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Everything posted by Ericbeaudoin

  1. Just to let you guys know that v1.10 is out (see first post).
  2. @Finch55 I generally suck at creating graphic design. This is the part that takes me the most effort and bring about the most frustration. That said, I like ideas, it does help me get started. If you can get me the exact green and gold you are talking about (hex codes), and link a few exemples of what you are thinking about (doesn't need to be a Jeep), that helps a lot. I'll put this on the to do list but I make no promises. I should probably work on the motorcycles first... If you want, you can also try your hand at making a skin. I've uploaded the Gimp file that I use on the GitHub repo. If you make a skin and I like it, it will be very easy for me to add a new Jeep design to the mod.
  3. My bad guys, I missed a file in my pakage. I'll generate a new version ASAP. I need to modify my packaging workflow so I stop forgetting to add new files...
  4. You select the normal Jeep in your inventory and press the Recipes button. Once you have the scrubbed Jeep in your inventory, you'll have access to the other recipes. You can also search for "4x4" and you will see all the recipes in one go.
  5. It's on the to do list, but it's quite tedious. I need to isolate the part of the texture file that needs to be coloured. It's a very tedious work which might explain why I'm dragging my feet. You can use my MotorcycleAlterations mod. It allows a model variation instead of a colour one but it should be helpful on MP server.
  6. @MrGrim v1.7 has the fix for the speed. I've also removed the Spike collider. That should help for the bridges. Note that I did the Blue Jeep colliders a bit different then the others. Let me know if better or worse than the other bridge wise. @GunMuse I've added the missing icon in v1.7. Each vehicles in the game require their own entry in the Vehicles.xml file. Even though they look like just a texture job, each jeep is actually a separate entity in the game so they each require their own version of <vehicule> entry. You will have to change the Vehicules.xml in the mod for each Jeep (there is no way to inherit the value from the base entry 😞 ). You could also do it with a mod and a bit of XPATH so long as it loads after PaintJob. Thank you guys for reporting the problems that you find.
  7. I'll double check the collision boxes, but I'm copied all the values from the Fun Pimps' A19 4x4 asset when I rebuilt PaintJob for A19. Not sure what could be the cause (or the fix for it). I'll release a version with the update A19 vehicle properties as soon as I have time to test it properly.
  8. I didn't notice the change. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll look into it and published a new version. I guess I was lazy since the vehicle objects cannot use the extend property and we have to copy everything.
  9. There are no dumb question, just me being bad at documentation 🙂 You need to first get yourself the normal in game 4x4 Jeep. Once you have it, you can use a recipe to scrub it using Acid and Alcohol. It makes the Jeep using the White skin. From there, you have access to extra recipes that use paint to select one of the other colour design. I guess I should stop being lazy and do an in game video to show how it works...
  10. There was a missing file in the package. I've redone it, it should work now. Let me know if there are any other issues.
  11. I'll look into it. It's. Can you tell me which version of the addon you use and which version of 7 Days to Die?
  12. Are you tired of driving the exact same Jeep as you friend? Do you want to pimp your ride? PaintJob is for you! This mod add recipes that allow you to change the colour of your ride. PaintJob allows you to change the skins of bicycles, minibikes, motorcycles, and jeeps. You first need to get a vehicle the normal way (you build it or buy from the traders). You can then use that vehicle as an ingredient to craft a different looking version. The changes are purely cosmetic, all the in-game stats and behaviours remain unchanged. For the motorcycles, you can also change the configuration and remove the spikes, the shield or the hood. Important: this mod need to be install on the server and on every player's PC. Release Notes v2.3 Download v2.3 To see all my mods 2.3: Operation Foot-job - Reworked the foot place for motorcycle and 4x4 (feet are no longer hanging under the Jeep) - Lower the number of vertices for the motorcycle's taillight (I don't think anyone will notice) 2.2: Bug fixes - Patrol Gaming 4x4 doesn't have the right skin - Original 4x4 has two windshields - Yellow bicycle cannot be picked-up or ridden (missing vehicle entity) 2.1: Remove the code that prevent Dye usage on vehicle - I haven't found a way to remove this only for my vehicle but I'm removing it so that PaintJob plays well with other mods - Also reworked the labels in Localization.txt 2.0: Make it work with Alpha 20 - By default, the game will spawn the White version of the vehicles - Added back the Alpha 19 skins - Flat rate of 5 paints to change from a skin to another - Remove the need for Grain Alcohol (no longer exists in the game) - Prevent dye from being applied to vehicles 1.18: Design and tail-light tweaks - Played with the blue 4x4 design - Fuddled with the tail-lights lighting v1.17: Blue Thunder + Homage to Noctua - New blue 4x4 design with wolves and lightning - New brown and tan motorcycle - The jeeps and motorcycles tail-lights new now actually emit light when on - Touch-up all the motorcycles' trunk straps to make them look better - Remove old code used for backward compatibility with *MotorcycleAlterations* v1.16: 4x4 Texture overhaul - Texture refactoring for the 4x4 (from 5 bitmaps to 2) - Fix Green Camo texture (Be Bear Aware) - Fix War3zUK texture (Scottish flag instead of the inverted Union flag) - Little overhaul of the Spartan texture - Complete overhaul of the red jeep - Add a windshield to Miss Spartan's jeep - Fix a clipping issue with the chain v1.15: More designs - Bubblegum Pink Motorcycle (for MaryB) - Green Camo Jeep v1.14: Minibikes - Minibikes available in orange (original colour), black, blue, green, piink, red, teal, white, and yellow - Remove acid from the recipes - Cut down textures size from 2K down to 1K for everything but the Jeeps v.1.13 Back in Black - Black and Red motorcycle - Black bycicle - Integrated MotorcycleAlterations v1.12 Bicycles and motorcycles! Just like the jeeps, you need to get the vanilla bicycle or motorcycle the usual when and then you'll have access to new recipes to scrub it and paint it. Compatible with MotorcycleAlterations. You probably want to use both mods. v1.11 Fix wobble wheel for the UK jeeps. (At first I though it was mormal that the left side of the road was more bumpy then the right side. Apparently not... 🙂 ) v1.10 New War3zUK Very Black Jeep. It came to my attention that UK also have crazy driving habits. They might actually be the originators of the whole darn thing. v1.9: Add the missing unity3D file required for the Patrol jeep (sorry everyone, my bad) v1.8: New Patrol Silver and Blue Jeep. Everything alive in Australia can kill you, including people that drive on the wrong side of the road :-). Fix an issue with windshield texture v1.7: Fix problems reported in this forum (thanks guys!) v1.6: Fix a hole in the mesh, move the steering wheel forward v1.5: Add Pink Rider V1.4: Add the missing HUD sprites for the Jeeps
  13. I'm using a gameservers.com server and it's easy to use a world that is not generated by the server. Just take the world folder located in Nitro's output folder and upload it to the 7daystodie/GenerationData/GeneratedWorlds folder on your server (GenerationData is the default on gameservers.com setup). You then edit your serverconfig.xml file, locate the GameWorld option and use the name of the world folder you just uploaded, locate the GameName option and give your game a new name (or locate the old save and delete it), restart your server and you should be up and running. It's probably a good thing to use a new game name since it will avoid any potential issue with previous save games on the players' PC. As it was already stated, you do not need all the files generated by Nitro. Some of them are quite big and will slow down the first initialisation of the world for the players. Here are the files that you need : biomes.png dmt.raw (dtm_processed.raw is not needed, your dedicated server will generate it) entities.xml entityspawners.xml main.ttw map_info.xml prefabs.xml radiation.png spawnpoints.xml splat3.png (not sure for this one, maybe others can confirm) water_info.xml Hote that helps.
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