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Everything posted by Reytag

  1. I see what happened now, the link for your CCTV mod states A18 in the text but actually links to your A17 Github which is where I downloaded the mod, grabbing your A18 version now. http://prntscr.com/pz5n83 Thanks for the texture streaming tip!
  2. Awesome, CCTV's working on 18.1b8, even the panning camera's. For some reason the ground on some camera's is not rendered, it's just empty world space as seen here in red http://prntscr.com/pyr13k From the player perspective that ground is rendered fine. Indeed the TV brightness seems to use world lighting so at night time one cannot see anything if the TV does not receive direct lighting from the front via some type of artificial light be it a lamp or flashlight etc. Mod needs to be updated to use the new resource folder "UIAtlases" for icons etc as currently the icons are blank as they are not found. Nice work!
  3. Awesome modlets, using several with a few tweaked settings for personal taste, thanks very much! Seems the fiery bolt sticks out quite far, like 1 - 2 feet from it's target (and therefore looks a bit strange), the regular bolt does not, it sticks in the target like one would expect.
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