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  1. @gpcstargate Stop hounding Subquake..This is a time where people need to care for there family first and not be hounded about a mod.. So ....sit back and wait Like the rest of US .. it will get here .. When it gets here. Subquake wants the game Right and not a thrown together bunch of crap that doesn't work ..
  2. Yawn .. Everyone has a say, freedom of speech means i have a right to express my opinion without censorship or restraint. And chill it's over and done with now
  3. @gpcstargate, Chill and stop brown nosing. Respect freedom of speech. I said my bit and it's over and done with..ok!!!
  4. Not Salty,No disrespect , Thanks for reply and explaining...I look forward to playing your mod As you said "pretty much what others have said" But didn't see those post. Just worded my option and said take it with a pinch of salt. Cheers
  5. Why can this not be uploaded to the forum now? People who have funded you got it weeks ago,Wouldn't it be time now for the rest of your followers to get what you have now and update it as you go along like your doing for people that have funded you? Most parents are losing there jobs and some there lives with Covid-19 and most followers would fund you but can't A lot here have waited a long time now No disrespect to you as you do a great job like most modders here, things i couldn't dream of doing ..Darkness Falls is an amazing mod and the same goes for Ravenhearst. But its your hard work and up to you to do what ever you think is right for your work.... a lot want to say the same but won't...... Just my opinion...take my it with a pinch of salt Now begins my bashing of my post ... Take Cover .. . . . . .. ... ...... .. ... .
  6. Works perfect on SP. Is it possible to get 1 CCTV to 1 Camera ?
  7. You must be a witch .....or should that be warlock.. unbelievable work xyth Thankyou
  8. Much thanks and no rush.
  9. Hi, Is there anyway to implement torches burning out,as it seems pointless connecting lights to generator if you can just use torches that burn for ever?
  10. Subquake... You do more to this game in a couple of months then the pimps do in over a year... Much thanks to you .
  11. @Subquake...Absolute Genius......this UI will go great with Alpha 17 next year..or will it be the year after...or after that....well who cares wish they would ditch it and hand it to the guys that will turn out updates regular (the modders) ,Your mod is top for me
  12. Genius Subquake.... way more easy to look at
  13. @Blazer777....Just a thought,But if you love subquakes mod at present date...And if further updates are not to your game style.. Why not copy the present game files somewhere else and play it from there instead of through the 7dtd launcher. That way it won't update the files. Just a thought for future
  14. @subquake ..Is there a chance of your bike breaking down in this mod ??. As i have just had my bike for around 3 or 4 days when i left base everything was well with no repairs needed,And had parked it up and entered the snow biomes ...left it late to return to (10.40pm) Bike was on fire (well looked like fire ) it wouldn't re-fuel and needed repairs , had to leg it back to my base in darkness ..will return in the morning to see what work needs doing to it. Best fun i've had for ages
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