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Posts posted by meganoth



    I didn't see a specific file where the fog-info is stored when one plays locally, maybe it is stored in main.ttw or more likely in players/*.map. In the latter case it might be possible to copy over before you change the mode, just using a soft link seems a recipe for disaster.


    Sorry, nothing specific, I only did a cursory check as I don't have access to a working setup of 7days at the moment.


  2. 3 hours ago, Arez said:

    Seeing as there hasn't been an answer given to whether the lighting in the trailer is going to be the same as in the game is kinda telling me that it won't, and that cinematic vibe was done specific for the trailer. 


    If the lighting was to look like that I think they would've been quick to confirm it. 


    I could be wrong, and I would be more than happy if that's the case.


    And it's not that big of a deal to me at least. I'm a big fan of how the lighting looks now anyway.


    It's the weekend. What do you expect?


  3. 1 hour ago, Doomofman said:


    To be fair, all I did is what Laz Man said... Turned on Feral Sense and went to the wasteland. For laughs I put all graphics to the max to try match the trailer, even on a 12700k/3080 system, performance was so bad the zombies at times would resort to slow motion which was funny to see


    I can't talk about graphics fidelitely, literally. I don't have an eye for that, I can see the scene in the trailer is more diffuse because of video resolution and has lighing with an evening sun, but whether that and other graphical details are better or worse or in the game or not in the game I don't have the slightest idea.


    The idea with feral sense might generate a bigger group, maybe not as big as the trailer, but >20 zombies should be possible. But you need to set it up correctly first, not just venture there and take a random picture. First of all you need a high stealth character with the corresponding perks maxed, so that you get them into a waiting state again. Shoot and run around, probably first going into a building with a big room full of zombies and activate them. Then, after a big group of z's is running behind you, go behind a corner, stealth and wait a few seconds and possibly silently eliminate the one or two that didn't lose your trail. Then turn the corner again and make a picture.


    EDIT: And maybe you get more zombies in multiplayer with more than one player "collecting" zombies. Possibly some of them have to get themselves killed to get the zombies to stop somewhere. And if you have enough players one could even be the dedicated stealth player to take the picture, so he never leaves stealth, that makes it much easier





  4. 14 hours ago, Doomofman said:


    I really don't think you could


    Again, it's fine that things are jazzed up for a 1.0 gameplay trailer, companies do it all the time, but to try and say that's how the game actually looks/plays to people who are already familiar with the how the game looks/runs... C'mon






    When I watched the trailer I noticed that staged scene as well.


    Though your picture is not showing what is possible. A wandering horde (in A21) can have 12 zombies (if I looked in the right place).


    There is a small hope in my mind that the event system might make the trailer scene possible in actual game play. Vanilla code allows 64 concurrent zombies, more than enough for that scene, the difficult part is getting that many zombies to show up outside horde nights.



  5. 6 hours ago, arramus said:

    Thank you for the group feedback.


    Progression was re-calibrated to reflect removing the Tier 3 modern tools and weapons where applicable. It gives the impression of being faster to complete a whole Crafting Skills series, but typically because the T3's were stripped out. A few examples are the Harvesting Tools Mags. Since the Auger has been totally stripped out, the Max was dropped from 100 to 60. In Vanilla the Q5 Steel Pickaxe unlocks at Crafting Level 59, but in the Wild West Mod it is rounded up to Level 60. Rather than raise it to 100 to keep at regular values, and do a similar thing to other Crafting Skills where something else is stripped out, it was just rounded up and down to its 5 or 10 where appropriate and matching how Vanilla does it for consistency. Another thing this does is remove that redundancy. If a Crafting Skill remained at 100 but the last possible item unlocks at 59, the mag will keep appearing at the accelerated rate without any benefit. This allows it to be locked down so another Crafting Skill is prioritised.


    A few more examples are for:

    Repair Tools: Dropped Max from 50 to 25 as the Nail Gun is stripped out, but the Hammer has no change.

    Salvaging: Dropped Max from 75 to 50 as the Impact Driver is stripped out, and the Ratchet actually sees an increase from 46 to 50 on this one.
    Bows: Dropped from 100 to 40 as the Compound Bow and Crossbow are stripped out, and the Iron Crossbow reaches Q5 at 40 which is a small increase from its 38.


    Overall, it appears to be pretty proportional to where the final unlock reaches max level.


    The Wells and Rain Catcher are Dew Collectors in disguise, and locked into the requirement to keep them in the 'open' that the class requires. Unfortunately, making a Harmony Patch is outside the dev team's capabilities, and this is as good as it gets to keep with how A21 wants to direct water gathering, without going back to empty glass jars.


    A few weeks is good news for the group play through, and I'll share that with the dev team as the plan was to consider community servers who like to do monthly/bi-monthly mod changes. There are multiple transitions in progression and game play, with the T6 Boss POIs, Balloons, Q6 Gatling and Legendary Rifle, and other 'end game' features giving players some sense of closure and achievement of 'taming' the mod.


    Ah, okay, that makes sense.


    About the wells, I would have thought setting <property name="RestrictSubmergedPlacement" value="true"/> to "false" would have sufficed on the wells. Naturally it would mean to define a separate block, but without any need for Harmony.


  6. Some feedback: My group has been enjoying the mod for a few weeks now. Progression seems too fast but that could be a vanilla "feature". One thing that has confused me twice in the game is that wells need open sky to work.



  7. 1 hour ago, Laran Mithras said:

    Nothing has changed, really. Games made for 7 will still run. I griped like an old man at Steam over this issue and was told it wasn't in their control and games made for 7 or 8 would likely still run.


    The issue is the Steam platform uses Google framework and Google is blocking any further 7 or 8 usage.

    7DTD would still run, assuredly. Now, to avoid more intrusive Microsoft versions, might have to look to Linux. From what I hear, 7DTD runs on Linux.


    Most games run quite well on linux nowadays, a few natively, likely 7daystodie, and almost everything else on proton.


  8. 4 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

    Back before A21, I use to spend maybe the first couple weeks looting, and then the vast majority of the rest of my time building (often another 3-4 weeks).  After A21, I have to keep looting for much longer (5-6 weeks or so to max out every magazine) instead of doing what I want to be doing, which is building large bases.  With your suggestion, I'd have to spend even more time looting to get the whatever it is I'd need from the high tier chemical lab to repair.


    Was this just a mistake when you write "max out every magazine"? If not, it isn't a surprise you can't do a builder playstyle if you try to get too many magazines useless to you.


    I am not saying the builder playstyle is as easy as before, but you still should be able to do it without 6 weeks continuous questing. You just need a source of income and you need to collect a few specific magazines and only up to specific points where crucial recipes are learned. The rest can be bought from the trader. And even in late game you can get more magazines from the trader or from tours every 7 days to loot all newspaper boxes in a city, without doing any quest or entering POIs.


  9. On 4/28/2024 at 6:08 AM, LuvShiramine said:

    spawn 64 zombies and just run around, jump on stuff and run around stuff. for example if you have them pile up on something you're on and jump off half of them will still keep hitting it as you run away, some will run the opposite direction ect ect, just try it for yourself.


    Not sure to what you are replying here, but if it is about a new meta, then first of all this is no new meta as it was and is a possible playstyle in A16 and A17-A21. In A17-A21 you just have to make sure that you jump on stuff that is not all interconnected and they will constantly change target. This is also a playstyle for veteran players of action games and young players (because of faster reflexes) who don't want to think much about how their horde base is set up. Just plop down dozens of points to jump on and you are set.


    There are hundreds of games where the whole fight depends solely on your reflexes, but only this one allows you to instead put your brain to work and build a horde base that automates part of the defense. Which is an alternative for players not brought up on action games. Which by the way ticks of both the tower defense and sandbox genres listed as part of 7days (the latter because both an action oriented and a base building playstyle are possible)


    On 4/28/2024 at 6:08 AM, LuvShiramine said:

    nteresting never seen it 

    but if im yet again wrong by saying this, he should fling them, similar to when you throw dynamite, and the blocks get flung so everyone else can have an opening 


    He doesn't fling them but he destroys any spike traps he runs through and that creates an opening.


    On 4/28/2024 at 6:08 AM, LuvShiramine said:

    this might be hard to explain so bare with me.  thats why i said "you need more underlying mechanics and game health changes "  such as making it so you can't farm so many resources, especially stuff like infinite ammo with mining, stuff like "your protection is not guarantied but earned", as you progress you find toughs, ferals and irradiated more and more common so you need higher tier weapons and qualities and perks, that is GOOD progression, because for once you're pressured to loot and scavenge to have a better chance to fight back , BUT unfortunately you probably get max stuff by day 25 anyways, lets completely slow down progression, by

    nerfing trader quests and balancing their stocks, trader stage was a good change, it makes sense and is balanced, its the beginning of the apocalypse of course hes not going to have guns from the military 

    you can only get high tier items from the wasteland cities or really high tier stuff from regular cities AND make them more dangerous,, which biome tier helps with this thankfully which i LOVE,  this makes the game have more emphasized visible progression 

    make balances to early game stuff like cobblestone blocks crossbows, and traps

    like make them less farmable but more rewarding, or vice versa (blocks and traps especially)  

    changes to stuff like mollys grenades and over all the balanced of infected like i said stuff like more mechanics is play, make them get stronger over time in some way to incentivize going past day 40, and as days go on make everything more dangerous such as higher infected counts to make end games have more spice as well as add a bunch of changes to make this work as effective as possible, i'd need to have to play with it to really give you a good insight 

    ALSO, to make progression feel better plain and simple, and even if my ideas are a little unrealistic or bad this one isn't and debate me on it if it isn't

    Make as many weapons as you can unique and have their own prepose outside of builds and perk effectiveness, make them unique, pump shot gun has amazing range but a felt cooldown for missing, pipe shotgun does random damage because of how unreliable it is, auto shotgun has high spread but doesnt have the cons of those 2, steel sledge vs iron, one swings faster and does this and that and one swings slower but has a higher decap chance and not be just better versions of themselves, that should be what quality and attachments are for, raise quality up to 20 for end game preposes to scale with how they get stronger, some hordes would feel like a death grip on your throat because you only have a few grenades your traps are broken and your m60 is a low quality and does less and less damage as the day goes by, you cant repair stuff because you didn't want to loot that high tier chemical lab full of wights and didn't start a farm for buffs and didn't go mining for minerals for base upgrades and repairs so now you have to work with what you got, and others where you did and got a new shiny rpg and a new spinning blade trap with some steel and resources and the horde is easier, those demos didn't hurt as bad and that rpg kept the pressure off 

    make it reward proactive players and make end games be just as good as early games with scavenging and such 


    Fully agree on the general message that there should be better balancing, especially of the trader. I could point to a few threads where some forum users including me were critizising that the progression of anything to do with the trader is much too fast and the change of the crafting progression to magazines had practically no effect because of this. I heard there were balancing changes (to the trader and everything) in A22 so we'll have to see what that brings.


    There is also a feature that was planned for a long time, legendary weapons, which would go into the direction of your suggestions in the last paragraph, there is still hope that features could get in some day, maybe even in A22.





  10. Notice the thread is quite old. Did you experience the same problem? If yes, there might be something wrong on your side or if you are on Windows, it might be operating system-specific, or there might be a difference between connecting from localhost or from afar (though I doubt that could be a reason). I just did a test and can confirm that on a "correctly working server" one does not need to enter the password twice.


    If you have such a problem, please post a logfile of a session where you attempted to connect.



  11. 37 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Slight correction... faatal said that they'll try to prevent a broken save between versions but that changes might not make that possible.  At least, unless I misunderstand what he said about it.


    The second sentence was not really Fataals answer but my explanation. And actually I can't imagine a change that would be impossible to convert if you allow latitude to the conversion (for example changes in the perks might mean the character starts unperked again but with the perk points of his level, changes in RWG might mean some POIs vanishing or some blocks getting replaced ...). Eventually with too many changes a conversion routine would just be too time consuming, expensive, uneconomical, but not impossible.


  12. 2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    So we had to do new saves for years now because TFP didn´t feel like implementing this earlier during development?


    I am sure one of the reasons they stayed in EA this long was the freedom to change anything without worrying about compatibility to older saves.

  13. 1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:



    @faatal Well, that discussion in kinda pointless. But more importnant, how will updates work? I mean you surely won´t break saves anymore now when leaving early access. That would be an absolute no go. Wich means RWG is completly done, with 1.0 i assume?


    No, Fataal answered this already. Since savegames and world files have version information you can convert older versions to a new format at the start of the game. if necessary. This is just some programming effort, the deeper the changes the longer it takes to program.


    The Factorio developers for example have done this since ages ago. You practically can start an old savegame from years ago and it will just run the savegame through ALL individual change routines until the save reaches the current version.




  14. Guys, it is not about the change itself, @pApA^LeGBas concern is about whether TFP is keeping quiet on a major reason for the change. 


    My feeling is that IF that is the case (because of NDA or simply because they did this just on suspicion it would look better to Sony/Microsoft), then it would be a rather harmless omission (comparable to not telling your grandmother that you go on a adventure cruise). I don't expect them to tell us everything. At least since I have been on this forum they never told us everything, especially about their bussiness dealings.


  15. 1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    And now it will be a 30$ game and people who buy it will get a incomplete game missing key features.


    And it´s more than just icing. The balance, be it for traders or finally having an actual endgame (they go to version 1.0 and basically have no endgame that alone is a big no, no) is missing, bandits aren´t in, the RWG isn´t done yet. 


    When is a game incomplete to a prospective buyer? I remember a lot of players arguing in this forum that A16 was complete und could have been published after some weeks or months of polish. Were they confused? Or was 7days already factually a complete game at that time?


    The only people able to argument that **their** game isn't here yet are the kickstarter backers. And for them there is no change at all, they already payed for the game and the features are still missing and on the roadmap, whether this is called 1.0 or alpha22.


  16. 9 hours ago, Catdaddy said:


    I know this is off-topic, but this comment confused me. No BFD, just a headscratcher...


    All of the images in this thread are related to this thread. Are you suggesting that the images should be posted in a separate thread, in a different section, outside of the topic they are illustrating? Or are you suggesting that he makes a second thread just to showcase these menu shots? 


    Either way, that is weird as hell, but thanks for the clarification. 


    Gamida guessed right. WarMongerian has been posting questions AND narrating his adventures in this thread. This forum section is the right place for questions and discussions, but "Images and Vidoes" is for the latter part, I quote "Show off your screenshots, videos, fan art and other survivor made media here".


  17. 1 hour ago, LuvShiramine said:

    In response, of the 2 posts you've said i want to make a few points

    Even if 64 zombies works and the ai doesn't bug, stand still or just not update its pathing, that's only 6 zombies, and in optimal fashion lets assume that these zombies aren't the bugged ones, there's no guaranty that this zombie will even reach the block its trying to break, or stick to it, or have another one finish its job, i don't want to say "and its not 100% going to be attacking something optimal" because that brings us back to engineer zombies.

    so that's a huge problem with the buggy ai. and it would barely make a difference on its own, you'd need to raise the horde cap to like 72, and update the ai so it doesn't bug, then increase this to like 25% to see a concrete difference in this. 


    Not sure what you mean with buggy AI. There was the very problematic bug in the A16 AI which you mentioned as well, but I don't remember any serious bug now, neither did you seem to have mention one in this thread. Whatever the AI does now is mostly what the developers intended, so it's by definition not a bug, at most a disagreement between your and their vision


    1 hour ago, LuvShiramine said:

    I found this to be engaging in its own way, (im not saying it was flawless, no this entire article i've been leaning into the idea of a16 ai) and the qualities it had, because it felt more like a hold out, kind of stressful where you had to be aware at all sides, because like you said they run quite literally right at you, into your walls stairs ramps fences perimeters ect... but obviously like you said certain stuff like spike walls and stuff countered it very very well, and the big old jumped up block meta, however demos spiders and vultures we have now could make that mildly less effective

    speaking of traps and spikes a zombie that could charge though traps and slam into your walls with that charge would be kinda cool and interactive, like literally just copy and paste the charger from left 4 dead, but he flings your spikes and cant get electrocuted by fences 


    ?? The demolisher already charges through spike traps without taking damage.


    1 hour ago, LuvShiramine said:

    yes and no, if you tried to over build sometimes the zombies would just chew through everything and you were helpless , some times the boring based with 99999 spikes and a cube so you could see all your sides yes, BUT like i said new demos and vultures (with a buff ) chewing open your walls and a 1-2 more special infected could change up that meta to something more unique, however to achieve that +that true hold out stress inducing gameplay you need more underlying mechanics and game health changes 


    As you said "could". In my opinion demos with A16 AI would just mean you would need stronger defense blocks all around (and if you already were at steel you would need to use thicker walls). No new meta, just more wall. Exactly because he can hit any point of the wall, any point has to withstand the normal damage plus the additional damage of the demo.




  18. Horde night after 80 days is definitely hard for a new character, but 2 weeks is not a problem.


    It seems you have been doing lots of building and practically no looting in the first days of your solo play. That is quite dangerous actually as your equipment only improves through scavening/looting. I would suggest to mix it up.


    By the way, there is a separate forum section for pictures and videos from playthroughs: "Images and Videos"



  19. 1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    It already was in early access on console before. It´s on gamepass already. Those can´t be the reasons.


    ??? The telltale version was labeled as a full release version if I recall correctly, with one after-release patch promised. That is one of the reasons why the console launch seems a likely "culprit".  


    1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Why would they simply lie? Or not tell that it has to do with consoles? I mean why would you ask for new trouble and not tell that they are basically forced to do it, and then do it in a way that looks like you deceided on your own and you very well know  that it won´t be satisfying for a lot of people when you can simply tell it´s due to 3rd parties that you must do it?


    Because you don't officially trumpet internals from confidential meetings with Sony and Microsoft where they tell you that you better have a release version ready or there could be consequences, wink wink natch natch. Ever heard of NDA's? Ever heard **any** games company telling details from their dealings with one of the console companies ? Most knowledge about console rules seem to be coming from the grapevines.


    And maybe they even mean it,  it may be a secondary reason and the only one they can publish.



  20. 17 hours ago, LuvShiramine said:

    i don't think it would be possible, especially for a game like this, 7 days is a beefy game, allbeit the devs do their best to optimize but this game eats everything it can, simply put you'd need a nasa computer to play split screen on current 7dtd, i have 32 gigs of 3800 (tuned) ram and a 5600x and i still barely get 60 fps in cities at low settings, i know im not gpu bound as well. 



    I think a current PC with enough RAM would probably be enough, at least I would hesitate to make a verdict without an actual trial.

    But the consoles do not have enough RAM. And on PC split screen would not be that useful for most players since you can't operate two independant mice on it but most PC players are used to keyboard and mice.



  21. 9 hours ago, LuvShiramine said:

    """BUT a small fraction of them did not follow that same strategy (say: 10%), it would add a touch of randomness to the game. Your base might be "perfect" and maybe even AFK possible, but that 10% being "not following the default AI playbook" might be enough to ruin your perfect base. """

    this is perfect ^^^ 


    And already in the game for 2-3 alphas.


    10 hours ago, LuvShiramine said:

    So imagine if 7 Days to die difficulty did something like that, added new mechanics changed up the core gameplay of a lot of stuff, there is so much you could do.


    As I said I am not happy with the difficulty slider myself. we'll see if TFP does anything about it eventually.


    9 hours ago, LuvShiramine said:

    additionally this thread is proof of the many ideas they could do, and a few i could def see in the game and fit the theme and overall gameplay.


    TFP is a small team, they only have a handful of programmers and they have their hands full with tasks already. Non-programmers always underestimate the time needed for changes and features. Just saying.



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