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Posts posted by KhaineGB

  1. 9 hours ago, Similar said:

    Having an odd issue with textures on the large Shotgun Messiah POI (the one with the combat training yard)


    The glass on windows and doors facing into the POI seems fine, It's just the ones on the front.


    I sometimes, rarely, see this particular texture temporarily over doorways or other openings, but I think it only happens when things are struggling and, maybe, the right texture is slow to load or something, but for this specific POI it's permanent (in both my 4.1 games on different maps).

    Is this a DF issue or a problem with my install (everything else seems fine)?

    It's the bad window replace mod. It changes some of the windows for better FPS

  2. 7 hours ago, ASSedOutnTN said:

    OK love this mod play frequently, @KhaineGB i tout your work. 4.1 awesome. Now i @%$#....wtf a broken bone is permanent wellness drop? like ok you broke a finger, you can no longer type my memos, DUMB as @%$#. Also the hyperthermia/hyperheat whatever i agree with, but my players on my server are spawned there as startup and die before they get out of biome, hence not the right gear, this is a problem. If designed this way, ok, if not spawn locations need fixed. If intended, people wont play if they die 10 mins into play, just IMO a thought.


    Broken bone has always done that since I put wellness in. You new here? 😛

    The heat/cold I'm adjusting in 4.1.1. (adding a resistance up to level 10 that drops every level)


    48 minutes ago, Ganeshakw said:

    @KhaineGB Are these demons in 4.1 ? Also, we need bigger gun than a M60. Like the one Arnold holds. 4 Barrels, round shaped and big big magzine size.  😀

    No. 4.1.1 most likely.

  3. 11 hours ago, funk said:

    Seems my randomly generated world doesn't have any portals at all above ground in the wasteland area, no towns in wasteland area and also the no radiation. Though I activated cave generation, I might try disable that and try generate a new world.

    edit: Never mind about the no radiation in wasteland areas, a new player under level 4 has xp protection and as a side effect, radiation protection lol😅, but I still have the issue with no portals and no towns in the wasteland area seemingly. Any command I can do to check if there area actually portals somewhere? Or other things I should check for before I use it to play on? 🤔 I am concerned I won't be able to find any good loot with the change where loot bonus is only in the wasteland, but no towns and not much POIs in there would hinder that when I make radiation clothes. 😐


    They're biome deco. They spawn when the game thinks there's enough flat ground and it rolls the chance.


    10 hours ago, Ganeshakw said:

    How to disable cave generation ? Asking so that assuming the in-game performance can be improved without the caves. 


    It's off by default.


    2 hours ago, Falaffel said:

    Class information on first page of this thread still lists civilian class, which is no longer available.


    I do need to re-write all of that when I get time.


    1 hour ago, wanderinpaladin said:

    Khaine, do farm plots count as "soil" for animal snares? I ask because I don't want to use dirt blocks inside my defensive perimeter. I guess I can just put the snares somewhere else but...

    I..... actually haven't tested that.

    Right, this is for all the nerds who say "Oh the mod is too easy when you get lasers.



    Left - Succubus

    Front Left - Incubus

    Front Right - Incubus Patriarch

    Right - Succubus Matriarch

    Back Left - Demonic Behemoth

    Back Right - Empowered Demonic Behemoth


    Yes, there's going to be "Empowered" demons above normal demons. 😛

  4. 1 hour ago, wanderinpaladin said:


    Are the scouts perma bugged, or just on day 1? I just started a solo game on Vsmall 2 I mean it's only day 4 so nothing I can't recreate on Vsmall 1. Although I'll miss knowing where Anna is on day 1 (that's where the quest sent me).

    Permabugged on that map

  5. 2 hours ago, ZuKe90 said:

    I love this DF mod, and downloaded the new 4.1 right away! I have noticed that so far in my game I have been to 3 white river scouts and do not get any quests from them, and am lvl 15 in game so far. I am starting to think something is wrong with my game and I need to make a new one. Should the scouts give a mission on day 1 like previously?!

    Are you on VSmall2-PEP? Cos if so, that map is bugged (fixed it for the 4.1.1 dev build)

  6. 18 hours ago, Windkissed said:

    Khaine - big fan of your mod - thank you for jazzing up the game for us!  2500+ hours and we are still challenged.  Anyway - regarding the new build - we started a fresh game yesterday, and noticed that you now can't harvest or build at the traders.  The "clang" sound happens if you even try to pick up a rock.  Reading through the changelog, I didn't see that mentioned.  Was it intended?  If so, that's fine.  We will just need to adjust our play style a bit.  We have been building mini bases at each trader to dump and swap supplies, but would need to find locations nearby instead. 


    Do a clean reinstall. Delete the mods folder, then replae with the one from 4.1, and use a completely different NAME for your game save.


    2 hours ago, Ganeshakw said:

    @KhaineGB Bro, I have a gaming laptop with 2 GB Video Ram and 16 GB system Ram. At later gamestages, in cities, on horde nights and near trader posts, the game starts lagging and becomes unplayable and I have to literally quit the game. If I upgrade the system RAM to lets say 64 GB or something, will it improve the gameplay ?


    Please let me know. Also, I am still playing your Alpha 19 Last version. Somehow I wasn't able to play DF on Alpha 20. I tried. Lol.

    2GB video RAM is not enough for gaming these days. My gaming laptop has an 8GB 2080 Super in it and my wife's has a 6GB 3060. The MINIMUM for 7DTD, vanilla, without mods is a 2GB card and 4GB recommended.

    You're gonna need to turn off shadows, reflections, dynamic music, dynamic mesh and lower texture resolution and object quality.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Let's bring this conversation to a close now while it is still pretty benign. We don't allow political discussions because they are off topic and quickly become toxic. A request was made and an answer given and that is it. Done.

    Let's get back to #JarGate ;)

  8. 5 hours ago, Abs42 said:

    Hello Khaine. Appreciations for your great work. In my recent gameplay with the 4.1 version I noticed my quality 80 tools/weapons now degrading after repair to 75. Is that intended? I didnt read in the patch notes. Thanks for enlightenment.

    It's always been like that unless you get The Completionist

    3 hours ago, Evilracc0on said:

    Yo Khaine, would ask on Discord, but I'm banned there.  Evilracc0on#9004 if you feel like unbanning me. 

    Vehicle repair kit not working on motorcycles? I tries, claw hammer, nail gun and even a multitool. is there suppose to be more than one kit per vehicle?

    playing on dfvsmall1pep.

    update: you gotta have multiple kits for it to work.🙃

    Don't post cringy crap 😛

    Dobbers did ask you not to already and then you did again. I've removed the ban, but yeah... maybe avoid the vaguely pedo anime video clickbait thumbnails

  9. 15 minutes ago, Ganeshakw said:

    @KhaineGB Bro, There is already a lot of stability in the NPC mod and lot of stuff is still under development. As you are an expert, I am sure you too must be having some take of some kind in this mod. Now I know its a stupid question but is there any chance in future DF will have some portion of this mod included which will save you from a lot of work as far as the NPCs are concerned ?

    You mean the mod that was in DF and was causing part of the issues with the survivors so I took it out? 😛

  10. 10 hours ago, wanderinpaladin said:

    I just read through the patch notes. Wow what a list. I look forward to a new playthrough. Only thing I disliked was the removal of the escape hole (the cobblestone one not the steel ones)  in the military bunker. I've never dug into the base but I've used it plenty of times to escape the screamer horde at the front door. Maybe add a locked door on the bathroom and add one there so a key is still required? Just suggestions. (pulls out plans to set up a base and bedroll near bunker for eventual death)

    Close the door and take molotovs with you. With the fixes to the blocks, screamers shouldn't see you and scream and summon crap. So if they get down to the door, just molotov her ;)

  11. It's here. It's done. It's ready! Darkness Falls V4.1.0 is now in RELEASE and ready for everyone!


    Darkness Falls V4.1.0

    Patch notes are girthy, so I uploaded them here: https://pastebin.com/9EGxiTc7


    Download Link: https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA20 (click the 3 dots, select download as zip)
    Alt Download Link: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darkness-falls-a20/-/tree/main (click the icon next to clone and then zip)
    Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/235?tab=files&BH=3




    If you have been playing the dev builds, B19 works with this. A few people have said B18 works as well. Any other build is ABSOLUTELY AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!


    If you are on 4.04, YOU WILL NEED A NEW SAVE!!! No if's. No but's. No exceptions. No "can I copy my..." no you can't due to class changes.


    There. Have fun.

  12. 52 minutes ago, darthsawyer said:

    In the previous dev build clothing like BDU bottoms had randomized values for their cold and heat resist, but with a new game it looks like pretty much everything is always generating with exactly +5 or -5 to each stat, with a few exceptions like denim pants being +/- 7.5. Is this an undocumented change or unintended behavior?
    Leather Duster is now +15 Cold Resist and -15 Heat resist which doesn't seem right considering Dusters are iconic desert wear, all that leather protecting your skin and reflecting the heat


    And yes that's right on the duster. I own one. Straight up trying to wear it in the UK summer (which is no way as bad as USA summer/desert) is WAY too hot.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Ganeshakw said:

    @KhaineGB Bro, There was a time when there used to be Survivors & Bandits using shooting weapons in DF. But they are not there now. As there is a lot going on with the NPC mod, Is there any chance these entities will make their come back or so ? 

    Will be very exciting.

    Maybe A21. I wanted to get melee working first, which it appears to now.

  14. 2 hours ago, Reddevil said:

    So I have played a solo game of darkness falls and didnt have this problem, but recently my friend set up a server for us and I noticed all of the scout quest were sending me 2k or farther away. And they all were in the wasteland it seemed. Any one else ever have an issue like that?

    It's a known, unfixable MP problem. For 4.1 i'm trying to make sure cities are as close to 0,0 as possible as this helps aleviate the issue.

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