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  1. Most of the map is covered in cities, so that might explain it, but still not sure what I can do. If anyone has a 4 or 8k map I can put on my server for a week, I'd appreciate it (vanilla POIs).
  2. I just dragged the files into the upload thing and they go in. I guess the DTM might have been converted into a bad format? My DTM.raw file on my PC is 500mb, the one on the server is 1,000mb for some reason, so I don't know what the deal is there.
  3. Hey guys, I made a 4k map for a small dedicated server on Host Havoc, but I can't ever get it to actually run. This is the log from the web console: 2020-11-23T23:10:20 43.959 INF Processing world files IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at Utils.LoadHeightMapRAW (System.String _filePath, System.Int32 w, System.Int32 h, System.Single _fac, System.Single _clampHeight) [0x00082] in <2a506ca37a4c4916bbc3a64b89a45697>:0 at ChunkProviderGenerateWorldFromRaw.loadDTM (System.String _dtmFilename) [0x00017] in <2a506ca37a4c4916bbc3a64b89a45697>:0 at ChunkProviderGenerateWorldFromRaw+<processFiles>d__27.MoveNext () [0x0009d] in <2a506ca37a4c4916bbc3a64b89a45697>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00027] in <5e1dfb686eb345078a588df96401afcc>:0 (Filename: <2a506ca37a4c4916bbc3a64b89a45697> Line: 0) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Beautiful!! Is it possible to get prefabs to spawn ON roads? What I'm looking for is to add in things like road blockages, sewer entrances etc.
  5. Also there are new (as of a18 I think) plastic garbage cans that get destroyed when you loot them with your mod. Thanks for taking care of these lovely mods!
  6. Also your first person view for vehicles mod doesn't seem to do anything.
  7. I was looking at your Take out the Trash mod, and I think it's throwing errors when we loot the little trash bins. Now I noticed you changed the ID of the trash bin, but I don't see any adjustment to the loot list in your mod. Anyway, I get "instance of object not found" when looting a trashbin, and when my buddy loots one on MY hosted game, it disables their ability to loot anything else, and I get the error popup on my end.
  8. Yep, that was it. I like the new options! Is there a way to generate Wasteland biomes in the same way the desert and frozen biomes are made? The craters are neat, but I want to do a map that's mostly wasteland without it being ENTIRELY wasteland. I'm really trying to get more Wasteland Cities especially.
  9. Wait, I only have the option for up to Large, no Megas.
  10. How did I miss that lol thanks dude.
  11. How can we increase the size of cities using Nitrogen? I'm still getting vanilla-size cities for the most part.
  12. Sounds great, only thing I would change is messing with the vehicle perks/recipes. Seems kind of outside the scope of a decorations mod.
  13. Could I bother you to make a Dark Mode modlet that turns ALL lights in POIs OFF by default? Maybe leave exceptions for lanterns and flashlights possibly.
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