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  1. Samesies. I just don't like the litter and trash, and I end up stopping to clean up every little pile. I'm also the guy that picks up all of the rocks, and clears the tires and roadkill off of the road. (Yes, technically you could say that I have a flower-sniffing pace. )
  2. I am seeing anywhere from 30-60 second page load time. Going from one post, back to General Discussion, etc. Is that the expected performance for each Alpha release? And here I am thinking that perhaps they could just push an Apache or IIS restart or somesuch to make things go a little better.
  3. Dear The Fun Pimps & forum staff: The 7 Days To Die official forum is running very slowly / poorly. Performance is seriously taking a hit. It might be time to feed the hamsters in the hamster wheel. Or, get new hamsters. Thanks!
  4. And perhaps reputation with Trader1 actually works against you for Trader2 (because Trader2 is a jerk). Hehehe...
  5. ChickenWings, you make a very good point. Some of what you describe with the snake hissing also happens with the zombies. It's almost like they are in their subroutine to make whatever zombie sound they are going to make - it's committed... queued up as it were. And then you knock the guys head off with a sledge hammer power swing. So then they make the dying sound first, but then they also end up making the standard zombie sound that they were going to make that was queued up before you hit them. This always makes me take a double take, and spin around in my surroundings searching for the sound of the zed I just smashed. Because... how could he have made that "I'm here" alerting sound AFTER his head had been taken off? I hope that The Fun Pimps make a full sound pass, and get a rock star sound engineer person on the task. They really need it.
  6. Perhaps a single, "ninja" stealth zombie type. Maybe it only makes an occasional soft gurgling that you can only hear once he/she's already upon you (86 the zombie "shout" alerting sound). I would go for that. And not like them (in a good, game-challenge kind of way). But the birds, man. Eff those birds. They sometimes manage to get close enough too me before I notice that they are riding my bum. If their first pass or first swoop was silent... I would not enjoy. :P Again, in that good, game-challenging kind of way.
  7. I agree that some tuning is still needed here. It seems that the POI "volumes" (I keep seeing that used as a term) seem to separate out the sleeper zombies as you work the POI from room to room. One room, or one encounter point, and whatever noise you make does not seem to disturb the sleepers in the next encounter point. I have also noticed where sleeper zombies on the floor above or below will not actually spawn in until the player has actually reached that floor. I understand, functionally, why this is - the game is focusing on one dungeon crawl "scene" or room encounter at a time. But there was one particular instance in house_old_bungalo_11 where I broke out the stairs to disarm the "sleeper ambush" that hides out under the stairs. I couldn't actually neutralize the zeds there because they had not loaded in. Once I traveled all the way down the stairs, they showed up. So - I get some of this as a limitation to the systems tech and the experiences that they are trying to create. I made some similar observations in my A20 feedback thread:
  8. Oh man it messes me up and my targeting habits when they crouch like that and come at ya. I hate that (meaning I love it)!! I hope that they manage an extra large sound pass soon. But there is definitely some content here to be excited about.
  9. Any thoughts or feedback here from the community at large? Are The Fun Pimps usually pretty good about sifting the forums for feedback?
  10. This is a valid ask. When I see this bro, and I pray for a dismembering strike. Cause otherwise - he gon take a few swings. Also a change in A20 - the obese, sweaty zombie in the wife beater shirt (our friends call this guy a "Ron Jeremy") isn't worth any extra XP. But, to his credit, he is not nearly as tough as he used to be.
  11. Steel pickaxe on day 1 would be an absolute NIGHTMARE!! Think of how many hours it would take to swing that thing just to break up a rock cluster. OMG. And day 1, with no time to have spent perks on strength or sexual t!
  12. Apologies for the side-topic question - but what does the blue loot bag mean? Is this a different kind of loot? Spicier? Or higher level loot? I've seen a few of these to date in A20. But I do not understand their significance. I agree. I would think that the default settings ought to allow for all loot bags generated during a horde night to last the length of the horde night. Plus like a 5 minute grace period to allow the player to get out of safety fortifications / get down to the ground, or whatever.
  13. Like many of you - I always put down my loot cache boxes for a POI in the middle of the street adjacent to the place. If there is no nearby street, I look at the POI from a distance and kind of guess the squared off perimeter of a place. Then I go outside of that perimeter into the grass. And then I usually go just a _little_ bit further for good measure. There is a trick to placing your cache boxes outside of a POI. Because a particularly dense POI will have you stopping halfway through, and needing to dump loot. So you want to be absolutely CLEAN of the POI border. But not so far that you cannot reach your boxes to dump loot when the distance danger goes yellow. Typically - the middle of the streets are the ideal point for doing this.
  14. You have to measure "adding to a game's atmosphere" against dramatically limiting the potential international audience. And, therefore, the game's potential revenue stream. Not to mention, it sounds like, the game designers' own personal reservations on the topic. If this is an important idea or feature for you, I suspect that you could certainly explore your modding options to add this.
  15. They used to have a logic that seemed to "count" the number of sleepers in the POI. You could actually go in and out of the front door of one of the big towers, go far enough away from it, and then the zombies still in the "count" would respawn on the first floor. It was a bit of a cheese to clean out the upper floors easily. But I think that they quickly after this added some logic to not actually spawn the sleepers until you reached whatever floor or zone. Yes - you cannot own it or claim it until it is completely cleaned out.
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