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Everything posted by xyth

  1. xyth

    True Survival

    I hope you will consider adding something like Carlzillas unarmed SDX mod at some point to your mod. Its still 0.6.0 version, though. I think it might be possible to edit it down not to use his stances but rather use your 2 attack types and the double hit when using both. That would equate to 3 attack types which is more than enough. The double hit isn't an issue as it deplete stamina rapidly, which is dangerous in close combat. This probably isnt something for the next release, but consider it added to the wishlist (along with three08's teleporter mod) .
  2. xyth

    True Survival

    I like this much better than the double gate.
  3. xyth

    True Survival

    Ok, ok. I'm fine with guns, as long as the bandits are improved so they don't autofire non-stop at max range so you get hit several times before you even know they are around. If you play "dead means dead" then you become a tad cautious about aspect of the game that will kill you without you even getting a chance to respond. On the topic of bandits and followers, I think it would be more realistic if you couldnt tell which was which until you got into reaction range. If your a fan of the apocalypse genre, you know humans are far more dangerous than zombies, and you seldom know if the survivors are hostile or friendly until you approach them. So here are my thoughts for the next version. 1. Use the same survivor archtypes for both followers and bandits. Maybe change something small like hair style or mask type to allow bandit identification only at close range. Make most highly territorial, and only a few wanderers (scouts or lost souls) 2. Give them all the guns you want as long as they do similar crap damage on body hits that we do to them. Make them struggle to land a head shot on a fast moving target like we get to do. 3. Once sleeper code is available, either from Starvation or Pimps, use that for both types when placed at POIs.
  4. xyth

    True Survival

    To be clear: 1. No guns on either, melee weapons only is my first choice. 2. Unless they drop melee weapons, it doesn't matter to me what they carry cause I'm going to make sure they don't hit me. Only caution is giving them melee weapons with a very long reach, like the sledge, as they already have a good hand range as it is.
  5. xyth

    True Survival

    Well, in other mods like bad company that have bandits with guns, it makes early day survival almost impossible, especially if spawned on bloodmoons. Bandits with melee weapons are fine. As for followers, the ones you spawn with guns run up and melee anyways, and often miss at close range, damaging the ground badly. I'd stick with melee on followers as well.
  6. xyth

    True Survival

    @Spider; Ok, so I decided to try multiplayer for the first time the other day, and jumped onto your server. Unfortunately, I entered a few minutes after a 400+ day bloodmoon began (lol). I insta-died, but the fist fight was fun while it lasted. I logged off and called it a night. I just retried to get onto your server but now I don't have any starter stuff. I tried a new profile but nada. I also get lots of errors logging out and I need to use task manager to kill 7D2D when I leave your server. I reloaded a clean install of your mod and it still bugs out on exit. No biggie, I will try again when you reset.
  7. xyth

    True Survival

    Everyone does this at first. I move to an active defense asap but in this mod I seldom have the arrows to spare on day 7. I usually just hide up top somewhere where climbers cant get to then at 4:00am sneak down and run until the horde spawn moves away from my POI. I think its critical that bombers be added on later blood-moons to prevent a passive defense.
  8. xyth

    True Survival

    I like the sunflower seed idea. Sugar cane ingredient can be used to boost the OH content of alcohol recipes to increase bonuses (example- light beer vs normal). Forest flowers, yeah maybe for the natural cure whatever its called. Are you adding new diseases like Scurvy? If so, consider biome plant distribution for things that cure that (tomatoes, carrots, blueberries) If your adding in cannabis, might as well add in a small %chance to mushrooms to provide a similar buff (or a fun one) as most players cant tell one mushroom apart from another so will occasionally pick up a more interesting one.
  9. xyth

    True Survival

    Starvation has nearly pure vanilla game play except for the cool add-ins. TS changes the game play significantly. As long as managing a village is optional I am not opposed to adding something like that in, but I found managing settlements in Fallout tedious, and I doubt starvation will be any different (I hold out some hope as those guys are amazing!). For me, I just want to survive solo (or with friends).
  10. xyth

    True Survival

    I just click on the grass icon in my backpack and then click recipes. I takes you right to the rope recipe that way.
  11. xyth

    True Survival

    Yeah, I think there will only be a recipe for each shape, then a sub menu for the class, like wood or cobblestone. So that will remove a lot of recipes from the search.
  12. xyth

    True Survival

    Could be wrong, but the way they are changing the blocks (fewer types, more skins) will reduce the number of items in lists so the hit for having a lot of recipes will be lowered. If that wasn't why you wanted fewer items then my point isn't relevant.
  13. xyth

    True Survival

    I'd use most if not all of them but place them in specific biomes. Citrus fruit only in plains, apples on in snow, pears in pine forest etc. As for recipes, that issue goes away in A16, so just add in some for now then all later.
  14. xyth

    True Survival

    +1 for the OldHoe. I think the pistol issue can be controlled by ammo crafting gating and some tweaks to the loot tables to reduce/prevent 9MM rounds from dropping too often. Repairing knives and for other specialty items is similar, gate the repair kit needed. However, special starter items are also a solution I can support. Whatever you decide works best is fine with me. As for the three crafting domains, I like it. I dont like player level being a gate but if needed I think this might be better: My suggestion- Journeyman starting items unlock at player level 20 Primitive Crafting lv 50 Master Craftsman starting items unlock at player level 40 Journeyman Crafting lv 50 Hard to guess the exact right number, but for some reason I found I leveled much slower than most of the posters. I dont power level or grind except to fill up the night hours, and was only about level 20 after most of my made items were 300-500.
  15. xyth

    True Survival

    Depending on how you configure the gates (like required level) on these recipes, most, if not all, of the Profession differences only show up in midgame. I think that there should be a clear difference on entering the game. I suggest adding a class specific starter weapon, tool or kit to each profession. The item should have limited use (Quality and decay tuned to last short of the gating period with normal use), and cant be repaired until the recipe becomes ungated. So cops have a pistol, farmers a hoe, docs some med supplies, hunters a rifle etc. This is not to make the game easier. By limiting the quality and repair-ability of the item it should have minimal impact on early survival. I'd also like to see a generic/wildcard class that just offers some points to allocate and the base starter items. The points would equal what the recipe value is for the other classes, plus the 5 points you give them..
  16. xyth

    True Survival

    As I mentioned in an earlier post, you can fix the safe zone issue by editing the entitygroups file, changing each line that has a zombie in it to a rabbit or chicken, keeping the same probabilities for each line. That way it keeps the spawn rate of the followers the same, without all the zombies nearby.
  17. xyth

    True Survival

    The issue is I'm trying to decide if I want to build or buy my new computer. My current one has a older I7 processor and fast SSD, but no free memory slots and uses slow memory. Not worth upgrading. I bought one recently and returned it due to a defective PSU, so am back to shopping. I cant find a prebuilt machine with quality parts so I'm probably going to build.
  18. xyth

    True Survival

    @Spider: I want to toss out a few thoughts I had about the mod before you finalized changes in the next version. 1. I find zombie corpse cleanup duty one of the least interesting parts of the game. The only mod where I don't mind it is in Valmod, where it only takes one hit with even a stone axe to downgrade the body or goreblocks. So three swings cleans up any dead Z. In his horde mod I had to kill and cleanup 50+ zombies taking a poi at level 1, and it was actually rewarding cleaning up the mess I made rather than a chore. Please consider reducing the hitpoints of dead corpses and goreblocks. 2. Way too many fat zombies (the puking ones that charge then explode) spawn in early game. They are not dangerous (as they are way too slow and pause in place for very long times), just annoying, especially near towns. They blow up all the roads and take forever to kill with headshots at low levels. Not worth wasting lots of arrows on. 3. Speaking of headshots, Because the hitpoints of the base zombie is so high, the heads rarely explode when hit (especially at low levels). Who doesn't love the rewarding feeling of making a zombies head explode? I'd recommend lowering the head dislocation damage threshold significantly. 4. Weather is generally not a survival issue in your mod. In a few other mods, freezing is a real issue. In BadCompany (I think), I was forced to spend almost an entire day next to a fire in an enclosed box because of freezing rain outside. I could only make short runs before HT set in. If this had happened on day 7, I probably would not have had a base ready for bloodmoon. On the other hand, I find the whole cooling clothes thing silly. How does wearing shorts and a tank top cool you down over just your unders? My idea for this is to make the whole world a colder place (Nuclear Winter - larger snow zones and no desert) and remove most or all of the cooling effect of clothing. Cool drinks could stay. I'd be happy to create this winter wonderland for you if you want. Just need to figure out how to add a layer of ice over the water biome. 5. Animals like bears, dogs etc that have eyes forward should not see at the 320 degree angle setting. This is fine and proper for deer and other animals with eyes located on the sides of the head. That's all I can remember from playing last week. I'd also caution you about overusing SDX though. If you have tried the Starvation WIP you will soon realize how memory intensive it is. I have a I7 with 8 Gigs ram, and even though I can sustain 50+ FPS in a town, the game stutters because its swapping stuff in and out of the 8 gigs of RAM to my SSD. So unless you want to make this mod for those with 16 gigs of ram, go easy on the additions!
  19. xyth

    True Survival

    Maybe spawn something harmless instead, like rabbits or immobile zombies? Like you said, its moot as your changing the followers next version. Thanks for replying.
  20. xyth

    True Survival

    I finally was able to test and confirm the starting spawn issue was directly caused by there being lots of zombies listed in the entity group "followers". I cleaned that group up and the problem was resolved. My question is now how to balance out the followers left in the entity group. Should the spawn chance of the total members of the group equal 1.0? This is what I have for now until you decide on what it should look like: <entitygroup name="Followers" > <entity name="Maggi" prob="0.1" /> <entity name="Morgan" prob="0.1"/> <entity name="DarrylDixon" prob="0.2" /> <entity name="Tara" prob="0.08"/> <entity name="Rosita" prob="0.08"/> <entity name="Carl" prob="0.08" /> <entity name="Rick" prob="0.08"/> <entity name="Abraham" prob="0.08"/> <entity name="Carol" prob="0.08"/> </entitygroup> Also, even though your spawning.xml has maxcount="1" for followers per zone, I got 3 spawned in visible range ( Rick, Morgan and DD). Any idea why? Not complaining, I felt the love on that startup.....
  21. xyth

    True Survival

    This is the one I use, there is a forum post regarding it here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48537-The-7D2D-Mod-Launcher-A-Mod-Launcher-for-7-Days-to-Die
  22. xyth

    True Survival

    I agree that the speed variance and speed settings are about perfect now. If daylight will slow them then hopefully its only like 10-20% off current speed.
  23. xyth

    True Survival

    Your missing my point Spider. That code doesn't exist in any mod, yet only your mod has this issue. If I substitute any other mods spawning.xml file into your mod, the problem goes away. I loaded a fresh spawning.xml from your master file and retried it, same instaspawn in the starter zones. I then commented out the follower spawn lines in each of the started biomes and the insta spawn goes away. I'm not sure why those lines are causing the issue, maybe you have ideas to share. It might be because your Followers entity group is full of zombies for some reason. As for the issue Magnus brought up, the "problem" is that your allowing a double swing when both mouse buttons are pressed together. To me, that's only a problem as it allows you to exploit the issue related to zero stamina, so you can fell trees and boulders at high speed without worrying about ever rechargeing stamina. Maybe preventing the game from accepting both button input at the same time isnt possible, but I think thats the issue he is pointing out to you. If its working as intended, just say so.
  24. xyth

    True Survival

    I decided while waiting "weeks" for the new build, I would see if I could track down why your mod is the only one I have found that spawned Z's in the starting area withing minutes. I tracked it down to the spawning.xml file. I took a copy of one of Valmods spawning.xml files and added your bandit code at the end to keep it line by line identical except for the specific values like delays and quantities, and the follower spawn lines. I used Notepad ++ compare function to insure line by line comparability. I made sure I used the same starting zone for each test (tested forest and wasteland). Then, using your file, I pressed F1 and watch the spawn without moving my character an inch. Your file started spawning Z's almost immediately within visible range within 1.39 game minutes (time shown when pressing F1). It spawned 4 Z's by 1.89 game minutes. On the other hand, using Val's modified file, zero zombies spawned until well into the game afternoon. Huge difference. Both files spawn other entities, like deer correctly. Not sure whats going on here, as a line by line compare shows minor differences in respawn rates and numbers. Your follower spawn lines are the big difference in the files. If I have time later I will edit in the follower lines into the Valmod based file and see if that changes anything.
  25. xyth

    True Survival

    These new changes sound good, but its hard to tell until we can test how they come together. I am ready to test whenever you have a build.
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