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Posts posted by vitamin

  1. I've got 100 hours into this mod now, haven't had a crash - is your crash comment referring to Ubuntu? I am running Windows 10 on 7700k with GTX 980 and 32 Gb RAM.

    It's referred to Linux in general. The version of Unity3d engine that 7D2D uses has a hard 16GB cap for Linux platform. As soon as it's reached game exits with a log message about virtual address exceeding 16GB.


    Vanilla or mods without as much extra content work "fine". Game seems to have a memory leak or doesn't efficiently clear no longer used entities. With time it's using more and more memory. This applies to all platforms.

  2. how to install mods under ubuntu?

    Clone this repository with git - https://github.com/JaxTeller718/MainVersion/ then move all files into game directory

    cd /tmp
    git clone https://github.com/JaxTeller718/MainVersion/ ravenhearst
    cd /tmp/ravenhearst
    mv $(ls -A) "$HOME/Steam/SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die/"

    This will install mode into your main game.


    You will have to turn down graphics, textures, LOD, etc to play this mod. And even then it will crash when you go into big cities.

  3. Jax, think you went a bit too far in nurfing starter weapons. Wooden bow (150 quality) with stone arrows takes 3 head shots on a weak enemies to knock them down. And 2 swings with a reinforced 150 quality club to finally kill them.


    Survivalist difficulty, Archery is at 25 points (+11.9% damage) + 1 point into robin hood (+10% damage).


    Stone axe does only 5 damage to locked wooden supply crates (while doing 25 damage to any other wood blocks). This looks like a bug.


    I just checked vanilla, it takes 2 arrows to the head to knock down and one hit with a wooden club (both 50 quality) to kill regular zombies.



    If you want to make early game incredibly frustrating you are on the right path. Looking forward to 3.00 and hopping things are more balanced.

  4. Jax thanks again, really glad to see thinks I talked about already being in works. Can't wait to see what v3 is like.


    First let me preface everything. This is mostly my opinion and definitely skewed from an average player. I'm playing 7 day horde version, on Survivalist difficulty with 16/24 horde size and 90-minute days. I'm the kind of player who will have minibike, auger, and concrete unlocked by day 7. And horde base upgraded to steel by day 14 (vanilla of course). All last playthrougths of the mod I did 2 hordes in one night with complete cleanup and reset by about 1-2:00am.


    Progression in this mod almost felt as grind-y as valmod. With one major difference - no spam crafting. Would be great to keep it that way.


    Wouldn't say I love bows, would prefer M25 sniper, but never found decent one in a wild yet. Plus not being able to repair it is a major show stopper. The realities are that bows are ranged weapon, easy to make, take easily craftable ammo, and don't use stamina while shooting. And with 10x the damage headshots are just plain OP. With vanilla level of damage they are more balanced. Crossbows would be better, if the ironsights wouldn't be so broken.


    I'm completely cool with amount of resources from blocks, guess they just felt too small comparing to more advanced tools.


    As for wellness, you right, vanilla levels are way too generous. But going to 1/10 of that is another extreme. However it will take some time to balance, and considering that it's going away completely in A17 slight increase as you promised would be perfect.


    Agree that each class shouldn't be better or worse than all other classes, but provide unique set of perks at an expense of something else. However this is very difficult to accomplish. And really only applicable to games that lock you to that class for the duration of the game. With an ability to eventually learn all classes it becomes more of a decision based on starter perks and later game requirements. For example:

    • One can go weeks before really needing to farm to satisfy increasing needs like paint and first aid bandage. Food isn't an issue really. However farming can be replaced by scavenging especially with increased mobility (fast minibike + lots of gas). Unless farming can give something far more superior.
    • Main survivor's perk of creating your own tools won't be relevant until much later into the game. Small quantities of jars that could be scavenged is enough for food, drink and even some glue. Using plastic bottles for water will take care of hydration needs, since teas are now irrelevant. Unless you start with some awesome tools that can last for a long time.
    • Ammo class again is not required from the start until I have lots more zombies and/or using turrets. Ammo boxes and traders will supply enough ammo for day-to-day needs. Not really sure what will make me pick the ammo class on day 1. A poop grenade that kills all zeds in 20m radius? :D


    I would suggest not limiting this mod to scavenging only, keep other options valid. People already getting around requirement to loot by setting respawn times to 5 days. And finding few places with good loot that can be revisited over and over again.

  5. Great mod, need a bit more work


    First let me say that I like the mod a lot! It added more variety to the game, more things to be afraid of, more things to manage, etc. However in my opinion few elements still need to be tuned and adjusted. I didn't play with all classes and didn't play for extended period of time. So can only speak about early - mid game phase.


    Things that really do work:

    • Need to scavenge for various things that can not be crafted at all or until much later in the game
    • Slowed progression without requiring too too much grind (like spam crafting)
    • New POIs, new zombies, new hazards (like radiation)
    • Lots more recipes for lots more optional things. Don't have to know them all use them all, but really nice to have options.
    • IMO new random world generation makes more interesting maps with more things to explore. More familiar profile without bizarre local mountain ranges.


    Few things that I think could use some work:

    • New wellness system heavily penalized early deaths. Not being able to raise wellness back up encourages recklessness. Why would I care about one extra death if I'm already at 70(80) health? Also this makes beer and coffee nearly useless.
    • Very grindy early game. Everything I do needs much more time and has much less return. Reduced resources make mining a chore. After beating on a rock for 1 minute I only get 20 small rock?! Found a treasure pile? Forget it! With scrap tools it will take 1/2 a day pounding to get few silver nuggets back.
    • Only one option for a starter class really - bowsman. I've tried bow, survivor, blunt weapons, and rifle classes for starting in my playthroughs. Survivor is mandatory for any real progression but offers no immediate benefits early game. Rifle class offers good immediate offense capabilities until ammo runs out. And easily surpassed by a lucky weapon find with abundant ammo boxes. Spiked club awesome against max 2 enemies without extra points in stamina regen.
    • Too many extra models with extra textures uses much much more RAM. I know they all look great, but think of people on lower spec PCs.


    My suggestions to make this mod even better:

    • Put wellness gains back. It will give players reason to stay alive even after dying. And will help with extra stamina for hand tools / weapons.
    • Allow iron/steel arrow crafting to any class (should probably gate it by archery skill) but not iron/steel arrow head crafting (exclusive to bow class). If I find/buy iron/steel heads from zeds/traders let me put it on the end of a stick.
    • Speaking of sticks, please put that recipe back. It's much easier to type "25" than right-clicking 25 times, assuming I even have inventory space. And much easier for people to find.
    • Give more useful early game things to other classes. Example 250 quality iron fireaxe & pick-axe to survivor. Hoe, shovel, along with 10 seed packs (that turn into at least 5 seeds not 1) to farmer.
    • Turn blacksmith station into a real anvil. It should take forged material to make stuff. Don't need yet another forge. Some items could even be crafted from scrap iron.
    • Headshots with 10x the bonus damage is way too much. Even vanilla gives "only" 6x damage. As others noted 200Q bow with stone arrows shouldn't be one-shotting tourists and big mamas.
    • Regular zeds should not be able to sense me through walls or meters of dirt. It's enough that they have increased vision radius.
    • Since you moved augers into it's own "electric tools" skill tree, at least give it Miner69'er bonus (if possible). I'm guessing this is to avoid rapid level-up in mining. Or create separate "Power Tools" skill for chainsaw and augers with increased damage and return (don't think adding one more 69'er like skill is good). Reduce XP required for construction tools (since can't use chainsaw for power leveling).
    • Increase resource block returns. Small returns just makes it much more difficult to get rare resources in big enough quantities. Don't limit your mod to scavenge only game play.
    • Might want to add infection as mutex to the messy/dirty debuff.


    And one last thing, I know it's not as cool, but can we have a version without extra 3d models (like old cars, tracks, etc) that are not mandatory but take so much memory that it's getting really hard to play this mod for any extended period of time.


    I really like to see this mod get more and more popular. And expand vanilla game. Keep up the good work!

  6. I might be missing something, but is there a workstation or something I need to craft regular clothes?

    You need to craft "Clothing Workstation". It is the only one that is not given at the end of class quests.


    Oh...and is there any way to farm hanging moss? I'm not seeing anything, but I thought I'd ask.

    I haven't found a way either. Just keep collecting it from dark places.


    Also, don't know if this is a bug or what, but I found two Scholar class papers (I'd already done that class) and when I scrapped them as a stack, I only got 1 "blank" class paper back.

    Could be a bug could be a standard game mechanic of scraping not always giving the same number of scrap back.

  7. Didn't mod it. I know it's strange, looked through XML couldn't find an explanation either. Will go back and play with it again.


    So tested in creative. Looks like without even reading a chainsaw schematic clicking on chainsaw parts or blade and selecting assemble shows "Chainsaw" grayed out and "Legendary chainsaw" available.

    After using the legendary chainsaw until it's durability is out it breaks and disappears from the inventory. Before that happens I can repair it with a repair kit.

  8. Odd because there is no recipe for making that. did you mod it? Legendaries are basically one time uses.


    Didn't mod it. I know it's strange, looked through XML couldn't find an explanation either. Will go back and play with it again.

  9. Found a couple of bugs related to chainsaw:

    1. The only chainsaw I could assemble out of regular parts and regular blade was "Legendary chainsaw".

    2. After durability reached 0 it dissipated.


    Playing MainVersion. Did complete wipe before starting 2.05.

  10. Looks like there is still something wrong with that teddy bear quest. I've found a "dirty teddy bear" and it seemed to advanced to the next step. But now it still showing find teddy bear in my quest log. It does react with a sound when finding the next pieces though.


    One more bug - the oven. Some recipes ask for beaker but there is no place to put it. Only a pan.


    The HUD looks awesome! Would love to see it in the mod. Hopefully it will fix cut-off bike slots in the bike inventory view. And customizible storage box. Might be only an issue with 16:10 screen resolutions.

  11. Would you be willing to work on a native linux build by sharing the source code?

    The mod and the game already works on Linux as-is. I'm exclusively doing so 755 hours so far.


    The only major issue is 16GB virtual memory size limit for the Unity3D version it use. As soon as this limit reached game crashes.


    To install:

    1. Install game normally via Steam
    2. Install git (depends on your flavor of Linux: apt-get git, yum install git, zypper in git, etc)
    3. Change to directory where the game is installed:
      cd "$HOME/Steam/SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die"
    4. Get mod from GitHub (the example is for default mod version: 7-day horde with weather)
      git clone https://github.com/JaxTeller718/MainVersion.git
    5. Move all files into the correct location:
      mv MainVersion/* MainVersion/.* .


    After you done this, just start game normally via Steam. If you want to have multiple concurrent version of the game with different mods, it's possible but more complicated.


    Whenever Jax updates the mod all you need to do is:

    cd "$HOME/Steam/SteamApps/common/7 Days To Die"

    git pull

  12. Thank you vitamin, im trying to track all these quest errors down. They are very erratic and most have to do with an icon or a quest reward. Im getting them but Im sorry you experienced this.

    No worries! Glad to help in any way possible. I know it is impossible to check and verify everything, especially with that much more new content added. More bugs I find is hopefully less bugs for streamers or other non-experienced users to hit.


    BTW got past those bandits. After a while they despawned. One was with shotgun another with AK47.

  13. Made it to day 13 so far. Loving it! But kind of got stuck with NullReferenceException errors when bandits are next to the trader. I can't kill them fast enough before the console pops up and makes things difficult. Unfortunately error isn't much helpful:

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
     at EntityNPC.OnUpdateLive () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at EntityAlive.OnUpdateEntity () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at World.TickEntities (Single _partialTicks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at GameManager.JQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    (Filename:  Line: -1)


    Would zipping up the save directory and uploading somewhere be of any help?

  14. Found one bug: Started as survivor class so got traps unlocked. While crafting 10 wood spikes trap skill got upgraded to 5 on it's own.

    Might want to check cooking skill as well. I have it part way between 1 and 2. Which should not be happening as far as I understand.


    One question:

    It seems compound bow and iron bow can not use stone arrows. Is this intentional?

  15. i just ran new vanilla game, and the log shows messages (and has for a long time i think) about missing/unsupported shaders, are you sure it's not that?

    Vanilla doesn't have as many warnings. Could be a red-hearing indeed. Was just comparing output between default and -force-glcore runs. The default looks much brighter and seems to be missing some atmospheric effects. Forced GLCore (OpenGL renderer with support for new features) looks much better, but much darker, especially at night.


    the glcore thing, i guess that's on the actual game launcher, not the mod launcher?

    Yes, the game launcher. Mod launcher being a windows program doesn't work on Linux.

  16. Forgot to add - I am using 1/2 size textures to avoid 16GB crash. Video card is GTX1070 with 8GB of VRAM. Don't think running out of space is a problem here.

    I see lots more warnings about missing shaders in the log when using GLCore renderer.

  17. Did few more experiments here. The missing texture problems only appear when running game with -force-glcore option (Use GLCore renderer option in game launcher).

  18. Liking it so far. Great job! Have few small problems:

    - Some old car's windows appear pink (an indication of a missing texture?)

    - The Advanced Campfire appears all black (missing all textures)

    - Log file grows to 100s of MB full of lines like:

    (Filename: /home/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 37)
    attack(2) is Valid


    Using Linux, so paths might be an issue. I tried to start in creative mode and fly around. Also created and placed the advanced camp fire. Couldn't reproduce the texture issues.

    Can't see anything relevant in the log file, but hard to search due to it's size.

    Completely fresh install with removing save files.

  19. How do I start another class ?


    Do I have to wait til I find another Class Papier ?? Where can i loot em ? Book Crates and such ??


    Yes, you have to find another Class Paper. If you found the wrong one, just scrap it, it will make a blank one that you can turn into any class you want.

    And yes, you can have multiple classes' quests active at the same time. Just make sure you have enough inventory before completing each. Or you won't get the cool stuff.

  20. Hello,

    I've got an issue where any time I search the crafting window it will lag for a second.

    This also happens when dragging loot to inputs/outputs/storage etc.

    I searched google and found someone mentioned it earlier in this thread but couldn't see a resolution.

    Any ideas?


    This is due to many more items available to display. Suggested work around is to display favorites only (press star in the top left corner). You can still search for an item that's not favorite.

  21. Hi everyone!

    I want to run this mod on my linux server. The only Problem I have is: if i push the Data with the mv command to the 7days folder it does not overwrite them. it just adds a new folder with the same name.

    Does anyone know where I go wrong?


    'cd' into that new directory and 'mv' all files from it one directory up. Ex:

    Assuming you have steam installed under user "steam" in "/home/steam" directory. And you downloaded the zip file into /tmp directory.

    cd '/home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days to Die Dedicated Server'
    unzip /tmp/WaroftheWalkersMod---BBM---Github-master.zip'
    mv -f WaroftheWalkersMod---BBM---Github-master/* .
    rm -f WaroftheWalkersMod---BBM---Github-master

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