Hey guys, I made a 4k map for a small dedicated server on Host Havoc, but I can't ever get it to actually run. This is the log from the web console:
2020-11-23T23:10:20 43.959 INF Processing world files
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Utils.LoadHeightMapRAW (System.String _filePath, System.Int32 w, System.Int32 h, System.Single _fac, System.Single _clampHeight) [0x00082] in <2a506ca37a4c4916bbc3a64b89a45697>:0
at ChunkProviderGenerateWorldFromRaw.loadDTM (System.String _dtmFilename) [0x00017] in <2a506ca37a4c4916bbc3a64b89a45697>:0
at ChunkProviderGenerateWorldFromRaw+<processFiles>d__27.MoveNext () [0x0009d] in <2a506ca37a4c4916bbc3a64b89a45697>:0
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00027] in <5e1dfb686eb345078a588df96401afcc>:0
(Filename: <2a506ca37a4c4916bbc3a64b89a45697> Line: 0)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!