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Posts posted by FranticDan

  1. 35 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    If snowballs ever get removed it's no big loss since we can throw rocks at our friends lol...


    Although, I would fully support poop being re added to the game to fling at our friends.  Maybe give it the sticky property like c4....😅


    Hopefully people won't expect to turn poop into murky water > boiled water, etc. for realism sake...😅

    Realism: turning poop into murky water
    Also realism: inability to melt snow for murky water

  2. 48 minutes ago, Deadfordays said:

    So this could be an uninformed question on my part, however, I'll ask anyways...

    I see a lot of requests for changing loot tables in things like cabinets and trash, etc. to make the game more of a challenge. I was pretty sure, but not 100%, that changing the difficulty only effects things like zombie speeds and how many actually spawn? This doesn't effect loot tables or vending machine amounts, traders, etc...? If so, is there maybe a way, in order to appease some of the veteran players, to say change these values based on difficulty? So say, you choose "Survivalist", this would then set loot tables much lower including higher level loot becoming very rare. Also effecting trader stock levels or even restock days going half as often. Trash piles, cupboards, boxes, etc. would all have much lower amounts of loot, prices in machines increase, something to that affect?  (Just throwing out my lack of knowledge..!)

    That's what the Loot% settings is for.

    However, unfortunately, that doesn't affect the Harvest% from wrenching, mining, woodchopping and animal harvests.

    Having a Harvest% setting would go hand-in-hand with the current Loot% setting :)

  3. 1 hour ago, Laz Man said:

    No Trader playstyles will still work.  They will just have a more challenging time since there only source for the water filter is a rare drop.


    However, I don't see a problem with this.  Most people I know (including myself) who like to do no trader playthroughs, do it for a more challenging / survival focused experienced. (E.g No quest rewards, no POI resetting, etc.)

    If it's not too much work, and hasn't been added already, I'd like to see a toggle option in the map generator for "No Traders", "One Central Trader", "Default"

    Personally I can remove traders from the map manually be editing the prefabs xml for the generated map, but this will help those who don't know how to mod, 

  4. 2 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

    As long as your balancing weapons from traders and not weapons from loot this will be fine

    I think trader quest rewards should be gun parts (related to the tier, (Example: T2=3 parts, T3=4 parts, T4=5 parts, T5=6 parts) instead of a complete gun, so you have to craft your own at the current level of your character progression :)
    This will likely help the pipe guns be used for a few days longer

  5. 2 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

    The frequency of animals in the snow biome has been reduced.

    I think ALL animals should give half (rounded up) the meat they do in A20.
    And Grace should give rotting meat and not fresh! (She's radiated!)
    This will make 'The Huntsman' a more tempting perk to take.

    My argument:
    - The POI that contains Grace is the most ridiculously OP location. Every 7 days (default settings) you can accumulate ~3 full stacks of fresh meat (That never spoils) 
    - Plus on top of all of the farms added in A20, there are animals galore!

  6. 4 hours ago, Roland said:

    They make milk from anything these days. We could have pine cone milk or maple acorn milk, or boar milk, or Arlene milk…. Too far?

    Arlene is the best source for getting a burning shaft!

    But yes, milk should be added from growing Almond's or something :)
    Then milk can be added to recipes like coffee and pies and cakes, etc

  7. 59 minutes ago, schwanz9000 said:

    The default settings are approximately 3 jars of water every 24 hours in game (60mins default real time). 

    I'm gonna be the nerdy guy here and point out that, actually, a "60 minute day" takes 68 real minutes to pass.

    (if you add a custom time of 150 minutes, it actually takes ~206 real minutes to pass)

    The way timescales work in this game are wonky, I know!

  8. 2 minutes ago, Roland said:


    I don't know that looting 1-3 jars of water from all those sources is more interesting than crafting dew collectors and developing a water farm. Are you saying that the bottles could not be refilled? That would be kind of the same thing I guess but still weird since you would have all these bottles but not be able to refill them. If you could refill the bottles in UL then the problem wasn't solved because once you have infinitely re-usable bottles in your inventory the hydration game is over. At least with the A21 changes there is a way to get renewable water but it is going to take time and progression to get there which makes it interesting-- to me at least.

    There are two types of bottles, Jars, which you CANNOT craft and they get used up with molotovs. And plastic, which I think you can craft but are the ones needed for crafting glue, which uses up the bottle.

    You CANNOT fill jars from a water source, like a pool, because it is irradiated, therefore, the only way to get water is from filling them from shower heads, faucets, hydrants, toilets, etc. And these blocks mostly only hold up to 3 units of water, eventually you'll run out of POI's with water and will have to resort to melting snow, each block of snow gives 5 snowballs and it takes 5 snowballs to make 1 water

  9. 42 minutes ago, BenZ0 said:

    I agree with the most of the things except food spoilage. That would be absolutely dumb. You couldnt stack food anymore except canned food and would be forced to buy food even more then you already are which therefore takes away the hunting and gathering natural recources for food even less efficiant. Ppl would end up just simply buying there food and never cook anymore since there would be no point anymore to cook yourself if that food would spoil anyway later.

    Subsistence does spoilage well, each stackable item has its own spoil timer. For example: you could have a stack of 10 meat from an animal, then 30 real minutes later you get another 10 meat that stacks on top of the existing stack, the new 10 in the stack will have a fresh timer while the older 10 will still be partway through the timer.

    Secondly, new storage can be added, for example: early game we could craft an Iced Cooler, made from polymer and snow which when placed could last say 2 real hours, afterwards would downgrade to a normal cooler, during those 2 hours of 'iced' stage the spoil timer can be slowed by half speed. Using snow on a normal cooler will upgrade it to Iced.
    Mid-game, we could craft an operational fridge, which would require power to keep running, having food stored in the fridge could slow down the spoil timer by 90%

  10. Since we are getting a water rebalance, how about a food rebalance too?

    -No fresh food in loot, except canned food
    -Animals give half the meat, so that the animal harvesting perk is more tempting to invest in
    -Grace gives rotting flesh instead of fresh meat (Seriously! She's radiated!)

    In A20, I can survive just fine on charred meat

    One last thing, in A20, starving is a joke, you can literally "eat" medical items or have the fortifying grip (heal every 5 seconds) and you'll never have to eat food.
    Losing 1HP every 40 seconds is too slow. Maybe 20 seconds would be better? (every 10 seconds for dehydration as well)
    Sure, there's the max stamina penalty, but if you're well hydrated if offsets the penalty a fair bit

    Also, dare I say, food spoilage!

  11. 38 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I think it could probably be added that snowballs could be boiled for murky water making some of the balance changes to quantities and stack size and yields so that it isn’t really worth it to try and mass produce water that way but if you’re dying of thirst and can dig some snow and convert it to a bit of water to not die that should be doable. @schwanz9000 would have to take a look at it and get the okay from Madmole. 

    My suggestion would be grindy and you would have to work for your water, it would take 8 swings with a Q1 stone shovel to get enough snow for 1 water. Or increase the snow block hp to 100 and then it'll be 12 swings for 1 drink

    4 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    That doesn't sound logical at all lol...  There isn't 1 million Yucca plants making up the terrain of the desert biome...😁

    That is precisely why I made the suggestion to nerf the amount of water you can get from snow by 98% :D

  12. 2 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    Don't shoot me, but it is probably easier at this point to remove snow harvesting all together and just yield dirt back to the player...


    *runs and hides*

    Well, if the grindy snow collecting, melting and boiling is removed from the snow biome. Why not remove yucca juice from the desert as well?
    Keep it consistent ;)

    (Disclaimer) I DON'T want that, but using logic!

  13. 13 hours ago, Roland said:

    When your hydration slips below 50%, suddenly you start considering slurping on some murk to trade a bit of health to avoid stamina loss.  

    So they changed that for A21?
    Currently in A20, you start losing stamina regen at 75% hydration

    Also, this change means we can no longer use snow to melt and boil? Or we simply can melt and boil snow and doesn't need a jar?

    EDIT: Ok, so we can't melt/boil snow. I agree that currently snow is mega OP for water. But a strong nerf should happen instead of complete removal. Here's my suggestion:
    -Lower the snowballs per block from 11 to 5.
    -Increase the snowball cost to make water from 1 to 20.

    This is a ~98% nerf and would take 4 blocks of snow to make 1 water (without motherlode)

  14. On 6/1/2022 at 3:11 PM, dahkdm said:


    My b, I think it's a custom alteration of "PainResistPerHit" in xpath.

    Correct. I used two different values for most of the zombies. One of the values allows the player to make a zombie miss if the zombie is hit just before they connect an attack, while the other value allows the zombie to hit the player regardless if the zombie gets hit which I gave to the slower zombies so that the slow zombies are to be feared more than the fast zombies 

  15. I'm going to have to completely strongly disagree, I think food is a joke in this game, there are animals everywhere, I can easily live off of charred meat and boiled water. I've even joked about doing a 'no eating' challenge and survive on first aid items since you only lose 1HP every 40 seconds, and starving only lowers your max stamina by 1/3 and regen by about 15% which can be offset by being overhydrated all the time.

    I find it interesting that TFP changed the way farming works, yet they made meat even more abundant than A19, TFP should nerf animals to give half the meat they currently give, because we all end up with several stacks of raw meat that end up sitting in storage. Farming isn't even needed (except for aloe) with how abundant meat is.

  16. On 4/7/2022 at 12:29 PM, Roland said:


    You can already run into that by selecting no towns. I don't think its a big issue especially where the tutorial quest is concerned. Are new players going to remove all the forest on their first playthrough? By time they decide to try out an all desert world they won't really need the tutorial quest any longer. I cancel it as my first action after spawning.

    I mean, that's one way of giving yourself a negative handicap by intentionally losing 4 skill points ;)

  17. 14 hours ago, Epicfailman said:

    Heya so I started this mod today and having fun, tho I've hit a road block and cant progress no further, I've opened all the rooms I could open but there's no more items to collect or even any keys or the broken shotgun. I have Jill's lockpicks and the sword key but I cant go any farther, these are all the items I currently have, where ir what do i do next?


    Did you get the dog whistle and "read" it?

  18. A huge Congratulations to MiLKMAN for completing The Spencer Mansion Incident on the second hardest settings of S Difficulty and zombies at Sprint Speed, with a clear time of 12 hours 37 minutes and 52 seconds! I'm very impressed and was greatly entertained watching him live! I am beaming with joy to witness someone make a massive achievement like this!
    If you want to watch the journey for yourself!
    (Spoilers, obviously!)
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