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Everything posted by Alloc

  1. Yup, as Markezzz said you can change the port implicitly by the control panel port. In the future there will be an option just for this one. Also there will be the new authentication which shouldn't give you any trouble anyway
  2. Telnet hasn't been touched in the vanilla code and has always been invulnerable to that bug in my implementation since the beginning In regards to player limit: Probably it's really just the 32 bit as the Windows server does not have this limitation.
  3. Thank you, that probably does make sense. Though maybe not as much with the new server browser but anyway won't hurt either Added a ticket.
  4. The commands added by the mod are bound to the same permission system as any of the original commands. So if you add e.g. "<permission lkp 10 />" (highly abbreviated ) to your admins.xml that means that anyone with permission level of 10 or less can use this command. (The permission level 0 is just the default for every (even vanilla ones) command, you can still override them)
  5. Huh? That quote is from half a year ago?! What effect do you want to see where?
  6. Looks like you don't have the latest Linux files package. Please see this release notes entry for further info.
  7. Nope, just the DNS provider. Hope it won't take them much longer to recover.
  8. Nope, it's just the DNS that's going nuts atm.
  9. That was bound to happen somehow ... Well, you'll have to bear with it for now, protection will be different in future and shouldn't give that problems anymore then. Probably won't make it before A10, got a few more important tasks for now
  10. You just have to create an empty file in the folder "webserver" with the name being "protect". No extension or anything, just plain "protect" That's all, it will then ask for username ("admin") and password (the same as you set for control panel) after the next reboot of the server.
  11. Hm, if you have a permission level of 0 you *should* be able to run every command. Currently not but this sounds like a good idea. Added another ticket for that task
  12. Nope, should still work just fine
  13. That's nice to know. Thank you for the feedback
  14. Oh, using the Linux scripts? Didn't yet bundle the updated mod with the scripts, you'll have to get that manually (see https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Server%20fixes#Download ).
  15. It's not directly wrong but threading is always prone to generating trouble ?
  16. Actually don't ask me what exactly Windows does with this assembly blocking Could be that it only affects when run with MS.NET, could be it's random ... It seemed to help for one guy to unblock it but as long as it runs fine for you you probably don't have to care.
  17. Nope, the startdedicated starts whatever *build* you have there. Most likely the client build, which currently still has a dedicated *mode*. The output "Dedicated server only build" is probably because you already added my mod. As that replaces the AC#.dll it will output this, but this is not necessarily right for the whole thing you have installed. You can check it in two way: Replace the AC#.dll with the orig one you had before and check if the output is still in there (probably not ) or check if Data/Bundles/ has just one file BlockTextureAtlasesD.
  18. Nope, it's a code patch, not a web frontend patch
  19. Continuing in Skype As Mack7n already pointed out and even the title of this topic clearly states: for Dedicated servers. Well, seems like that's the same issue as the other guy reported then. Protection (the way it is now with HTTP-Auth) will be replaced in future anyway Uploaded a new release yesterday, it *might* work better with protection enabled.
  20. Uh wow, this one again ... please verify for all the .DLL files in 7DaysToDie_Data/Managed that none of them contains the part marked in red on their properties. If one does click unblock. Yeah, please do so for a test
  21. Hm, had such a report one time before. Do you have the protection enabled? Can you reproduce it (i.e. does it happen all the time)? Will try to get a release ready these days that might also fix this.
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