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Posts posted by xyth

  1. 17 hours ago, Stoneson said:

    hi, why cant we move the camera in every direction? would be cool if we could move it around freely like the sensor camera or the turret camera. 


    Because it only uses the switchclass, more functionality would require custom code.  I doubt I will have time to do that, but I expect someone will.

  2. On 6/3/2023 at 3:31 PM, Truckerwil said:

    Afternoon, thanks for the mod.  Just installed on our dedi server and the cave system takes a bit of getting used to!!.  Question, majority of the people who play on our server aren't fans of the fire mod and have asked if we can remove it.  If we did would this cause any problems?  Cheers.


    In the guppyfire Mod, edit this line in his blocks.xml file, and set it to false or delete it all together:           <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='ConfigFeatureBlock']/property[@class='FireManagement']/property[@name='FireEnable']/@value">true</set>

    On 6/4/2023 at 8:17 AM, Truckerwil said:

    We are also having problems with getting next tier of quests to show.  Ive completed T1 and two days later still get T1, found that i have to accept a T1 cancel it for 1 x T2 to show.  Unfortunately the same rule doesn't apply for T3.  We also do not get the option to scroll up and down Tiers.  Any thoughts?


    We will look into this, sounds like a bug.

  3. 3 hours ago, oStylesz said:

    I am having problems with this mod. When I start the game it doesn't show the menu where I can start or click to start a new game. When I use the mod launcher the zombie dogs look glitch and I can't do any damage or they can't do any damage to me. I don't really like using the mod launcher. Can someone help me with this. I downloaded the mod and replace my mod in the 7 days to die folder.

    If you added the entire mod to your Mods folder, and dont have any other mods loaded in either of the 2 possible Mods folder locations, and you have EAC off, it works.  If you are doing all that and it still doesn't work, we need to see your logfile.


  4. 3 hours ago, benlefou said:
    hello, I have a problem I can play solo but not join my friends with the same list of mods because of this bug: see photo

    requested value 'onSelfrangedBurstShot  ' 


    Link your player log file so we can see the actual error.  Thanks.

  5. I am guessing this is a function of the caves system under the snow than the snow itself.  Large caves underground will make the SI above very weak.  IN WW, this is a feature, it functions as yet another way to die 🙂  The solution is likely smaller caves on worldgen, or moving the caves under mountains only.  The cave system has many levels of caves, so its more like swiss cheese than stable underground.

  6. 13 hours ago, Saimon said:

    Hi I'm using the CCTV Mod to have screens to look at the cameras, and it gives me this problem, when I go to look at the screen, I see the cameras badly and the map does not load, in addition the screen lights up for a while then shuts down by itself, help? Thank you:


    This is the screen: https://ibb.co/wRkWVTt




    Did you do this? You MUST turn off Occlusion in the Video Quality settings or the camera will cull (make invisible) somethings when indoors

  7. Just fyi, a new version with bug fixes and adjustments are being pushed daily since release, so be sure to update your game periodically.  Generally things are gamesave safe,  so far anyways 🙂


    On 4/14/2023 at 3:04 PM, Wert111 said:

    i cant donwload, pls google drive or something else, just i cant bcs google said "dangerous web site" .


    The .zip file linked above is dynamically created based on the very latest files on github.  No viruses included.  


    We are changing files daily right now as folks give feedback, so making a manual .zip isnt an good option right now.


  8. On 2/6/2023 at 6:14 AM, WhiteLion said:

    Nice mod and works fine with Darkness Falls and Sorcery combined.
    My friends and I has tried to install cams 1 km far away (my cam should show his and his cam should show my base).
    Sadly that does not work. Even when putting the scare crow which should work like a chunk loader does not help on that. (I think scare crow coming from DF mod)

    Any way to make things like that work ?

    Sadly, there is a max limit, but i dont recall how far now.  Definitely not 1k 🙂


  9. 2 hours ago, grillo said:

    Have them working on my dedicated server but can't seem to find a way so that the videos in the server's mod files are the ones my server members see. At the moment its working individually. Any help is much appreciated, was planning on playing thick44 marathon on server.

    The video files on the server and client need to be the same.  I'm guessing your talking about sync between the server and clients, so all clients see the same video?  I dont think that's possible in this codeless version. 

    On 2/6/2023 at 3:24 AM, XDM said:

    im getting a pink screen and no sound for it now. back in a19 it was working fine but this updated version for a20 not working for me

    I'd need to see your game log to help identify your issue.

  10. Minor update to the NPCCOre.  It just edits xml so vanilla entities will fight back when hurt by EntityEnemySDX NPCs.  Few if any modders will be impacted by this change, and it is save game safe.  Also refreshed the SCore.zip found in my repo.

  11. 3 hours ago, mooseman said:

    This could be a dumb question but i was just curious is there a way to have the raiders to not have such perfect aim or something. we have tried just getting to the trader on fresh game and have died like 20 times between the 2 of us in a very short distance.


    The accuracy is adjustable in xml per weapon.  By default we use the player default xml values for the most part.  Increasing the passive variance setting for each weapon should help make them miss more.  <passive_effect name="SpreadDegreesVertical" operation="base_set" value="2" tags="perkGunslinger"/>
                    <passive_effect name="SpreadDegreesHorizontal" operation="base_set" value="2" tags="perkGunslinger"/>   Try doubling those values 2 -> 4 , and do the other weapons as well.  

  12. Some Shaders seemed to have changed in one of the A20 builds, so perhaps the assets need to be repackaged to use the new shaders.  Not sure if I will have time to look into this before A21 make that fix need refixing, but I will see what I can do.


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