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Posts posted by JCrook1028

  1. uhmm ...

    question may be stupid, but

    is there a special reason, why a moderator have to aprove a Message befor posting? ض_ِ

    don't know why, but my message was looked over by a moderator


    It's only for the first few as well. As said above, just to make sure you're real.

  2. Those massive Wandering Hordes always find me and they stay near my base,even if i sit silently,probably it's intentional to make my life miserable,but i wished just for once that they would run nearby and away without stopping(like in vanilla game)


    That is vanilla wandering horde behavior. They set a path towards where you are when they spawn. They walk slightly away from it and transform into a loitering horde. RH makes em huge tho. :)

  3. hi.

    Just a question about farming.

    When i place a seed it destroys any seed that is next to it.

    Is this deliberate or is it a known bug?


    Seeds have to be planted next to water.

  4. I dont get this. Destroing a nice variable option to making a static !? - Why !?


    They didn't destroy anything. They did however balance their mod for a 14 day horde cycle. Don't like 14 days? Slide that slider wherever your heart leads you.

  5. Howdy,

    Anyone try the Farm Production path?

    Crafting the chicken coop, pig and cow are pretty straight forward but the benefits are not.

    It looks like you need to capture wild male/female versions of them for use within the crafted version (which are essentially crafting stations) but I'm not sure how to capture animals. Is there a special tool that I've overlooked?




    The very first pig I killed and harvested on D1 with a shiv (I think? May have been stone axe) yielded me the regular meat/fat plus a female pig.

  6. Interesting side note: In the Vanilla version of mod: Beginning of game, when I opened my trunk, I have double items.




    Is your loot set at 200% by chance?

  7. Im having probs with traders and getting the following error whwn i try to interact with them -

    nullreferenceexception :object reference not set to an instance of an object

    This happened at my first visit and ive tried another trader but same error code .It did work once after a restart but returned.

    Mod installed with mod launcher 4k version ,no other mods installed.SP only Navezgane map

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated as Ive been enjoying it so far :)


    I had the same error on both new games I started. I exited the trader and immed tried again and it worked fine both times.

  8. "You need to solve the problem with spawning zombies on the territory of the merchant, otherwise they eat it"


    Nothing to solve there, he made it that way intentionally.

  9. Well i checked 3 different seeds and couldnt find desert biome, im wondering if it might have changed color, what has inside, etc? anyone can confirm this?.


    Mayor concern is oil shale, if i cant find desert (not saying there isnt one) how to get the oil shale for later use with the minibike?


    Any chance a mod can give us an insight about it?


    Thanks in advance


    I don't think there IS oil shale anymore. At least it's not listed in biome ores on Rh discord.


    "JaxTeller718 - Yesterday at 8:12 PM

    Ores have changed in Ravenhearst. Below is a list of what ore you can get from where.

    Snow = Potassium


    Burnt = Coal and Fertilizer


    Desert = Oil


    Forests = Iron


    Plains = Lead


    Wastelands = Copper, Zinc and more chances of finding Diamonds


    Coal, Potassium, Rock Salt, Limestone and Carbon can be mined from breaking underground rocks with a Pickaxe. Keep in mind the better your Pickaxe the better your chances of find these minerals. So an Iron pickaxe is better at harvesting them than a Stone Pickaxe."

  10. Thanks for seed. On default that I was playing and achieved level 30 and didn't find any trader a at all and I had lots of gold and diamonds and money about 30K. They should add when generating world in town at least one trader.


    It's really low odds for a town not to have a trader. Did you go to more than one town?

  11. Normally if ya are friends ingame, you can pickup stations too, thats what i know.


    Nope, as friends you can PLACE stations. ONLY the one that places the lcb can pickup stations. Been that way for all of A16.

  12. i'm playing Ravenhearst MP 3.1.5 on a dedi server. We have Entered a Prison with 6 ppl, yeaaaah.! Now the Issues.: 1. We All Friends ingame (normal) 2. Leader set the landclaim. (normal) . But now we can't pickup stations or anything, everytime he must come online to pickup what we set, because we can't. Some Ideas why !??


    Working as intended. Only he who placed the lcb can pick up stations.

  13. Question in the title. Has this been stated or confirmed anywhere? I haven't seen anything. I'm incredibly excited for it to come, but don't want to start/continue my current game if I'm just going to restart in a short while.


    Today at 7:05 PM

    3.0 will require a complete wipe of all of your files. Saves will not work on it. We have re-assigned item and block numbers, we have changed biomes, we have added POIs and tweaked random gen. If you are looking for ways to import or save anything you can find this info from other places BUT you may NOT submit or even speak about any bugs related to 3.0 if you do this.

  14. I know Jax intentionally takes away some of the more OP Loot POI's, as he should imo. I'd hate to see RH ruined by having the retirement home in there for example.

  15. Hello,

    first: great mod.

    I've used the Modlauncher to isntall revenhearst mod 7 Days Horde SP. But it seems that I've accidently got the "extra spawning" version.

    Direct from the beginning there are always 3-6 Zs spawning near me.

    This seems a little bit odd an I don't want this extra spawning. How can I disable this with the launcher?


    Pretty sure that's not the extra spawning version. Ravenhearst basic has many more spawns than vanilla 7dtd, expecially more wilderness spawns. Out walking trhu the woods you're basically never gonna be alone.

  16. If Jax makes lock picks stackable, they will lose the durability stat and will not be breakable. If you find lock picks too much trouble, don't use them.


    Lables on the storages are visible only to its owners unfortunately, Jax cannot help here.


    Buckets cannot be dumbed in this mod because Jax doesn't want us to use it for the 'unlimited water exploit'.


    WotW has stackable lockpicks that break after one use so...it IS possible to do.

  17. I like this mod, but in my opinion it is a bit too much. Everything is hidden behind different skills. Just to craft armor i need to level 3 skills (tailor station, construction tool, clothing) then every meal is hidden behind another book/skill. Forging is hidden behind different skills...

    a bit too much


    And the lockpick. It costs 10 forged iron and is a single use item (yes always breaks after opening the safe). It is cheaper to destroy it with an axe than to make lockpicks


    I don't mind the cost nearly as much as the inventory slots to carry them. Carrying just one seems kinda silly and carrying 5-6 eats up too much room. Jax let us stack em pls?


    On another note. I was watching KnightRath stream last night and his ingame buddy was having an issue. Rath made labeled storage chests and his buddy cannot read them, only sees the generic "storage" text. Any idea for a possible fix I can pass along to them?

  18. I have to say I find Ravenhearst the best balanced mod I have played. I'm really enjoying it a lot. It adds complexity and danger but not for just the heck of it. Everything I have seen so far has a purpose and a reason behind it. Now if TFP would fix their issues in vanilla so the menu lag in a full mod like this isn't so bad I would be over the moon!


    - - - Updated - - -


    a question from noobs.

    but how do I pick up the blade trap?

    already try with the wire tool and nothing

    key E and nothing


    Is it within range of your land claim block?

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