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Everything posted by Bhaaltazar

  1. OH nice, didn't remember that one for the notes. Yes as I said and edited my post I had my Near death debuff on me so forge skill was red p.s. you are quite prompt with replies Thumbs up!
  2. Crucible - I am sure I was able to make a crucible in the previous play through without taking laborer class - am I wrong and I mixed it up? And where do you find those skill notes.. in two playthroughs I found only one Kickz book which gave me some skill notes ( 15 i think ) - but only 1 such book in like 6 libraries? EDIT: My bad i had Near Death debuff on me so advanced forge skill was negated. Still interested about Skill notes though.
  3. Khaine!?! Just had a WTF moment Day 6 and i just had a wandering horde consisting of 2 behemots and 6 bomber spitting zombies... since I don't even have a gun at this point it didn't end well! What did you do there? Are this intended this early in progression? ( gamestage 43 ) I think it's a "little over the top". And it was a wandering horde in the forest biome, so they didn't wander from the wasteland.
  4. Yep I just spawned in the books and redo all the quests.
  5. Just realized same happened to me after last night playing normally. You can use giveyourselfxp command and skill books to get to approximately where you were before ( from what you remember ) Next start don't use refresh or pre-sync in launcher.
  6. You have to change .xml under Temp mods in H:\7D2D-MODED\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls\TempMods\KhaineGB\DarknessFallsA17Client\Data\Config --> entityclasses.xml depends on what drive you installed it, thats the path to the .xml you need to change. Change all CorpseBlockChance" value="1" into ...value=0 and you wont get any more goreblocks. ( there are 2 lines containing this - just turn them both to 0 and voila ). Ofcourse if you are starting it with launcher than you need to uncheck the Refresh Mods Automatically and Update Registry otherwise every time you will just rewrite the changes.. Save all games Local to Mod is the only one still checked for me. Hope it helps.
  7. The workaround for crafting mortar in forge is to "favorite" mortar recipe in forge, than go under favorites and it works without a problem. KhaineGB any timeframe when the patch with working forge will be out
  8. Hey I think I found another one - Advanced Forge not smelting - it doesn't suppose to use any fuel, but when loaded it doesn't do anything. I tried plugging it in with the generator, just in case, but it wont connect. So Probably a line in xml is missing that allows it towork without any fuel. These blocks required some sort of power - generator specific to this mod for these machines to work before in A16.
  9. Only 1/1 perk. Probably forgot to change it once you decided it will be 2 level perk Also question about mining progression under action skills. Currently I have mining 100/100 and only 1st perk unlocked. I see there are 100 possible skills points to invest? Is that intended or it was suppose to work like in A16 100 progression points where 100 is max?
  10. You get more slots to put in ores - 3 slots in big forge, advanced forge is for smelting titanium I would assume - its how it was in A16 modpacks with this mod in it. KhaineGB: Compound bow - after reading the book it unlocked bow crafting perk - but it only lets you craft crossbow.. compound bow is still greyed out - as if you have no skill.
  11. I would like to report a bug with Chicken Coops. I made some chicken coops with my farmer quest. So coops spawns in a nest I pick some feathers and an egg. Than I destroy the coop ( didn't get any meat ) and w8 for the next nest. In mean while I build 2 more coops. So when the nest spawns I loot and istead of feathers and eggs I get pistol parts and some 9 mm ammo? I guess that is not intended?
  12. Is there a way to remove this gore blocks? I know that intent is for horde nights that zombies piles up over walls or obstacles, but its really annoying on the average day and weird looking during the looting and those big piles in the world. On the horde nights you can always build your defenses in a way these gore blocks just drops and breaks. Otherwise awesome job with the modpack. It is what A17 suppose to be for my taste.
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