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Everything posted by ElCabong

  1. But It was no panic. The adrenaline was flowing for sure. I knew where I wanted to get. They were just like four zombies and a bunch of holes that I had to negotiate around.
  2. Huh. I always pegged him as an ex Grand Dragon of the KKK. Only because the KKK is gone.
  3. I went with the grip. More swings. But with the chain, it would be better swings.
  4. Intuitively you would think that they would. But they don't. If they did you couldn't use them so it wouldn't make sense to have them in the game.
  5. I paused and looked around very carefully but didn't see one. He kept screaming. I decided he was behind a door I hadn't entered that was locked and boarded up. I'll deal with it when I get in there. I turned around and there must have been 10 Z's being led by a fat lady and a spider behind me. Feet Don't fail me now. I managed to get to a place that forced them to line up and let me shoot them one by one except for the spider, he got stuck somehow. Had to resist emptying my clip in it. Always conserve ammo. Then the dog jumped me from behind... Maybe I should stay in my base and sing kumbaya at night.
  6. Plunk one or two on a safe or a vault door back off and it is opened with finesse. my only complaint is that it should wake up every Zed in the complex and it doesn't but if it did it would become, not unusable, but I might be a whole lot more reluctant to use it and go back to using lock picks. Or maybe I just set the damn charge off, pull out my gun, and channel John Wayne. If you don't know who John Wayne is that would be Clint Eastwood or Arnold Schwarzenegger or The Rock.
  7. Until we got the baseball bat I mostly ignored the club. I kept it around for buzzards, that being the best way to deal with buzzards. But I didn't try to use it because anytime you mele you risk the disease and I didn't want to mess with it. I ditch the club for the baseball bat as soon as I can get it. I'll finish off the Z's with it if they survive my first shot. My only complaint is it makes the aluminum bat sound when I hit them in the head. I prefer the ding you get from wood bats. It's the best way to relieve frustration after coming home from work.
  8. I, for one, look forward to greeting our alien overlords. This thing about CERN is big news. The standard model is not right it just works for what we observe. Maybe we'll be able to listen to physicists explain the new model while we're bashing zombie heads in A20.
  9. This is in a house I made. 100%. It is a 13x10 rectangle with a flat roof. I have upgraded everything to Stone. The walls are glass blocks. It is one square away from the Frozen biome so I get the weather. It has stopped all of the weather rain or snow. It's entirely possible I just by accident have an oriented just right so it doesn't rain inside or snow inside. It is parallel to the snow biome.
  10. I remember when it rained through the roof when it rained. I'm glad somebody fixed that. Makes you feel warm and dry in the cold damp weather.
  11. Think twice about them zombie bears. I didn't think I'd have a problem. I had a .44 Magnum. 170 rounds. I got the jump on him and shot him in stealth mode for a 4.5x damage bonus. It ran to me and I was shooting it the whole time. It gave me a couple of hits I shot it again reloaded and shot it one more time... Then I butchered it. Even Dirty Harry would think twice about doing that again.
  12. There's nothing wrong with having very hard adversarys in the game. The last time I faced a dire wolf, it killed me. I spawned on my bass, built a blunderbuss, went back, blasted it in the face and then finished it off with my club. I made a rant about that on the board. Point is though, I was down to 16 health and won. Veni vidi vici
  13. I positively hate having to manually reload a hunting rifle or the crossbow however I do see how this adds a note of realism to it.
  14. I got fatigued by a pig. I was mortified. The next pig got shot in the face with a blunderbuss. That worked a lot better
  15. I had the same problem too. I changed to a different map. the map I used where I couldn't find the traitor was North Quinive mountains. I am not spelling that right but I think you should know what I mean
  16. Lol, that is how I outran a puma the other day. I thought it was a bug
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