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Posts posted by FranticDan

  1. I decided to reenable the Charging Bull perk, because I enjoyed using it in A17. Noticed 2 things, it doesn't correctly function anymore, and the new description is essentially Pain Train from Fallout 4.

    My question is, will Charging Bull be making a return in A20?

  2. 14 hours ago, IrishManJMo said:

    What do I need to add to my files from this if all I want from this is where debuffs and infections don't get removed on death? I don't wanna overhaul my entire xml file just for a couple lines of code.

    You need to add remove_on_death="false" for each opening of each debuff.
    For example: <buff name="buffInjuryAbrasion" name_key="buffInjuryAbrasionName" description_key="buffInjuryAbrasionDesc" tooltip_key="buffInjuryAbrasionTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_abrasion" remove_on_death="false" icon_color="255,128,0">

    For the final stage of infection, the one that causes instant death, you'll need to add all of the previous stages to avoid the infinite death loop.



        <buff name="buffInfection04" tooltip_key="buffInfection04Tooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_infection" icon_color="255,0,0">
            <damage_type value="Infection"/>
            <stack_type value="ignore"/>
            <duration value=".1"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection01Untreated"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection01GetBetter"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection02Untreated"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection02GetBetter"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection03Untreated"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfection04"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffInfectionMain"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyStats" stat="Health" operation="subtract" value="99999999"/>


    Use the buffs xml in this overhaul download as a guide.

  3. 1 hour ago, Pritch said:

    I have 2,000 hours in this game and literally my only complaint is the zombie combat system badly needs an overhaul.  I have introduced many friends to the game, but many don't stay because combat is so "jittery" and "unbearable.". The poor combat interactions make it hard for me to justify coming back to test out new alphas as well.  It is painful to struggle through.


    Let me just say, I love everything else you guys have been doing.  It's truly remarkable how far you've come along. But please heed some friendly advice, combat needs massive work as it is a critical and ubiquitous interaction people have with the game.


    The melee combat got a lot and I mean A LOT of love in A19. You have to absolutely miss to miss now, no more having the cursor on the zombie to register as a hit. Melee combat is so damn satisfying now.

    I will note that I do get the occasional arrow going through zombie's faces which you can physically see the projectile go right through.

  4. 3 hours ago, Greymantle said:

    What did you change?

    - You can craft stone arrows and bolts into feathers.
    - Returned scrapping value of metal tools, weapons and armour back default value.
    - Increased scrap value for books. Also gives extra time to cancel accidental scrapping.
    - Baseball bat scraps to iron instead of wood.
    - You can no longer scrap drinks, canned food, medical items and high value items.
    - Increased value of High Performance Running Shoes.

  5. 41 minutes ago, Guppycur said:

    It's minigames like this that make the world immersive.  

    I enjoy the lockpicking and hacking in fallout. I'd love to see hacking added, but only for specific things like story driven sections. And to disable hostile turrets and other electrical traps for infiltration quests? 

    I'd like to also see more traps in prefabs, like POI versions of blade traps for example but they have increased damage resistance so it'll be faster to disable them through hacking, or they could be stuck powered on and you have to find another way around them. Same for turrets, but perhaps you could also add a version that is weak to projectiles to destroy them, being able to loot destroyed turrets for some ammo would be cool too!

  6. Not sure where you got 50% for eggs from, they're 25% loot chance in vanilla, I made them 20% loot chance now as I was finding so many of them in my play tests, I still manage to get 2 eggs in one nest from time to time.

    1: spawning affects the amount of zombies that are in the wilderness, entityclasses affects the XP, animal harvest, your starting items, 2 of the death penalties.
    You only need the spawning to get increased wilderness spawns.
    2: I would need to know more info on what the Snifkin Serverside Zombie mod does and what file/s it uses.

  7. Since there will be more loot containers that will be locked and require lockpicking to get into them, will there be or have you thought about adding a lockpicking minigame with progressively harder locks to pick depending on the loot container?

  8. 1 hour ago, elwooood said:

    made some try at 50% and 100%. your mod doesnot affect loot variety, just the quantity, and at 50%, it's really hard to find stuff but not impossible, I like it and for now can't play with regular parameter ;)

    just a thing, I usually use airdrop 1 or 2 times, but <100% the box is always empty. It's not really important as I use one time, I just pass to 100% to get 1 cooking to eat, just to let you know.

    I really enjoy the difficulty. Good job.

    perhaps made the Vending machines restock every 4-5 days ?

    Thank you for the feedback, and I'm glad you're enjoying it!

    Yeah less quantity, that's my aim for the mod so that you aren't finding a huge abundant of loot, but you'll still find that same things you normally would in pure vanilla.

    I played with 33% loot in A18 and it was a struggle when most loot containers were empty, but then you can just buy or harvest resources and food that you needed.
    The airdrop certainly helps in a pinch if you're struggling for food. I always play with them off personally, but a free meal every 3 days I think is pretty good.

    I'm not sure about vending machines restocking faster, they provide plenty of food and candy since I increased the stock they hold. In all my play tests I've only bought candy from them, which helped me to balance the struggle for food. There are plenty of vending machines in the world. Restocking after horde night I feel is right to be the same with traders. FYI: The hospital has 4 or 5 vending machines that always work ^_~

    In the next patch I've balanced the quantity of items the traders sell, right now they sell the vanilla amount and it it OP to the rest of the changes I've made.

  9. 44 minutes ago, stample said:

    Can't comment on whether you can get two.  I suspect that's from the bonuses of Motherload, and see no reason it couldn't give it to you.  But I doubt its 5% per hit, else you'd get one nearly every time cut down a tree with a stone ax or chainsaw.  Might even resort to punching!

    It says 5% in the block.xml

        <drop event="Harvest" name="foodHoney" prob=".05" count="1" tag="WasteTreasuresHoneyHarvest"/>

    I guess I didn't get 2 from one tree, but i did one time cut down about 6 and ended up with 3 honey 😕

  10. 3 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    There's a book that allows the player for a chance of harvesting honey from trees. Does anyone know if this percentage is based on per hit to the tree, or if the game decides that x tree will give you honey and x tree will not in advance? If it's the former, I'll be using the chainsaw from now on.

    I'm pretty sure it's per hit, 5% chance. I got 2 honey from a tree once

  11. 7 hours ago, elwooood said:

    just try the first day, seem to be good.

    just a precision, I usually play at 33% loot. Is this still playable or do I need to come back to  100%

    I've been play testing with 100% loot, I'd imagine you'll be hurting for food early game with less than 100% since for example the food piles have a chance of giving you nothing.
    Perhaps try 75% and see how that goes?

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