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Posts posted by mr.devolver

  1. Straight immunity seems like it's too much. Maybe a simple mechanic where you disarm yourself and have your bare hands to indicate your surrender.


    I think Fallout 4 solved this in a similar way, but for some reason I never really needed to use it. Maybe it was because when something went wrong, I just reloaded the last best save and continued, but then again in 7 days to die we have no way to reload even in singleplayer, once something goes wrong, it stays that way, so any safe way to back out of some unintentional incident with NPCs would be helpful.

  2. I wouldn't expect them to particular help you just yet, especially if you hit them. They hate zombies; they don't necessarily like you.


    I would say the scenario you describe is working as intended currently. We'll further refine it, where some NPCs may help each other, while others may not. Maybe generate some random factions and have different NPCs assigned to each one, as sort of mini-gangs.


    Yeah, but you know I didn't really mean to hit her, so maybe NPCs could detect that some fighting with zombies was going on and maybe they could turn a blind eye to it if it happens just once. Accidents happen. If I kept hitting her, that would be a different story and of course, she could consider that as a threat and she would react accordingly, but hitting her just once by accident could be forgiven even if she wasn't hired, especially when we both were in the middle of a fight with zombies.


    As for the factions and mini-gangs, well that sounds very good and it would give me more than I would dare to ask for :p But then again, if the goal is something like that, then it would be better if the pack of NPCs was bigger, so that the mini-gangs or the said factions would be formed by mostly different people. Perhaps one day if and when TFP re-add bandits and hopefully re-add whatever it is that we need for proper UMA NPCs, you could effectively generate all kinds of different NPCs with different weapons and clothes and armor and they could be good or evil and you would have to approach them to find out if they are friendly or not, that would be cool!

  3. Pushed a fix for the revenge.


    Does it work only with hired NPCs? Because I was fighting zombies together with a non-hired NPCNurse and she attacked me, because I probably hit her by accident. You know, I was surrounded by many frozen zombies and I had only a wooden club, but NPCNurse was near and I thought maybe she could help, so I brought couple of them to her and she really started to fight them as expected and I was hitting them from the other side with a club. Everything went well until the point when I probably hit NPCNurse and she got aggressive towards me as well. It was not my intention to hurt her though, but naturally I was out of stamina almost the whole time during that fight and when she attacked me, I also lost a lot of health. As soon as I got a bit of stamina back, I started running away from her, but she immediately ran after me trying to kill me while the remaining frozen zombies tried to kill us both. I do understand that non-hired NPCs may not trust a stranger as much as they would trust their leader, but still, situations like this one feel kinda stupid. And of course, while I was trying to run away from NPCNurse, I was unable to avoid them all and I was hit and killed by those remaining frozen zombies. There was also a non-hired NPCFarmer who just enjoyed the fight from safe distance as a spectator and obviously didn't feel like helping at all, BUT for some reason when I respawned and came back to pick up my bag, I witnessed a funny situation as I found both NPCNurse and NPCFarmer fighting each other and NPCFarmer won, so at the very least, I got some satisfaction thanks to this bizarre experience which brought smile on my face. :)

  4. My memory is sometimes not so great. Are all pressing bugs addressed or are there lingering issues?


    Has the npc / trader interactions been re-tested? I've tested them, but I've tested other 'fixes' as well, so that's not necessarily saying much.


    If by interaction you mean the dialogue options and the actions after clicking on individual options, then yes, they seem to work correctly. I will double check to make sure.


    However, there are still other issues. Among other things, there is still that problem with losing NPCs in the trader's base, friendly fire - they get instantly aggressive and attack you when you cause them even a small health loss by accident, but on the other hand, when they want to attack the enemy, they don't mind to kill you in the process if you're standing in the way.

  5. So, did you notice how the army companion was shooting? Did he hit more often than not? Have you tried any of the others? Just wondering how someone else is finding their performance and animations.


    When I tried the army guy, it wasn't for too long, but he was probably better at close combat than shooting. I also tried Ghost and played with her as a companion for a while, but then I lost her at trader area because I forgot that they disappear there. Well, we weren't really close to that trader base, but she ran straight towards the area and poofed. I guess that just happens sometimes and you lose your coins, it was a nice run while it lasted though. I've been getting some NREs with them, so to be perfectly honest, it's hard to fully enjoy with console errors showing up in the middle of a fight. Her animation is glitchy sometimes and she stays static, but her body moves around and then moments later it fixes itself somehow and her animation works correctly again. At one point I saw that she had the lower part of her body under ground, but teleport solved that issue.

  6. I missed the second part. For animals, you need to hold something they are interested in. Usually its like corn on the cob, etc. You don't really hire them, but rather get them to follow you to a pen.


    I tried to make them interested that way, but they never followed me.

  7. What did you expect a cow to say? haha


    That's still kind of work in progress on them. It should have displayed the same information as the NPCs though, so a tool tip pop up and writing to the console.


    Well, you know when she started with "Hello friend, how can I help you?", I kinda thought she was different... Turns out she's just like any other cow in real life and doesn't talk much after all lol

  8. So I added Animation SDX and tested again. NRE that I had before when I spawned the cow was gone, blurry hands glitch did not occur with just animals installed, but when I click "tell me about yourself" on animals, nothing happens. I checked the files and I have the files that worked on NPCs. Is it a feature that doesn't work on animals? Also, how do I make the animals to follow?

  9. Updated the SDX Repos with the blurry hands fix, along with some other code clean ups.


    The SDX_EntityAlive mod was missing a dependency on the AnimationSDX, so the mod launcher didn't prompt that as a requirement. I added that as a dependency as well.


    Actually I was just guessing what could the dependencies be, because Mod Launcher didn't show me anything and I forgot Animation SDX for that cow test.

  10. Cow test:


    Mods installed and enabled:

    Bloom's Animal Husbandry

    Hal's DLL Fixes













  11. I'll do another code review of the modlet downloading. I know it's not perfect, but has worked in all my tests.



    We've been testing the hand glitch, and have not been able to reproduce it with the cows from Bloom's. Can anyone help confirm that the bug does not happen when a cow is nearby?


    I wouldn't mind to test, but so far I've never seen a cow in 7 days to die when I had that mod enabled. Not sure if automatic spawning even works, but to reproduce the hand glitch, it should be easy if it works the same way as with NPCs - just spawn the cow near 4x4, enter the vehicle and get out. What's the cow's name in the list of entities? I might spawn one manually and do some testing for you.

  12. Sphereii, I updated EntityAlive SDX and it didn't work, then I manually deleted EntityAlive SDX mod folder and downloaded a new copy of it and only then the update actually worked. It seems like Mod Launcher doesn't properly update the mods that are already installed.

  13. I wonder if it has to do with that animator layer warning we get when we open up the dialog option.


    They should still cost money. I'm not that generous :) Does the message show -1, or does it show 1000 but doesn't take money from your stack?


    It shows 1000 like usually, but takes 0 lol, of course I took advantage of it and now I'm travelling with nurse, Harley Quinn, and I've also put the army guy from Dark's pack and before you ask, they took 0 casino coins even before I added that pack, I just thought like if they go with me out of their good heart, I may as well just go with it :p



    Something weird just happened. Harley Quinn I was talking about seems like she lost her bat. She does her usual animations of attack, but with no bat in her hands. I met another Harley and she already has the bat in her hands.

  14. So I tested this new version on a clean copy of the game and now it shows some info when I click "tell me about yourself", I don't know why it didn't show anything before. Maybe I should have started a new world for that update? Anyway, I just wanted to ask, did you disable casino token check? Because now I can hire NPCAmmo for free lol

  15. no worries. I re-tested the vehicle / hand blur, and it seems to only happen if the vehicle moves. Must be something that is out of sync. Were you ever able to recover from it, aside from logging out and back in? I tried a few things, but no dice.


    Well, when I was focusing on this bug, I only tested it with 4x4 truck, so originally I though it happens only with some vehicles and I also thought that it happens only when the vehicle moves, but then it happened to me even when the 4x4 truck was not moving - I just entered and left the car (NPCAmmo was near) and I ended up with blurry hands.


    Today it happened to me even with bicycle, so it seems like it could be any vehicle and whether you actually drive it or not, it doesn't matter. Once you enter the vehicle, you are likely encounter that bug. It happened to me even when NPC was not around and even when I didn't have any hired NPC. As for the way of recovering from this, unfortunately besides exitting the game and loading it again, nothing worked so far.

  16. Two things should happen when you have Tell Me About Yourself: a tool tip should pop up, taking up most of the screen, and writing out to the console. That's handled through the SDX_EntityAliveSDX mod. The dialog option is handled by the aui_Dialog.


    It almost sounds like there's a mismatch. You can have the option in the dialog, but the script will ignore it if its unknown.


    I will test this on a clean copy. Maybe it didn't update properly. Usually when things seem to work on a clean copy, I copy the files to the game that already contains my favorite mods. Sometimes I get too excited though and that's when I try the modded game right away. This was the case, so I will check if it works on a clean copy of the game and I will let you know.

  17. By the way, I just hired NPCBaker, one of those poor NPCs that only have 200 points of health out of 800 for some reason and I clicked "tell me about yourself" and nothing happened.

  18. Sphereii, we talked about this a week ago:

    - There is a rare glitch with vehicles - when you drive in a vehicle and then get out, sometimes your hands seem misplaced and blurry when you move (video 7:55). I added this here because so far I was unable to reproduce this glitch before hiring an NPC. The only way to fix this is to close the game and load it again.

    EDIT: Actually it's pretty easy to reproduce: spawn both 4x4 and NPCAmmo near you. Get in vehicle and get out.


    Here's the video it referred to:



    And here was your reply which was also a reaction to that other problem with NPCs disappearing in the trader's base:

    Will investigate this. I haven't visited a trader with them, nor spawned in a vehicle.
  19. Can you go ask the NPC, while their health is dropping, "Show Information", and grab all the information from the log file? What kind of food are you feeding him?


    It was not a hired NPC. I will try to hire one and see how it goes.

  20. New update pushed to fix some entity spacing issues, health regeneration and some refactoring in an EntityUtilities class to centralize more things


    It seems like health loss is still an issue.

  21. SDX were mods that include XML XPath, PatchScripts and Scripts.


    In A17, with the baked in support for XPath, SDX was redefined to include PatchScripts and Scripts.


    DMT is coming along to replace SDX Launcher. However, it includes support for PatchScripts and Scripts. However, it includes Harmony support, which should replace PatchScripts.


    SDX Launcher is closed source, and the original developer is not active anymore. DMT is fresh and clean from Hal9000, and is open-source.


    Just like 7 Days To Die goes through several iterations, so does the modding community with its tools.


    DMT can support everything that SDX Launcher does now. But I am not going to continue to maintain PatchScripts when it's much easier and time effective to write Harmony scripts. What that means for players and modders, is that new work may not be available to them until they move to DMT, if that new work needs Harmony scripts.



    This conversation has gotten a lot more feedback than I expected.


    I'm sorry for keeping you from doing other things you wanted to do, I just wanted to say that I hope that most mods will be really compatible with DMT out of the box and won't need to be updated, because some authors of the scripts used in currently popular mods are no longer active in the modding scene here, so we could hardly expect them to come back and update their scripts to be compatible with DMT. Of course it would be awesome if they did, but that's very unlikely to happen and it would be shame if we lost those creations with no chance to preserve them for the future versions of the game. :( It happened in the past, just like with that awesome fishing mod for A16 which wouldn't work in A17. Same author who coded that MortSpawner script which is currently used in Guppy's car mod.

  22. Rest easy friend, everything will be all good, and this will be transparent to you. When the NPCs go into feature-lock for SDX, then if modders wanted new versions, they'll jump on the DMT wagon. They'll have to do that for A18 anyway :)


    And I just finished testing the NPC mods with all the new changes against SDX, and aside from some code fixes, it's working.


    Ok, so SDX mods are only those that contain .cs scripts, right? I checked the set of mods I am using and wanted to use for a while and figured out that they mostly consist of your SDX mods, a lot of modlets which I believe will be compatible, but it also contains Guppycur's Vehicle Madness SDX mod and this mod contains a script called MortSpawner.cs. Now, maybe I'm wrong, but I believe this is an old script coded by someone who worked on Starvation, a very talented coder, but unfortunately no longer active in modding scene here. So even if we were allowed to update the script to be fully compatible with DMT, what are the chances that someone will be actually willing to do that? I mean, there's not many modders who actually know how these things work. I kinda wish I knew how to code these mods, I would help with updating if I was allowed to, because I also want to keep playing with that mod myself. :p

  23. Ok, so in theory most SDX mods should be compatible out of the box, right? But what about the compatibility of NPC mod itself with other SDX mods? And it does rely on Animation SDX and since Animation SDX is incompatible with DMT, can we expect that it will be available soon enough after the transition to DMT? What I'm mostly worried about is the statement you made right here, and I'm still not quite sure how to feel about it, because it does sound like those who want to play with NPC mod installed will have some problems with other mods, which is quite disturbing.


    The new version I'm working on will likely have breaking changes for other SDX/DMT mods outside of the ones Xyth and I provide. It re-organizes things to make it easier to support.
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