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Everything posted by xyth

  1. xyth

    True Survival

    I'm no xml expert but I think this section is your problem. <buff id="stunned" mutex="stunCooldown" duration="4" actions="increment(@wellness, -0.5, 0, 0, 1)" onexpired="stunCooldown" type="speedmodifier" icon="ui_game_symbol_stunned" name_key="stunned" description_key="stunnedDesc" tooltip_key="stunnedTooltip"> <modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" mulValue="0.1"/> Looks like a closing tag is missing, and this section is just above where your error is thrown.
  2. Yeah, congrats on the spawn. Sleepless nights are great for modding, just saying.....
  3. xyth

    True Survival

    If you PM me the files Spider, I will load them up on my server and try to sort it out for you.
  4. xyth

    True Survival

    It seems 7.0 is still too buggy for production. I'd love to see a non-SDX version of TS released first and wait for stability before releasing the SDX version.
  5. xyth

    True Survival

    I like where you are going with this. Spider, how about making the arm a progression like cracked --> fracture -->compound fracture ? At cracked its really sore and you only have reduced output with melee and some tools (damage). If not healed in time then upgrades to fracture. Fracture means one handed use only. Upgrades to compound fracture if not healed. Compound fracture means as before plus bloodloss and maybe disease etc. Change the progression as you think best but this keeps the wound model consistent.
  6. xyth

    True Survival

    Happy to help, just let me know.
  7. xyth

    True Survival

    My local SP install starts from a desktop shortcut with this line as its target: C:\7D2D\Starvation\7DaysToDie.exe -sdxconfig="C:\7D2D\Starvation\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\settings.ini" The settings.ini just sets the target directory for SDX. No special launcher needed.
  8. xyth

    True Survival

    He also needs to make an SDX build and copy these three files over to the new server: Assembly-CSharp.dll SDX.Core.dll SDX.Payload.dll That and the Mod install as you described should get it going.
  9. xyth

    True Survival

    I'm excited to try it! As for the server load, I ran the Starvation SDX mod for a while on my server. Looking at the file folder difference between that install and the non-sdx server installs there is minimal difference (3 specific files needed to copy in) . I assumed you loaded the SteamCMD dedicated server then added your mod folder, sdx folder and config folder? I don't think there's more to it than that as far as I can discern. Nothing seems to be loaded outside of the game folder you setup off the SteamCMD server root. If you want to send me the game files I will try to install it on my box for you. Read here for some hints: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?40848-HowTo-Install-SDX6-on-a-dedicated-Linux-server If your running a windows server this applies with minimal changes.
  10. xyth

    True Survival

    Ditto, I like both but don't like your choice of texture for hardstone.
  11. xyth

    True Survival

    Looks good, but I'm not sure what you intend with the "Power Song" bonus. Do we have to chant or something in combat or did you mean...swing.... Other than that, consider the following: 1. Forged Iron is heavier than Forged Steel, but perhaps you are using cast iron which is lighter. Id make steel augmented weapons have less delay unless your thinking cast iron. 2. Night sticks are small and fast, so should use less stamina than clubs or bats 3. Sledge may need more delay. Ever use one to hit something thats not very solid (like a pumpkin on a post?). Its hard to recover from the follow through and then setup for a second hit. Burns stamina like crazy too. 4. Knives, swords and small axes should be significantly faster than clubs of all kinds. I'm heading out for a business trip soon so cant really study this with the time it warrants, but I think its good to go for the first release. On a final note, I notice the great detail in the damage bonuses to materials. Perhaps this is just thoroughness on your part, but I cant help wonder if you are thinking of introducing Zeds with surface category "material" other than organic. Cops wear body armor, maybe concrete coated workers, accountants with glass jaws .....
  12. xyth

    True Survival

    The cause is that all the added recipes in this mod and how A15 searches EVERYTHING on the crafting menu causes the slowness. Only decent work around is make favorites of those items you commonly use and switch to the favorites screen when crafting.
  13. xyth

    True Survival

    I dont think there is any on the surface but according to the biomes.xml file there is some under the gravel thats under the snow. So dig down 4 blocks of snow, then 1 of gravel, then your chance of hitting nitrate starts. I'd say its less tedious just heading to another biome though, or otherwise I just bust small boulders and get all I need that way.
  14. xyth

    True Survival

    I have played around quite a bit with the RWGMixer so might be able to help in that area. I have changed the weather settings a bit too, but there doesn't seem to be much out of the box you can do there. You can change temps, storm frequency, make it snow in the desert etc. But you cant make it rain cats or anything like that.....
  15. xyth

    True Survival

    Smelt it in the craftable Blast Furnace
  16. xyth

    True Survival

    Almost 24 hours since last post from Spider...... Must be hard at work, or passed out...one of these probably....
  17. xyth

    True Survival

    I vote for all blocks of that type. It would be tedious, and otherwise you would have to ensure every block combination would exist in game prefabs many times to make it viable otherwise.
  18. xyth

    True Survival

    Still some load errors to work out in Starvation. You have time to get some work done on TS while they fix it..........
  19. xyth

    True Survival

    I totally get this. This is actually a great idea for a starter class, nativist, with significant bonuses to most primative skills (bows, fishing, basic cooking, wood construction, primitive clothing etc, but gets locked out of top tier crafting and weapons (can't grok the tech)
  20. xyth

    True Survival

    Well, I never seemed to have enough feathers. Guess I need to raise chickens next play through.
  21. xyth

    True Survival

    Harvest count 100% on the electrician seems really high. Maybe 50%? Also, If it applies to all wrenched items will an electrician get 2 engine drops from cars or just double the gas, scrap etc? At 100% I'd probably go with electrician every-time in a mod with scarce resources like yours. Oh, and when is the next version going to be released?
  22. xyth

    True Survival

    Ok, taking a shot. One starter item each related to profession (like you said), one major bonus and 1 minor bonus each: Class Farmer - Harvest count, food recipe Fisherman - Harvest count (can you increase fish catch probability?) , food recipe for fish Chef - Exclusive recipes (uber) , smell Cop - Pistols, doughnut recipe Soldier - Heavy guns, armor defense Chemist - ? Doctor - +5 med, medical recipe Fitness Instructor - Stamina regain, Max stamina Fireman - Seriously? Fireman? Climbing speed ;-) Construction Worker - block damage, repair time Carpenter - primitive bonus, repair time Electrician - I question this one as his material is journeyman and no longer gated by skill. maybe special recipes... Metal Worker - I question this one as his material is journeyman and no longer gated by skill. maybe special recipes... Burglar - Loot quality,loot time Park Ranger - Ranged falloff, crouch speed My assumption on what a Major/minor bonus might be has little basis except usability in the current system.
  23. xyth

    True Survival

    I hope you will consider adding something like Carlzillas unarmed SDX mod at some point to your mod. Its still 0.6.0 version, though. I think it might be possible to edit it down not to use his stances but rather use your 2 attack types and the double hit when using both. That would equate to 3 attack types which is more than enough. The double hit isn't an issue as it deplete stamina rapidly, which is dangerous in close combat. This probably isnt something for the next release, but consider it added to the wishlist (along with three08's teleporter mod) .
  24. xyth

    True Survival

    I like this much better than the double gate.
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