end up on a slightly newer version than that.


    None of that means DX12 or Vulkan will be working great. Unity may have fixed issues, but there can easily be more. In the Unity editor, on the version I am testing, DX12 started to have a huge drop of 40 FPS, so I went back to DX11 and it was fine. There is a reason they still have DX12 marked as Experimental.

  7. 44 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

    I'm pretty sure he lied and the answer is "when it's done". Particularly when you realize he said it may be less than 3 months, more than three months, but not exactly three months.

    Lol. Yous guys crack me up. Exactly 3 months from the day i said that would be really low odds. That leaves us with a 99.5% chance it is more or less than 3 months.

    50 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    A-ha. And was he consciously lying or unconsciously serious about the "never pooped my pants" part?

    Well, I was counting since adulthood.

  8. 14 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Not even that would be needed. There is a slider designed exactly for this "predicament"; it's called AI Blood Moon Block Damage.

    I've used that slider in my own games. Only regret not putting more choices for values. I'd prefer 5 or 10 % increments for many of our options. Someday.

  9. On 3/22/2021 at 9:57 PM, Sal said:

    No offense to the designer but this looks terrible IMO.  It looks like it was designed using windows paint.  I'm confident they could do much better if they put a little more thought and time into it.  But as it stands, this just looks like a lazy attempt at a money grab. 


    I mean, cmon lol......two axes crossing each other?  The weapon cross is such a played-out design.  What is this the coat of arms?


    I would want this on my desk, but that's just my opinion.

    This is very subjective. I would fully expect some people to hate it, since you can always find someone who hates anything. Looks cool to me, but I have not seen one in person, so can't say 100% that it is great.

  10. 10 hours ago, Odetta said:

    I mean, does it really matter at this point? The forums are pretty much dead now and besides Faatal, none of the devs post here anymore.  Well madmole once in a blue moon but ya, awfully quiet around here now days.  Do what you feel is right though of course 😉

    We are pretty much just trying to get tasks done. Dev talk should pick up as we get closer to A20 exp.

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