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Everything posted by KingSlayerGM

  1. The idea of lists as "levels" and when you have finished a level you move on to the next one, is pretty cool. Just a couple of thoughts: 1) it could grow forever because small pois keep getting selected to fill small lots, so they keep getting pushed to another list. Whereas large pois remain in the first list. 2) why the need for a list of lists? Why do you actually need to separate the pois in "levels"? You could just have a single queue and when you extract a poi, it gets pushed back to the bottom of the queue. Thus ensuring that you always get the least recently used poi. Point 2 is basically what KG does right now. However cities are large, requirements for pois are strict, so very few are actually a good match for a specific lot, and what happens is that KG is forced to go back to pois already used somewhere else. I've just had this idea. For each city, for each poi, keep a counter of how many times that poi has been used in that city. Sort the list of pois based on the value of that counter. Anytime you need to select a poi, scan the list from less used to most used and stop as soon as you find a suitable one. Update the counter.
  2. Some system libraries are expected and not included in the executable. Yes, it looks like you need glibc. Hopefully installing it should fix the issue.
  3. It is not required at all. KG is a self contained executable. Anything it needs should be inside the file already.
  4. KingGen 8 will have customization for the world border. Depending on the time I might also add support for custom radiation. But in the meantime you can just make your own radiation file and then swap it in the world's folder after the generation.
  5. @gpcstargate and others interested: I tried setting a strict rule of no poi repetition inside the same city, but the result is large empty lots with no pois, which is very ugly. For now the system will remain as it is. If you really want to avoid repetition I suggest small cities, small towns, small vllages, large grid size, and long poi list. These settings will reduce the chances of repetition. Any expert programmer that has an idea for an algorithm, please share. Keep in mind that when picking a poi for a specific lot there are 5 requirements: 1) it must fit in the lot, 2) it must be a city poi if building a city, or a town poi if building a town, 3) it must be compatible with the zone(downtown,iindustrial...) of the city, 4) it must be compatible with the biome 5) it should avoid repetition
  6. I think that poi is pretty small, so that's why it gets picked a lot. I could add a strict limit to the same poi in the same city. I have to experiment with that.
  7. Larger pois are put on the outside edge, or isolated in the wild. underground stuff is governed by the game, KG canno't take care of that
  8. mmm... until I see it happening in vanilla, I am inclined to think it is a CP issue
  9. City grid is already larger than town grid, which is already larger than village grid. What I was referring to was the possibility to customize those 3 independently from each other... so make villages larger and cities smaller for example...
  10. Thank you for the feed back and the screenshots. The error with the elevation of pois is caused by the poi list. If you made that list yourself, than you have to check the "yoffset" parameter of the floating pois. If you are using the official list distributed with CP, then please report the issue to the CP creators (I can put you in touch if you need to).
  11. Hi, welcome. I am very bad with designing UI, so I made KG automatically take up the whole screen. It's not really a full screen, because you can still see the edges of the window. If you are in Windows, I you can resize the page and make it smaller. I am not sure the elements in the UI will scale down nicely. If you are on Linux it really depends on the distribution. Hi, not having a folder for resources is a design choice. I think it is more practicle and easily distributable to have just one executable. Yes, I plan on expanding KG and adding more feautures. However, floating pois should not happen. I haven't seen any poi floating using just vanilla stuff. Are you using a custom list?
  12. Yes, this is the right place for feedback! I could add an option of number of cities/towns/villages. I probably will at some point. Old west towns will be included at some point. Do you really need to choose the grid size for each? Rural pois are not connected by roads by desing. I don't want the world to be too cluttered by roads and I also want some pois to be complitely isolated. I took note of what you suggested, but it's not goinf to happen before a couple of weeks.
  13. Thank you for reporting this. I will check 5K. It might be that the game doesn't like this size...
  14. Yeah, I thought about it... but what's the advantage of git? the versioning? And git is not really designed for binaries. Yes it can to them, but it is designed for source code, that's where it shines Also github recommends repo sizes of less than 1GB, but with G Drive you get 15 GB free.
  15. Yes, if you know more people, you are welcome to suggest names. Also, I can advertize the thing inside KingGen: "do you have an awesome heightmap that you would like to see in this list? Contact us at ..."
  16. Thanks, that's great Any standard size is good, like 4K, 8K, 10K, 16K, but you can do anything you want really. After some brainstorming I have realized that heightmap files can be very large and packaging them with KingGen would increase the executable size considerably and that would be undesirable. So I came up with a new idea. I will create a google drive folder where we can upload as many heightmaps as we want. Then KingGen will seamlessly integrate with google drive to automatically download any heightmap that the user wants to use. Users will not even know about drive, they will just see a heightmap list inside KingGen and they will just click on what they want. This is the idea. It will require some time to be implemented. So no rush in making heightmaps at the moment. I will let you know when I start working on it. At the moment I am working on KingGen 8, which has a lot of other good stuff... Returning to heightmaps, as of now, I got positive responses from you and @Cpt Krunch. But once the system is up and running we can accept submissions from the community. After the files have been carefully vetter ofc. So thank you for your support and I will let you know when the system starts shaping up
  17. Are you sure it is not a problem with the game being slow to load the world? Can you share the config file of KingGen? Good, I asked you because I want to know my userbase and understand their needs. At the beginning I didn't even think about 8 bit, but you, and a few others mentioned it, so I had to add it. Anyway, if you have tools that work with 16 bit, I recommend 16 bit.
  18. Did you use special settings? Can you share the config file that creates this problem?
  19. @scallipus I am considering the idea of having a small group of handmade heightmaps bundled with KingGen. So that people can choose with a drop down list if they want to use any of them for the generation. It would be a nice little feature for people that don't know how to make their own custom heightmaps. I am thinking of asking a few expert map makers if they would like to share one or two heightmaps for this purpose. Their names would be included with the maps. Would you be interested? I thought about it, it could be nice. Also some vanilla pois are caves. I also thought about having a bunch of sewage pois and subway pois and placing them underneath cities to create intricate underground grids. I could be nice...
  20. Now that both 8 and 16 bit png heightmaps are supported, which one will you use?
  21. @Roland the author might be a bot, since he copy-pasted my post ... or maybe he just shares my view.. lol
  22. Only one? The algorithm should try to use all four. Only in the case of no space available then it should give up.
  23. Version 0.7.0 released! Here is what's new: Added biomes/mountains spacing option Biomes are now slightly larger with larger maps Added option to save png heightmaps Added support for 8-bit heightmaps import Biomes creation optimizations Preview rendering optimizations Fixed bug with roads Added compatibility with Darkness Falls (to be verified)
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