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Everything posted by xyth

  1. Sure you can, but with unpredictable results. Let us know how it works out. - - - Updated - - - It wont prevent spoilage, just slows it. You need a powered fridge to do more than that.
  2. Sneaky devils......you should watch your 6......
  3. If you get a log error "Keynotfound.......", its due to CrawlerSteve sneaking back into entitygroups.xml. This is a vanilla bug that will be fixed in next patch.
  4. Not sure, it is in game though.
  5. You get fun by being around fun things. Fun increases your sanity.
  6. A custom HUD is being written for Starvation and should be in the next release. We may include a slightly bigger backpack in that next release, but it probably will not exceed 45 slots.
  7. Sorry, we won't be supporting changes to the Starvation mod. Adding prefabs that have their own custom loot risks altering the mods balance, such as making gas and workstations too available. There are a lot of new POIs in Starvation, you might want to try it out as is before changing it.
  8. That depends on what you want in the way of customization. You can make the container size larger or smaller in the loot.xml for that container. More advanced window changes are done in the UI files.
  9. The new SDX tutorial website is live, look under the SDX tool forum for details. I made my latest videos public now that the tutorial is released. More on the way.
  10. xyth

    True Survival

    Just reloaded the game, its working fine and several players are on the server playing. Please make sure you are running A16.2, not 16.3 experimental.
  11. xyth

    True Survival

    I think these are all model issues. #3 certainly is. I will make new models as these are reported, once I find a suitable replacement mesh, or find the time to learn to make new ones in Blender. Thanks for the input.
  12. The video tutorial on using SDX, including the instructions of how to setup the xml files for sdx to use is forthcoming. The delay is because we are striving to make sure everything is perfectly clear for the absolute beginner. Several of us have gone through the written tutorial line by line a few times, improving it on every iteration. I understand that folks are eager to move forward with modeling, but unless we get this right the first time, we will be buried in support questions. Remember, as it relates to adding new game objects to 7d2d, you only have to run sdx one time without any mods selected. Once that's done, you can drop most unity3d files (any that do not have required scripts for animation, lighting etc) into the Mods/SDX/Resources folder found in your game directory, then manually add the new object as a new block into your blocks.xml. No need to re-run sdx for that. The standard format for the lines you need to add to the basic block are: <block id="2013" name="newblock"> <!-- Need a unused ID number and name --> <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity" /> <!-- required exactly as typed --> <property name="Model" value="#NewBlock?NewBlockPrefab" /> <!-- required - #____ is the name of the unity3d file, ?__ is the name of the object inside that file --> <property name="Material" value="wood" /> <!-- pick any material, but one with some stability, like wood, metal etc. --> </block> Look at a similar block in the blocks.xml for other properties you might want to add, like to enable picking up the block, enabling collision with the block, etc. Add those lines as you desire. The launch of the website is scheduled for early September, but there is a chance that it will be available sooner than that. Patience please, we are nearing the goal.
  13. xyth

    True Survival

    I'm checking now. I just logged in. Server functioning normally. New and correct password is showing in launcher as expected.
  14. xyth

    True Survival

    In the Mod description in the Launcher you will find the current Server Password. Click on "show more information" to see the current sever password. The Server Password will change whenever the clients need refreshing.
  15. xyth

    True Survival

    Reset - - - Updated - - - Reset - - - Updated - - - No ETA yet. At least 1 more server wipe for testing. Still lots of bugs being found by testers.
  16. The tutorial on using sdx 0.7.1 (being done by a tutorial team member, not me) will be available soon. Basicly you just run the sdx once, which add the "hooks" needed into the vanilla game code. Once that's done, just drop your new .unity3d file in the new resources folder that sdx makes for you, and then add a new block to your xml that uses the model. Full details and working examples are coming very soon.
  17. xyth

    True Survival

    EAC needs to be off on this modded server. Im guessing you are not hitting the TS server, but rather trying to connect to a different server if you see that message. To join the Test Server- Download and install the 7d2dModLauncher from here- https://7daystodie.com/forums/showth...-7-Days-to-Die After installing and updating the Mod Launcher copy the page address below then paste it in that field- Code: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SpiderJZMOD/7D2DModLauncher-File/master/7d2dLauncher.xml Press Enter. Uncheck EAC and install (might take a long time the first time) In the Mod description in the Launcher you will find the current Server Password. Click on "show more information" to see the current sever password. The Server Password will change whenever the clients need refreshing. After starting game the ip and port will be automatically populated.
  18. xyth

    True Survival

    I'm guessing here, but it might be because the fatty's projectile code of <property name="CollisionRadius" value="0.5" /> is only 1 block, so if it hits between 2 blocks it might act as if it passed between the 2 virtual 1/2 blocks. Setting it to <property name="CollisionRadius" value="1.0" /> might make your walls a defense again, but I have not tried it (Too bizzy at the moment)
  19. xyth

    True Survival

    Sorry I missed ya on the first pass. Not my job so don't shoot the volunteer. Gimme a minute and retry
  20. xyth

    True Survival

    Server is down temporarily....no eta until Spider gets back online as its an issue a reboot wont fix.
  21. xyth

    True Survival

    That's not your steamID, but i reset you anyway. Its 76561197976320874/minisith
  22. xyth

    True Survival

    Deleted. Enjoy your new life.
  23. Updating for A21 Here are the links you will need to get started modding A21 using Unity. You must use Unity 2021.3 to create new assets for A21. Things you will need to follow along with the videos (note that the video talks about old version of unity but it is the same process). Step 1: Download the Unity Hub and Unity 2021.3.19f1: https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive then Install it. Step 2: Download my Unity 2021.3 template project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yPQ2yOj1Oe7pOml3ytfZcNggWWTAD4gq/view?usp=sharing then unpack it, saving it to a location you will remember. Step 3: Open unity Hub, and click the ADD button, locate my project template, and select that folder. You now have a properly configured modding platform. The project includes the TFP tagmanager, Linear lighting configuration, and the export script needed to export your new things as .unity3d bundles. Step 4: Go watch the tutorial videos. https://www.youtube.com/user/xythq/playlists?shelf_id=0&view=1&sort=dd Step 5: Make something cool, and have fun doing it!
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