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Everything posted by gpcstargate

  1. Good Day Sphereii I just installed the new version of launcher.. Question .. WHAT happened to Ravenhearst SDX SP Edition ?? Did he remove it or was the Name changed .. I do hope we still have SP .. Thank you .. have a good day and weekend
  2. [ATTACH=CONFIG]23374[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]23375[/ATTACH] Thank you for response: JaxTeller718 Ravenhearst _ SDX SP _ 21day Blood Moon _ Weather disabled There is an issue with Temperature going up and down .. Temp at top of screen is saying 25 degrees F and my character started at + 69 and while taking pictures she dropped to 43 and I'm running the latest patch .. should show in photo. And is ground cover as intended with the latest build .. 2 screenshots total Sorry Sphereii ... but his site wouldn't let upload images
  3. Happy Thanksgiving again Sphereii Have a couple Question in reference to the Mod .. Ravenhearst SDX SP _ 21 day Blood Moon _ Weather disabled 1) .. Is the game suppose to be pretty much Grass free compared to other Mod and even just the SP version (plain Jane you could say) after 15minute Upload of game it is fairly naked in grass textures and some others and I thought maybe I turned off grass by mistake .. but ALL my settings are still set to Ultra. 2) .. Weather disabled .. does that mean the Temps don't change .. (if so then there is an issue or just rain, fog, etc) I could not find much on the site about this and I know you are involved with the game and that is why I'm asking you. Hope it is OK _ if not let me know. Thank you and Enjoy the rest of your day.
  4. Sphereii Just wanted to wish you Happy and feeling Thanksgiving. Enjoy and have Fun
  5. Watch for Class papers .. as you play .. you will find them and be able to ADD more Classes to your character .. I think there is a total of 7or8 Class to be had. And if you are asking is there link to each class description .. 2 ways to do that .. read the class notes and decline if not wanted and convert it back into a class paper. There is a link .. but I'm sure where to find it again. Hopefully that was helpful.
  6. I'm Surprised that the game even runs ... The Vanilla version .. Windows Recommended •OS: Windows 7 or Higher •Processor: 3.0 Ghz Quad Core CPU or faster •Memory: 12 GB RAM •Graphics: 2 GB Dedicated Memory •Direct X: Version 10 •Network: Broadband internet connection •Hard Drive: 4 GB available space •Sound Card: Direct X compatible AND being Modded you need at least the RECOMMENDED if not more ... Mod's put a whole Lot of strain on a system.
  7. Dwallorde Just wanted to let you know that today I GOT stuck inside of the traders fence area for about 15 minutes trying to get out. There were 2 NPC's outside the fence shooting Z's ..... AND ..... I kept getting the Null Reference error message .... I would hit f1 or ESC move a Foot or SO and it would pop-up again .. took about 15+ minutes ... doing the same thing over and over again until I got some distance between ME .. the Trader .. and the NPC's ........ Finally got back to base before existing game. I took a screenshot ... but the file size was to big for here. 3.63mb
  8. Well I'm not sure what your issue is .... Just wondering did you watch any of the video's on install .. Skippy has a good one .. don't know if it's been update but shows all the basic's .. " I know silly question " .. it's just a thought and trying to think of options. I've been running the launcher for about a year now and haven't had that issue. Just a THOUGHT ... Go back to page 20 and see if any of that info will help .. I did have this issue the very first time and forgot about ... The Mod launcher work pretty much like a Dream once you get it set-up. One more thing .. Do you have Admin rights set-up on your game drive .. if you are running Win 10 that also might have to be set.
  9. QUESTION ...... Have you set the top selection .... TO "ADVANCE" ........ if it is on "Simple" it will go to "C/Drive by default ...... You need it it on Advance to change folder location .... ANYWAY that is the way I had to do on my 4 HD gaming system. Just a Thought
  10. The Salvation Mod is Just a slow Load Game because of all the stuff in it.
  11. Morning Sphereii Well ... I decided just to use the same player profiles that I made for WW on each of the other games ... It does port into them ... she will just have a different name for each game. So this way I only have 1 profile to worry about if it happens again. And Again Enjoy the week ..
  12. Hi Sphereii That makes 2 of us .. in the 2-1/2 years that I have played 7D2D ... I have never lost a character profile before and 1 of them was that old. SO be it .. I'll just start New Games maybe .. Don't mind doing it on Valmod or Craftworx .. maybe get a better Biome on them ... But not sure what to do about .. Dawn of the Apocalypse .. Had good Biome and base going on that one. I'm wondering if it could have been a bug in A16.4 .. except Dawn is still running A16.3. OH Well ....... Thank you for reply and Enjoy the rest of the week
  13. OK Sphereii Started the new .. WW BBkpack .. this morning and SO far everything is going OK . I still don't understand How ALL of the player Profiles could have vanished and I had 4 .. 1 for each game as a different character. AND just have Vanilla only ... it doesn't make any sense to me .. DO you know of anyway to Re-characterize the other 3 games .. OR .. Do I have to start New if I really want to do that. Chat later and have a great day ....... I'm trying ..
  14. Sphereii Started New game of .. WW BBkpack with new character .. played for about an hour .. will check tomorrow and let you know if she comes back as playable ... Turning the computer off for night and letting it REST
  15. Afternoon Sphereii Something REALY Weird happened today .. I logged into my game as usually .. Craftworx Mod just to check something and logged out .. Everything Went fine and normal I thought ....... Logged out of launcher .. Logged back into launcher and I was going to Play .. War of the Walkers BBkpack today .. Clicked on play mod and it double screened (launched twice with overlapping music) strange - never happed before .. Logged out completely .. gave it a few minutes and did Launcher again .. WW BBkpack .. Play mod .. all seemed fine until I went into Option .. Player Profile .. ALL of my pre-made characters ARE GONE .. ONLY Vanilla are showing up in any of the [ 4 - 7D2D saved Games ] .. The saved game are there with named character .. but No pre-made characters are in the games they are all [ Aldin - first vanilla character on list ] ........ Yesterday all was good Any thoughts or clues on might have happened .. Thank you
  16. By some chance .. if you Were or Are Using the 7D2D Mod Launcher .. your Old Save Game should be OK .. Any pre-save games are using A16.3 (b12) still ...... You would have a problem when starting a New Game Hope this helps.
  17. NEW POST .. For everyone If you using the .. 7D2D Mod Launcher .. Your game should be FINE as long as You Play A Old or Existing Save game .. The save games are still at A 16.3 (b12) ONLY if you start a New Game will you have issues ...... UNTIL the Modders have a chance to Update their Mod's to the New Version (A 16.4) So hope everyone is using the Launcher.
  18. NEW POST .. For everyone If you using the .. 7D2D Mod Launcher .. Your game should be FINE as long as You Play A Old or Existing Save game .. The save games are still at A 16.3 (b12) ONLY if you start a New Game will you have issues ...... UNTIL the Modders have a chance to Update their Mod's to the New Version (A 16.4) So hope everyone is using the Launcher.
  19. One last thing Sphereii I just ran .. 3 games .. all good So Far ... The Saved games are still Launching at A 16.3 (b12) .. so No issues. I think the problem will be if Someone try's to start a .. ( New Game ) .. and then they will have issues .... until the Mods are updated .... But AS long as they play a Old Save .. they should be OK ALSO .. This IS .. for anyone else Reading the Post about the Update A 16.4 ONE More Time .... Enjoy the Weekend and Have Some Fun .. Gary
  20. Sphereii You are fast on the reply's ... Question ... I just loaded into Steam .. AND .. while I wasn't looking .. 7D2D updated to A16.4 ... do you know if this is going to hurt any of the Mods or will it be ...( Time will tell - play and see ) Just wondering Always a pleasure and Thank you again .. from the Old Timer
  21. Afternoon Sphereii I also noticed it adds it own folder to game save files, not just save game. Was up til 4AM playing and getting ready for day 7 ....... The random Hordes are bad in Survivalist .. [They took out a reinforced concrete wall about 12 block long x 3 block high] .. I think I will turn it down to warrior (Never played warrior .. always thought - just a bit to easy ... LOL) Enjoy the weekend .. Later
  22. Good morning Sphereii I thought I would Try the Starvation Mod .. It took a bit to get it to launch .. 1st .. Install mod .. it needs to clone and do gif update .. waited for it to do it's thing about 5 minutes .. didn't think it was working .. close launcher. 2nd .. Opened launcher again and thought I would give it one more chance .. This time it bought up files and loaded .. then it sat in the load menu screen for about 2-3 minutes .. before going into the 7D2D load screen .. But Finally it did load and is running ok. For sure a different type of 7D2D game .. not sure about it yet .. only good thing is I had a great start location. But I think I still prefer .. Dawn of the Apocalypse .. over them all .. so many mods in it and it does work well. Anyway .. I read some people were having problems with Starvation and it is a bit slow going to get it to launch the first time. Enjoy the weekend and have some fun
  23. THANK YOU Sphereii going to the 7d2dmodlauncher.exe .... did the trick .. WE ARE BACK IN BUSINESS .... this Oldman is having a GREAT day now SO FAR .. everything is going good .. Just to let You know .. The maintenance Program ASC and their Malware program was the cause of all troubles ..... but also have the newest Version of Win10 build installed. Anyway .. Thank you again for all your hard work .. Enjoy the week
  24. Afternoon Sphereii Got computer back and all seems to be working as it should ....... but 1 thing .. the Auto update for Launcher is kicking In .. what I mean it is showing vers: and the new is (17) Now it does have the [starvationMod] showing on it which was part of the (17) update, wasn't it?? Is there a way to manual update it?? OR .. What .. if I download the Launcher again and reinstall .. will it merge into existing file and will that work?? ..... Any thoughts Games run .. just the version is wrong and doesn't have the couple newly added features. Thank you and Enjoy
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