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Everything posted by GoldenFox

  1. maybe they will announce the release date on tomorrow's dev stream, who knows😏
  2. that's not going to happen im afraid on a side note: why do you use such a big font to write?, it's a little bit annoying to read, but maybe it's just me.
  3. City of Buenos Aires, AR. yeah i searched on google, CT to GMT and said 2am, don´t know if i did something wrong
  4. no, just a 2024 restyling of the 2023 year model lol
  5. is the green portion of the map the new swamp biome?
  6. @faatal speaking of things that may happen some day, please please please, consider adding a proper swamp biome for this game, or maybe your next game, it would be awesome!
  7. Navezgane is supposed to be based in Arizona, RWG could be anywhere. a swamp biome is very appropiate for a zombie based game in my opinion
  8. this! every zombie game needs it, do it please
  9. awesome! thanks for the info, ill change that to see if i can have more undead population in town lol
  10. will try your suggestions, thanks a lot! yup atm im alone, so i can test stuff, i saw a "few" zeds walking around, but nowhere near the amount i saw when the map was "new" where they randomly walked toward my base, now most of the time there are no zeds in streets as i said before saw 4 in a block, then in the next 2 spawned, but that amount for a city is non existent lol
  11. something odd is going on, just for testing, went down to a big city, only in a street, saw 4 zombies walking around, but the rest of the city or near my base is a desert town lol, max zombies is set to 150 for the whole map, its a 10k map, should i increase that number?
  12. hi, i've got an issue, on a dedicated server, start a new map, day 1 you can find zombies walking on the streets or in the forests etc. after awhile like day 70, no zombies wandering around, i see them only on poi's or red moon. is there a reason as to why they quit spawning around randomly and only to appear on pois or red moon? have anyone experienced something similar? thanks.
  13. Any plans to fix the server browser in a20.5? selecting north america west, i get chinese servers, european servers some using something that says naiwazi.com idk what that is. now, if choosing server location is up to the server manager, and not up to the developers, that means that no matter which settings we use in the filter we will always see only chinese and other servers? you made this game unplayable, the older browser was much better than this.
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