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Everything posted by Alloc

  1. The difference is that before it was just an unofficially added engine file I provided and now it's provided by TFP officially. Using the script will still make things easier but you can also run without (as before ) if you prefer that.
  2. Nope, but in case it was a real crash (i.e. process died) please show the output_log.txt instead, as the filtered one could miss something in that case.
  3. Not yet but I might do so shortly after the hotfix is released (You might want to remind me if it's done one day after hotfix)
  4. Yeah, rereading your message I see that now I probably added an "I" after the "and" when reading it. Just wondering, do you actually use the second key of a 2pack for the server? The error is all over the forum already Going to be fixed with an upcoming hotfix.
  5. Could you go a bit more into detail on what "the bunch of stuff" is you added to the folder?
  6. Not with the Linux one. There was a problem in the first ~16hrs though so people who received the *second* key of a 2pack could not access the Linux client and dedicated.
  7. Not sure what's happening there but it looks like it still fails to run two of the deob modules.
  8. Hm. That's definitely your first problem then Please delete the engine folder, run updatescripts --force, updateengine --force
  9. So nothing in the instance folder under logs? Also, does the engine/ folder contain all the files/folders as before?
  10. Patch for what? /EDIT: Ah, the saveworld issue? That's not part of my mod but the game and will be included in the next hotfix.
  11. Are you running a 32 bit OS? How do you start the game? Management scripts or manually?
  12. Please verify that the file 7DaysToDie_Data/Plugins/x86/libCSteamworks.so exists. If it does run "ldd libCSteamworks.so" on it and paste the output
  13. Do you also have libgcc and glibc installed as i686 / 32 bit versions?
  14. Saveworld definitely won't work in this build, it was disabled by accident.
  15. Anyone still having problems after installing the 32 bit libstdc++ please report here and don't forget to paste both the stdlog and output_log to e.g. pastebin.com.
  16. Ran updatescripts first and then updateengine? A.k.a.: do so (Run updateengine with --force now as you already got the latest version)
  17. Install 32 bit version of libstdc++. Added to the Prerequisites page of my doc.
  18. If you're talking about real hooks in the code: Well, same as before: Find the right spot and patch the code there.
  19. Nothing set in stone yet. Though implementing server cmomands shouldn't change much in future. Of course class names will change, method names and what you can override too, but the basics will be the same.
  20. Yes and yes Almost. First updatescripts then updateengine and it *should* be fine
  21. Nope, I don't. I currently don't know yet if we'll see that in the core game in the future either. But a voice-permission sounds like a plan
  22. Might be. Can't tell you for sure though. On the other hand A10 isn't too far away probably anyway so you might just wait for that
  23. Are you sure this is the case? Not that someone logged in only when you had the mod removed? As I said that stacktrace is most likely related to a prefab in one of the regions so unless someone goes to that region it shouldn't show this behavior. (No, the mod doesn't interact with the world/prefabs at all)
  24. The only thing that changes is that LPE is dropped and I moved it's functionality to LP.
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