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Everything posted by Alloc

  1. Or use Mono, that error is MS.NET bull$$$$
  2. Sorry, haven't committed my changes to the deob lately, will do so today.
  3. You ALWAYS need the matching fixes files for the game release. If you use an older version of the fixes you basically get the old game code. That means those who used the old files were basically running b11 and not the hotfix (b12). Sorry, even I have some real life events every now and then
  4. Just messed up with the numbers. 352 is the current server build, ignore the warning.
  5. Even if we wanted to we couldn't delete the log ourselves from within the game ^^ Regarding the excpetion: might be a hacking person, if so this should hopefully no longer happen with 10.3.
  6. Yep, saw your other thread. The mod shouldn't be affected, it just prints those exceptions for further use but it won't break anything
  7. What happens if you reopen (or close it for a few minuites) the page itself? Does that help? Did you check if there are any connections from unknown IPs to the web map? If it's available to the public internet it could also be accessed by other people or bots.
  8. If you're talking about the dark red'dish background color: Open the css/style.css and edit the lines currently saying "background-color: #230000;" (two instances). #230000 is the hex-coded RGB value. The second one should be enough but as both are in there I'd suggest changing both of them
  9. Sounds more like the lag-issue FRTs manager seems to have sometimes. The command is executed on the server as soon as it's received. Have you tried using the command manually from ingame console or with a manual "Telnet" connection? Not sure what exactly you're talking about. But you can definitely go here and see what the last revision was and when it was uploaded. Thank you for the kind words I'm always happy if I can help (especially if the help leads to something working )
  10. Does this happen regardless of the message part after that? I.e. does the recipient, if addressed by his ID, always receive the ID first?
  11. Didn't hurt your game experience in any way I suppose? Those "errors" are ok, the worst thing that can happen is that your browser won't get a file
  12. What exactly is giving you a NRE?
  13. Might be a good place in there. But as I said: My code works fine as it is in SVN so if you can't compile I can't help you with the amount of information you gave.
  14. The current one (rev.207) is for 10.1 and also shows 10.1 in the log. Have it running on my own server that way Server manager: Not on my reach, that's FRT's business Well, I can't tell you what you do in your code, the code as it is on the SVN compiles + works fine with A10.1
  15. Sure can do, but this will be when I get back to work on the webstuff. It doesn't make sense to just randomly drop limited functionality things in there and later on having to redesign everything because the webinterface will require something totally different
  16. No, you don't need a secpnd key. But in the first like 16 hrs after a10 release the second key of the 2pack was not allowed to access the new Linux depots, so that's just it
  17. With the upcoming patch this shouldn't occur anymore. Just a bit more patience please
  18. The difference is that before it was just an unofficially added engine file I provided and now it's provided by TFP officially. Using the script will still make things easier but you can also run without (as before ) if you prefer that.
  19. Nope, but in case it was a real crash (i.e. process died) please show the output_log.txt instead, as the filtered one could miss something in that case.
  20. Not yet but I might do so shortly after the hotfix is released (You might want to remind me if it's done one day after hotfix)
  21. Yeah, rereading your message I see that now I probably added an "I" after the "and" when reading it. Just wondering, do you actually use the second key of a 2pack for the server? The error is all over the forum already Going to be fixed with an upcoming hotfix.
  22. Could you go a bit more into detail on what "the bunch of stuff" is you added to the folder?
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