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Posts posted by KhaineGB

  1. New dev build up for anyone interested. :)


    - Added custom C# code by FuriousRamsay that SAVES the locked slots so players don't have to re-enter it all the time.
    - Fixed missing attack speed stat on titanium and laser spears.
    - Fixed laser spear icon facing the wrong way.
    - Fixed missing localization on MC's Human Leather Knuckles.
    - Fixed the Lantern having incorrect unlockedby.
    - Fixed being unable to learn all 3 levels of Basic Farming from books.
    - Fixed being unable to learn all 3 levels of Iron Armor Crafting from books.
    - Fixed more PEP missingBlock errors.
    - Added quest markers to all PEP POI's that were missing them, which should fix the ! being underground.
    - Double doors in the bunkers are now properly closed.
    - Double doors in the bunkers open when unlocked and remain open until the player closes them, rather than unlocking, open and then instantly close (not the intended behaviour, but an improvement).
    - Slightly increased texture sizes on the sci-fi stuff (like lockers and laser workbench) to help with blurring issues.
    - Slightly optimized above textures for better RAM usage.
    - Added Baked Carrot (works like baked potato).
    - All legendary items can now drop from any treasure chest (the buried ones) or air drops.
    - Diamond Tip mod now reduces enemy armor on hit, like the spikes mod for the club.
    - Lowered knuckle damage due to high attack rate and knockdown chance.


    Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oUlMNHySTCA6Y3Ct5Y9UczKhaJfHcyHv/view?usp=sharing

  2. 16 hours ago, Falaffel said:

    Can confirm, same error here in b17. 




    12 hours ago, HenryX said:


    Traders are now protected?



    same question


    5 hours ago, wanderinpaladin said:

    Khaine, I might have an old build, but Steel Pickaxes are missing the long shaft description allowing the use of burning shaft mods. Is this an accident or on purpose?


    I think I left that in because people wanted it as a light source while mining.


    2 hours ago, darthsawyer said:

    Here is a weird bug that might just be an issue with how Trader Hugh's POI is designed: Zombies can walk up the walls of Trader Hugh's outpost. They sometimes get stuck on top of the walls dying to the metal spikes up there, but they will often fall inside the walls. I've been attacked multiple times by zombies inside the trading post that managed to get in without breaking down any walls. I think the issue is the horizontal wooden posts that ring the outside of the wall. With careful jump sneaking even the player can climb the outside of the wall with difficulty. Zombies seems to be able to do it with ease and regularity. I don't know if this is something you can fix, since it is an issue with a vanilla POI, probably in combination with changes to jumping and being able to walk through a 1 block space?

    Or they just spawn inside the POI. I'm not doing trader POI overhauls. Just expect them to be in there.

  3. After many, many hours of work, mostly on polishing up PEP, I have a new dev build for you all! This is Build 17, and i'm sure people will ask why I didn't post Build 16... but Build 16 was... odd. There wasn't many major fixes, and the major fixes that did exist needed a new save, and since I was getting PEP maps ready, I wanted to skip it and wait for 17... So here we go!

    - Fixed many issues with PEP and NRE's while trying to generate random worlds.
    - Fixed a PEP POI having missing blocks.
    - Changed a PEP POI tier from 1 to 2 as it was more fitting based on player feedback.
    - Fixed white river scout not giving faction to traders at level 50.
    - Fixed stainless steel spikes giving titanium instead of scrap iron.
    - Fixed Mechanic, Scientist, Security and Survivalist class/mastery localization for crafting tiers.
    - Fruit smoothies now grant a water regeneration effect like the pear smoothie.
    - Rebalanced Itsy Bitsy Spider quests so tougher spider zombies spawn.
    - Dog days quests now spawn more dogs since there's no demon/feral version.
    - Tweaked quality levels on trader rewards so guns/weapons/tools/armor aren't drastically better than what you can craft but still useful.
    - Armor spikes should no longer cause bleed on the player. Hopefully.
    - Increased the damage of timed charges vs doors, safes and treasure chest so they should actually be useful.
    - Rebalanced Hot/Cold buffs to be more severe like they were in A16.
    - Added 2 new hot/cold effects, Heatstroke and Hypothermia.
    - Rebalanced hot/cold resistances of clothes to make them similar to how they worked in A16 (so wearing a puffer jacket in the desert is bad).
    - Increased the resistance granted by Insulated Liners/Cooling Meshes as they will now be more useful.

    V4.1.0-DEV-B17 (this is the one you will be downloading)
    - Added 4 pre-generated PEP maps!
    - PEP POI balance pass! Zombie amounts and POI tiers adjusted to be closer to vanilla values (may be slightly higher for a bit of a challenge).
    - Fixed the height of several PEP POI's.
    - Added level requirements to the level descriptions of various crafting perks, plus other perks.
    - Lowered level requirements of lockpicking from 1/15/30/60/90 to 1/10/20/40/60.
    - Black Sky should now correctly show attachments. Porkin's does not as it requires a lot more work within unity (which may or may not make it into 4.1).
    - Added missing localization for Hypothermia and Heat Stroke.
    - Removed unlockedby on the iron and steel spear.
    - Fixed unlockedby on radiation ready mods.
    - Fixed Forge Ahead sometimes not unlocking the 3rd level and just giving the player the book back, or unlocking the 3rd level AND giving the player the book back.
    - Fixed rad resistance display not resetting to 100 when it was supposed to.
    - Fixed tools/combine/output window overlapping on the laser workbench.
    - Re-added a recipe just for the lantern since people apparently don't read.
    - Being stoned from using cannabis joints will now allow you to ignore the effects of sprains/breaks (just like using steroids).
    - Using a joint will now cure concussion.
    - Tweaked trader lists a little so specific traders are more likely to carry specific tools. For example, Rekt is more likely to carry the Cooking Pot and Cooking Grill, while Joel is more likely to have Calipers and Tool and Die set.
    - Tweaked vending machine stock lists and made them VERY slightly cheaper.

    Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UtIrVwb_cxbOTW6gUuRSOK4EHlQ-3Ig_/view?usp=sharing

  4. On 9/13/2022 at 10:15 PM, Fanatical_Meat said:

    I spun up the small default world and some players were not able to connect, is this an EAC thing?

    One person had a “different version” error.

    I had four who could not connect.

    Any suggestions?


    Different version is what it says. Usually incorrect alpha and/or mod version. The others, no idea.


    7 hours ago, Catfish Calhoun said:

    I just finally got time enough to set up a couple of installs of DF to enjoy some multiplayer, and after hosting the game and playing for an hour I keep getting the console popping onto the screen like so:




    Everything I've seen so far is "SleeperVolume". I don't recall seeing the console pop up like this in a long while, but honestly I haven't played any 7DTD since the month or so after A20, and it might just be a vanilla issue. Or I did something wrong.


    Here's what I tried so far: clean reinstall (both PCs) of both 7DTD and DF. Past that I'm kind of left scratching my head, as I'm not doing anything outside of my usual to start a game/host. I'm unsure of what else to try, to be honest.


    EDIT: I am running A20.6(b9) and DF 4.04.

    The console doesn't just pop up like that unless you've got a red text error.

  5. On 9/1/2022 at 7:13 PM, dhendo said:

    Small thing but would it be possible that you add extra carry capacity for perk name="perkNightStalkerThiefAdrenaline" parent="skillNightStalker" under progression. Only has to be changed from 27 to 35 when using the 96 BP. Also is the food and water bar modlet supposed to be right on the bottom of the screen?


    I'll have a look at it


    On 9/4/2022 at 4:36 AM, CashtheCrow said:

    Is there a way to enable the toolbelt to have 20 slots instead of 15? I see there's an "InitTwentySlotToolbelt" in the dll is there a variable or option button I'm not seeing somewhere or is this simply left over code?

    No. That's just because I copied the code from when I was messing about with a 20 slot. You'd need a completely new DLL for 20 slot, which i'm not making.

  6. 6 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Approximately how long does darkness falls take to generate a 12k world?

    I know it can vary I am looking for an approximate 


    server is ryzen 3800x, 32GB ram

    On my laptop?  A while. I think it's close to 20 mins. A server will take longer, usually, as the dedicated server build doesn't use GPU. You'd be better off generating locally and uploading it

  7. 7 hours ago, kamineko said:


    4.1.0 DEV B14. But I'm still on the DFalls-Small1-NoCP map that I started on DEV B13 release. So might be a ignorable error.


    Yep, should be fixed, or at least I haven't had any complaints.


    7 hours ago, kamineko said:

    One more bug I noticed: I created four pieces of the Radiation Ready mod (helmet, gloves, chest, legs) and I am seeing whenever I either enter or exit my motorcycle, the 80% effect gets re-added to my total. (E.g. I start with 80% as expected, hop on motorcycle, now have 160%, get off motorcycle, now have 240%). I went to the wasteland to see if it was real or a numerical formatting thing and oddly I can run around in the wasteland for several seconds unharmed then the radiation kicks in as expected. Previous behavior was that anything not 100% radiation resistance resulted in immediate radiation debuff applied when you stepped on wasteland ground.


    Edit: one other bug that is cosmetic and probably a base game issue: when modifying arm armor (adding or removing mods) equipped with a watch while wearing it, the displayed time disappears until you either add/remove another mod again, or remove/wear the arm armor piece.


    That mod MAY be fixed as well. Or mostly fixed.

    Always put the watch last. That's been a bug for a while.


    5 hours ago, darthsawyer said:

    You might have fixed this already, but if you install a Red Dot Sight on the M60 machine gun it floats a good 3 inches above where it should be. When you aim down sights your crosshair is underneath the bottom of the Red Dot Sight.

    MgSgPorkin's Shotgun says that it is the ultimate Stealth Shotgun, but it is not innately suppressed like I assumed it would be from its description.


    Red Dot Sight is fixed.

    The shotgun is supposed to work like that. It's named after a streamer who always used a shotgun while going stealth... even though it's not a stealth weapon. 😛


    4 hours ago, Kieron said:

    I got that bug too. V4.1.0-DEV-B14 and started new medium map. I tried two of the restore power quests and happened on both of them.

    I did new power quests in B15 which APPEARS to have fixed things.

  8. 44 minutes ago, Ganeshakw said:

    Bro @KhaineGB, as I have repeatedly told you, this mod is really awesome. We have been playing and enjoying it for a very long time now.


    The thing is, by this time, everybody has by hearted   the 2 wasteland bunkers and knows how to clear them easily. As you modifying this mod on a regular basis, would like to ask and request you if we can change something in that context and make it different and more challenging. Its going to be a surprise. I am sure you also have given it a thought and there must be something in your mind too.


    Pls let us know. Thanks.

    One of the testers is actually looking at rebuilding the lab, except for the bottom floor.

    32 minutes ago, kamineko said:

    I got an error pop up today. I had a "restore power" mission given by the scout that I left hanging for several in-game weeks. I finally did it and returned to her and when I opened a dialog I got the following errors:


    - ERR [XUi] Error while updating window group 'radial'

    - EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object


    The "reward selection" dialog window popped up (under the error log) and was empty. I tried again and got the same error. I then hit the confirm button on the (empty) selection dialog and it re-opened, this time with actual quest rewards, but the window cut off part of the reward choices. I was able to pick one that was visible and carry on as normal.

    Which version? As far as I know, that's an issue with compo pack but I did redo the restore power quests for the scout recently.

  9. 18 hours ago, wanderinpaladin said:

    Heya Khaine, first off I love the mod ever since the first time I saw JaWoodle scream his way through it. I've had plenty of hours playing around with both alpha 19 and 20 DF. My brother and I play 7d2d a couple hours a week together and we are about to start a DF run (I finally talked him into it) but I'd like to up the chance for MStg Porkins to drop. Personally, I'm a builder not a shotgun guy but my brother loves them (much to the woe of our bases). Anyway, I've gone entire games without seeing a legendary but I want my brother's first experience with DF to be special (yes I want to "rig the deck" but I don't want to just spawn in one). Please point me at the correct xml file and I can do the rest, I hope.

    Go into loot.xml and find DFgunPorkinsShotgun

    Increase the number. There will probably be a few entries

  10. Got a new dev build for anyone who wants to mess around with it. Make sure to read the important note, cos it's important.


    - Updated SCore to version posted on 6th September which fixes the linux issue.
    - Added Bad Window Replace by Grumbleman/Games'n'Grumble because they asked me to take a look at it and include it if it seems good.
    - Did some tweaking so rad display shouldn't go higher than 100%.
    - Breaking and Entering now works properly with the crowbar.
    - Arc gun can now take the thermal cooling mod so it's less of a screamer attractor.
    - Scrap Tool Crafting is now properly granted to the player at level 5.
    - Drone healing should now be working. Again. (except the paramedic kit and I still don't know why)
    - Buffs from mastery food that didn't work properly (like blackstrap coffee) should now work properly.
    - Fixed an incorrect asset file reference in sounds.xml.
    - Slightly lowered the craft time of cans of boiled water.
    - Razor's quest dialog should now be fixed.
    - Desks and Chairs in the bunkers now give titanium like they were supposed to.
    - Desks in the bunker no longer give leather.
    - Trying a new method to disable trader protection, which I hope will resolve the "camera issue" on servers because you lot love to complain about MP crap.
    - Side note, Caitlin is now protected.
    - Deleted all "NoCP" maps and made new ones that now end in "NoPEP".


    IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the NoCP maps being gone, you WILL need a new save. No if's. No but's. No, i'm not going to walk you through putting the old maps back so you can continue your save. If you choose to download this, you acknowledge that this is a DEV build and that you WILL need a new save.

    Previews of the maps are included in their folders.


    Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AJr5LDPhU0NvkDBIwvthI6zhbQyJf5My/view?usp=sharing

  11. 8 hours ago, Simos MCmuffin said:

    Started a new map on V4.1.0-DEV-B13, Nomad difficulty, otherwise default settings apart from some max zombie counts, but noticed that wild trees bear fruit again about every day. Seems a bit too fast.


    Is this intentional?


    Known. I'm still dialing in the numbers a bit :)


    1 hour ago, kamineko said:

     I had this happen once and found out my armor was at 0% health/durability. So no actual armor.


    Same here. I'm enjoying the extra orange tea but it's probably a bug.


    One other thing about 4.1.0 B13. I did a Day 21 horde night, nothing too scary. Then a screamer showed up just after daybreak as I was cleaning up the remnant horde and that of course kicked off something far worse than the actual blood moon horde. But long story short, I promptly got an infection from the screamer horde, and it took until about 10:00 to finish all the respawns*. By that time, my infection had already gone over 10%. Luckily I already had some herbal antibiotics but if not what seems like 50% infection in a day would be a death sentence if you're out in the middle of nowhere relying on the ~1/12 stump drop rate. There's no way to keep up with that progression early game. I doubt much can be done about it (like a gamestage-linked progression rate). Yes the scout sells honey but it's not a guaranteed treatment anymore. Maybe that's just a zomboid-like "sucks for you not everyone makes it" thing.


    I agree though, infection in vanilla is poorly implemented. Instead of TFP nerfing stumps, infection should be overhauled. It's deadly week 1 and 2 then just turns into a nuisance.


    I also noticed a potential bug, when I built a player oven. It didn't seem to use my cooking pot/grill even though it calls for them in the recipe.



    *Screamers should not summon other screamers--nor fully radiated enemies (dog, cop, screamer) before the GS calls for them to naturally spawn. It's been so long since I played vanilla though I don't recall if this is more bad vanilla decisions or editing of the allowed enemy list XML.


    Infection: That's the point. In vanilla, it takes 7 REAL LIFE HOURS to kill you. I made it way faster. It's 3. I want it dangerous and dealy.

    Oven: You're looking at the wrong recipes. Oven has specific recipes that use less materials.

    Screamers: Screamers called by other screamers CANNOT CALL MORE Screamers. So... why does it matter? And screamers are gamestaged. They're just gamestaged HIGHER than POI spawns.

    So yes, they will spawn rads if you're only getting ferals in POI's. You can.... y'know... run away. That's valid. 😛

    1 hour ago, guilgamesh said:

    Having problems loading the game. Just uninstalled and reinstalled fresh. Was running version 4.03A just fine, with minor bugs. Tried to run 4.04 on Alpha 20.5 and couldn't finish loading the game. Got error: EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


    2.04 requires A20.6. That's why it's crashing.

  12. On 9/1/2022 at 7:51 PM, Oathbound said:

    HI been playing your mod for while and saw that you have the dev build and figure id give it a go to test but i seem to be doing something wrong. When i start a new game it goes through the process of creating a new world but right as i would load in the debug menu pops up with prompts that is could not place certain things at POIs and and the the game is launching however the game crashes to desktop a few moments later. I might be picking the wrong map seed i assume?  I can get the B9 version up and running again with no issues but I'm not sure if its the map i am trying to pick (DFmed no-cp) or if i did not install the mod correctly. Would a total uninstall and mod deletion help or am i not picking a map that is compatible with the dev build?  I can try and get a screenshot of the debug menu before it crashes if that would help but i think im not doing something right on my end


    The POI errors I now about. Any other errors? May also be worth increasing virtual memory.


    On 9/2/2022 at 3:40 PM, kamineko said:

    I installed DF 4.1.0 B13 (along with the updated SCore DLL) today on Alpha 20.6. Seems to work well, I do get some missing POI errors and something about not being able to load SciFi blocks at startup.


    No other anomalies other than the scrap iron tools never unlocked. I'm level 10+ and I still can't make them, I can't spend a point to unlock the skill, and I can't creative-mode in a schematic to unlock them.


    One note: the new food costs are kind of... insane. Quadruple cost. So ~420 coin to make 20 points of food via cans. Over $1k coin per day minimum for food until your farm gets off the ground, and no sane way to choose any other class in single-player. I'm not sure what the rationale is but it hurts on week 1 really bad. I usually live out of the vending machine on week 1 and that's gone now. I'd say merely double price instead of quadruple seems more sensible, though I appreciate the parity between vending machine and trader now.


    I spent two in-game days searching for apple trees but only found 2, but apparently orange trees were taking over the planet (boo RNG). If I hadn't spawned near a desert (yay for yucca) I'd have just cheesed it and died to regain food every few days. Am I missing some kind of new food meta? Aside from liberating a lot of potatoes I don't recall your videos doing much differently. The prices would work if you didn't need to cook 2 cans to not die of food poisoning. Oh, and I don't know if it's a bug or not but peas are still 70 coin, quite the bargain.


    And that reminds me, the canned water is also painful. IMO it should only take 30 seconds to boil instead of a full minute, considering it's only 5 water per and you're looking at a fresh player with only a stone axe to cut a lot of wood for that. And run a second dedicated campfire or run it overnight just to grind out 15 cans for a day's worth of water.




    Scrap Iron Tools I have fixed locally.

    You can live off charred meat you know. 😛

    And I'll look into the water craft time. I think I just grabbed that time from A16 and went "Yeah, that seems fine". Will probably lower it to 30 seconds.


    23 hours ago, Arastir said:

    Having the same issue as above, Scrap Tool Crafting not unlocking at level 5.

    Fixed locally.

  13. Alright nerds, I've been working my arse off the past few days, so it's time for a big boy download. This is builds 11, 12 and 13, so I'll be including the patch notes for all 3 builds so you can see what's changed.


    It MIGHT be save compatible, but I make no promises. Be aware of that.


    - Fixed Forge Ahead localization.
    - Forge Ahead book should now correctly unlock all 3 levels when read several times.
    - Slightly lowered level requirements of Technology Crafting.
    - Re-tagged survivors and adjusted SCore config so the player should be able to damage them again.
    - Fixed Living Off The Land and Iron Hoe stacking issues. Again. Because 7DTD still can't math.
    - Fixed 7th Curse in Blademaster firing when using a spear as this was not intended.
    - Fixed fish pie being unable to be cooked in the campfire.
    - Scrap tool crafting can no longer be purchased. It is automatically granted to the player at level 5.
    - Doors that require keycards can no longer be picked.
    - Tweaked the dialog window so hopefully quest names should show up properly now.
    - Legendary weapons now have "tiers" again so mod slots will still work, however they have the same stats no matter what "tier" they are, so this can effectively be ignored.
    - Moved all "crafting" perks related to tools/weapons/etc off individual traders and onto the scout, so players can learn all perks just by getting scout faction. (10/20/30/40/50)
    - Trader Caitlin now also teaches all "crafting" perks, and all class masteries. (50 rep required)
    - Removed the scout from Caitlin's prefab as it only offers an overlap of skills to teach.
    - Anna's locked room has been slightly reinforced.
    - Anna's locked room now has a laser workbench.
    - Jen no longer sells the laser workbench.


    - Backend reorganization of POI's ready for the POI Expansion Pack (and so players can remove that if they so wish).
    - Added Laser Spear.
    - Added Power Fist.
    - The "fittings" mods can now be installed in padded armor.
    - Armor Specialist now applies it's mobility reduction to padded armor (because I forgot to do that).
    - Power armor no longer benefits from the mobility penalty and stamina penalty reduction of armor specialist. It DOES benefit from the degradation reduction.
    - Radiation Ready mods have been moved off Master Scientist and to Science Crafting 5, because I meant to do that and forgot.
    - Lowered mobility penalty of Radiation Ready mods from 3% to 2% so they can be offset with ski goggles or fittings mods.
    - Science Crafting perk is now slightly easier to level. 10/20/30/40/50 instead of 1/10/20/40/80
    - A lot of class specific perks that require level 20 to unlock have been lowered to level 10.
    - Master Laborer is now level 40 in line with other masteries.
    - Doubled the stack size of anti-rad pills.
    - Increased drop chance of hazmat fiber.
    - Resized a lot of textures for a lot of different items/blocks/zombies as there were WAY too many 4k textures. This should help with disk usage, RAM usage and possibly load times. (Saved around 700MB to 1GB!)
    - Reworked some iffy zombie textures so they look better.


    - Small adjustment to beehive loot table.
    - Left power fist now fixed thanks to grumpybeard reminding me how unity works.
    - Added missing recipes for Laser Spear and Power Fist.
    - Added icons for Laser Spear and Power Fist.
    - White River Quests now work and also shouldn't be repeatable for infinite ammo.


    Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1suw7vI87rqZPVVWU6KpRtG_swwb8Nx9F/view?usp=sharing

  14. If you finished laborer then you may need the laborer specific perk for it, which I think is hammer and forge.

    Yep, it is. Hammer and Forge 4. When you take laborer, you get locked out of other perks because people complained they "wasted points" buying them.

    So I refund those points so people can just buy hammer and forge.

  15. 5 hours ago, darthsawyer said:

    More Dev Build findings:  

    Level 5 of Stealth Assassin says Trash no longer makes noise when stepped on. This is true while you are sneaking, but it still makes noise when you are not sneaking. Many POIs will have trash surrounding the exit of a ladder which you can't sneak while climbing up. If you could clarify in the perk description that trash is only noiseless while sneaking, or make it so trash is noiseless regardless of sneak state that would be great.  

    You can turn all dyes into black dye via recipes except JaWoodlePurple, which only has a recipe for a bundle of purple dye. Any chance of a recipe to turn it into black dye like the other dyes?  
    I also just found the recipe for Super Corn in a random sink cabinet, I thought Super Corn was exclusive to Farmers not sure if it is supposed to be a random drop so just a heads up if that is the case.

    I'll probably make the trash silent regardless tbh. I think that's a better solution.

    That's intended on both the jawoodle purple and the super corn

    24 minutes ago, CyberGandhi said:

    Another issue I'm currently having is I can't make cement, when I do go to a forge and have the required perks, it's showing I have 0 stone when I do have stacks in my inventory.

    Are you sure the perk doesn't have a red tick? Actually i'm pretty sure cement isn't locked. I'll have to check

  16. 17 hours ago, darthsawyer said:

    I'm playing the 20.6 dev build, and this lockpicking is SO much better. Being able to actually open safes on night one without needing 30 lockpicks is much more realistic. I pick locks for fun in real life, and break a pick about once every 3 months or so of picking almost every day so breaking lockpicks so easily is extremely unrealistic. Even with only a single point in lockpicking they feel decently durable. I would prefer them being much more durable, but it makes sense to make them fragile from a balance perspective. Great job.

    The first trader I found has a bunch of auto turrets around the perimeter on the top of the fences, but none of them have any ammo in them, so they don't shoot at zombies. Is this an option to fortify the outpost by feeding the turrets ammo, or a bug?

    I see you added in the Ruthenian lion flag, hopefully you did this to show support for Ukraine, and not to spread the Russian propaganda centered around a similar SS flag.

    Great mod, great work, thanks for making it!


    You can put points into lockpicking even further to reduce break chance.
    Yes, you can fill and wire the turrets up to fortify it. That's been a thing since A20 started but no one bothered.
    The flags mod isn't mine. It's one Guppy made a while ago.


    7 hours ago, Kieron said:

    - Added broken bicycle, minibike and motorcycle to the car random helper spawn list as rare spawns.
    - Added vehicle repair kit. These aren't cheap, but also aren't stupidly expensive, and can be used to repair broken vehicles to get a useable version.


    How does this work? I found a bicycle labeled repairable on the ground. Made a vehicle repair kit but could not find a way to activate it. Says usable by claw hammer which i had

    Right-click with the clawhammer while you have the repair kit in your inventory, just like upgrading a block. Should work, though I think I only tested the nailgun

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