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Posts posted by xyth

  1. 6 hours ago, Talzoid said:

    Just out of curiosity, Is there an easy way to change the depth of the snow generation 2 blocks higher/lower or is it just hard set at 8 above the terrain? 

    Its hardcoded that way.

  2. 14 hours ago, StevieJ said:

    Idk if I report bugs here but a friend and I were playing and right after we both did an air supply quest the trader completely bugged out to the point where neither of us saw eachother in it and we couldnt regen stamina, when we finally managed to get out of the hole we made in the trader without stamina and walked about 120M away we suddenly started gathering stamina and could see eachother again. This happens everytime we try to go near the trader on our world now

    Make sure your using the version posted above your message, that has some trader fixes in it.

  3. On 12/6/2023 at 10:33 PM, Jayman said:

    Updated to newest version and still can't lock pick.. I don't have to start a new save, do I?




    That random texture issue has been around since this mod was created.  I have not be able to find a clue why it occasionally happens, but it only seems to happen to a random lock at very rare intervals.   

  4. .16 released.  Pushed a small fix that reverted a UAI change to caused NPCs to enter chat at long distances.  

    On 11/20/2023 at 4:00 AM, Keibl said:

    Hello! The main problem with the mod is that the npc companions that follow the player at some point stop shooting zombies and just stand there watching them. Taking them as an item in inventory and placing them again sometimes solves the problem and they start shooting again, but it doesn't always help. Please fix this because this bug is very annoying as it happens quite often.

    Might be fixed in .16 version

  5. On 6/21/2023 at 3:46 AM, Stoneson said:

    no it works, but the first video loops instead of playing the next.

    If its working as intended, if you press E a second time, it locks that camera to the screen, another press will resume looping between the cameras.

    On 11/29/2023 at 5:16 PM, LShwarts said:

    This is an absolutely spectacular idea for a mod. I'm new to the game and was thinking that something like this would be amazing for our bases. Thank you so much! 

    Thanks.  Its a very old mod, but still seems to work.


  6. 2 hours ago, AceManoj said:

    Regarding the XNPC mod. I had an issue with the latest XNPC mod in War of the Walkers overhaul. The NPCs were not responding to Zombies as mentioned by @Keibl ...and one more thing I noticed was, if I crouched...NPCs even farther away from me were responding to it and crouching. Usualy the closest one crouches.  On horde night...randomly only 1-2 NPCs(Out of 6) were shooting, which was not the response in the previous version.


    So to check, I used an older XNPC modlet all worked normal. I am using Alpha 21.2 Stable. Thanks.

    I checked the NPCCore changes from .10 to present and there is nothing apparent that would effect this.  It might be related to changes in SCore however, but make sure you are on the latest version as there have been updates that might impact this issue.


  7. NPCCore updated to .15 : Fixed Bandits healing the player when they healself.  Adjusted some UAI  distances to test SCore UAI changes (follow distances) to pre/post calculations.  

    12 hours ago, ahugehit said:

    do the raiders and soldiers and what not roam the map simialr to zombies?

    Yes they do, or maybe placed in custom POIs.

    On 11/21/2023 at 4:56 PM, Keibl said:

    I specially recorded a video with this bug, which often happens inexplicably because of what, please watch it. Mode "hunting" and "resume". Npc was 4, they started running after me and shoot zombies, after about 10-15 minutes two npc stopped shooting, the other 2 npc prolonged normal behavior and shoot zombies. I removed the 2 normal npc in the inventory and left 2 npc that did not shoot at zombies and from this point recorded a video.


    I have not seen this bug in my testing, but maybe it takes as long as you say.  I also noticed you had a drone deployed, perhaps that is part of it, I've not tested with drones.  The NPCs you show are clearly task locked, but not sure why.  

  8. 23 hours ago, Ru Melin said:

    Hy, Great Mod! Good Work and support too.


    May I ask when we get the Mech and the Vault NPC Faction? Do you plan to bring them to A21?


    Best regards

    I may release the mech, but there are still a few bugs to work out on the ranged ones.  Not sure if Darkstar is releasing the vault folks.

  9. On 10/29/2023 at 5:12 PM, Ozzland said:

    Quick question: 

    Is there an easy way to tell which CORE Zombie packs are working now in A21, not everyone uses a nice url like khzmusik, and the first page doesn't blatantly give an indication, or not blatantly enough for me.

    Or are the all ready again, -- again Core Zombie packs not UMAs



    Any packs liked on the first page should work on A21

    On 10/30/2023 at 5:14 AM, Rygastan said:

    And the last...For "2-SummonFoxFriend\Config\Localisation.txt"


    These is the last !!
    Hope all is good :)


  10. On 10/18/2023 at 10:05 AM, Proselyte_Ethan said:

    And to answer the question, there were only two audio sources playing from the tv's in the screenshot that I'm aware of, although there is a drive in with a bunch of tv's at it that cause the same error. It does not happen with only 1 tv present but with 20% of tv's being replaced by active POI TV's, there's likely going to be more than a few playing at the same time. This problem did not seem to occur in A20 for some reason.

    20% might be too high then.  I set it that way during testing and never thought about what would be a good replacement rate.  Easy enough to edit that 1 line in xml


  11. On 10/13/2023 at 2:19 PM, Crepes7 said:

    Hi all,


    Major issue.  Somehow I found a perk book in one of my storage boxes called "Master of disguise" that was described as letting you join the bandit faction.  I read the book, and now the following happens:

    1) Bandits don't attack me, but attack my companion

    2) I can't damage bandits who are attacking my companion

    3) Civilians attack me, and I can't talk to or recruit them

    4) I also can't talk to or recruit bandits


    Searched everywhere for how to un-do reading this book, came up empty.  Please advise.

    There should be a Whiteriver faction book you can cheat in.


    That book is for faction testing and not intended for use in loot or gameplay, for the reasons you discovered.  It could all work as expected, but all that isnt coded yet.


  12. On 10/18/2023 at 11:23 PM, Evil_Geoff said:

    Have you tried looking around the Red Rocket outside Sanctuary Hills?


    Not sure if this is an NPCCore issue, a mod conflict glitch, or what.  Using bdub's The Wasteland overhaul with the Friendly Raider Girlz and KHZ Civilians NPC packs.

    When using the "Show me your inventory" command to have hirelings/employees/followers/whateveryouwanttocallthem (I swear I hear Lydia saying "I am sworn to carry your burdens" every time I use it 🤣 ) to carry stuff, I have discovered that hirelings (at least some of them) repair items if they were at less than 100% durability. I have recreated this with weapons and armor items.

    HOWEVER! If you put mods on the items before giving the items to the follower to carry, the item will be returned without the mods installed. I lost a reflex sight and extended magazine on a 10mm SMG that way.  Not gonna complain at all about the auto-repair feature at all!  LOL  And now that I know about the mods disappearing off of items, I can deal with that as well.  I used creative and got my mods back.

    No error messages thrown but maybe someone will be able to duplicate the issue and see what's going on.


    I confirmed the free repair and the mods theft bugs when picking up and placing down NPCs.  Its working as expected, as the code recreates the NPC and its contents when you place it back down, and quality and mods are not saved due to limitations of the Items meta data.  Mods shouldnt be on NPC weapons, as they cant benefit from mods.  Lets just say that the NPC takes any mods you put on items in their inventory as payment for free repairs 🙂

  13. On 10/3/2023 at 3:27 PM, Arlex said:

    Dunno what I am doing wrong here but I can't even craft any of the TVs because they require specific glass panes and all I can craft is the glass block.



    On 10/13/2023 at 6:19 AM, TryndamereDemon said:

    There is no Business Glass Plane, there is only Business glas plane trap 1x1. Help


    Fixed in todays update.  uses glassvarianthelperblocks now

    15 hours ago, Proselyte_Ethan said:

    I've noticed that occasionally when videos are playing in POI's that the log is getting spammed with a message relating to buffer overflow and the frame rate severely dropping. This also happens with the default videos the mod comes with.





    I cant reproduce that warning, just tested and Im not getting warnings like that.


  14. On 9/23/2023 at 10:37 PM, mackerel pike said:

    For personal reasons I would like to increase the distance to which a follower can teleport.

    In UAITaskFollowSDX.cs in 0-SCore.
    I changed the value of [private int _maxDistance = 25;] from 25 to 200, but the teleportation takes place when the follower is 20 meters away, as before the change.

    I would appreciate your advice if you could help me.


    What exactly do you want when you say `For personal reasons I would like to increase the distance to which a follower can teleport.`    When they are ordered to follow?  NPCs teleport as a max distance from player, and this is set and changed in UAI if the max distance property is a valid parameter.   So you might be able to sort this in xml.  


    stop_distance, max_distance, and teleportTime are three options on the follow task  `<task class="FollowSDX, SCore" OnStartAddBuffs="NPCpegasus" OnStopRemoveBuffs="NPCpegasus"/>`  So maybe add max_distance=200 to those task lines on all the follow tasks.  


  15. Pushed  -  changes:


    Fixed weapon swapping by adding a new xml property `<property name="CompatibleWeapon" value="gunHandgunT1Pistol" />`   where each NPC weapon needs this property to better link to the player weapon version.


    Replaced minibike with a Mannequin model for placing NPCs after pickup.  Note that sometimes it can take 5-10 seconds for the NPC to fully initialize after placement, so the holdtype for the weapon might remain in idle until then.  


    Requires the latest version of SCore, otherwise the hand placement on replacing an NPC might be off position.  

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