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Everything posted by beerfly

  1. Demolisher Santa ..giving the gift of spawning back in the base 💀
  2. Will these new loot containers be spawned randomly in POIs, while in quest btw ?
  3. Cmon, that was very good one from him, but you could have kept it as a secret at least a week more, lol.
  4. New recipe perhaps ? It looks like a bravery, but a bit far from survival, more like for when we hear a dog horde in the middle of the night in Wasteland. For a probability to make them either eat us faster or get them disgusted and run away screaming..attracting a boomer or something. I`ll have at least 6, please, thank you. Yes, for take away.
  5. Lol. Currently I use snow to melt it and have no water problems at all, for drinking, crafting. Gathered all of it probably on day 5, now at day 108 I`ve never needed any other form of water gathering, even from looting. It is too easy&cheesy.
  6. Don`t really remember if snowballs did a damage on players, but we did many snowball fights, making "fortresses" out of wooden blocks, 1 regular block and 0.5 high slab, crouching behind them, 10 meters away probably. 3vs3 people. The zeds got envious pretty quickly, but they got some, too. Also, try it in real life, always. Yes, I am almost 38y/o. Doesn`t matter
  7. Could be, indeed, but @unholyjoe confirmed that aliens are not going in A21 not long ago. Who knows, fingers crossed
  8. Didn`t have a time to answer properly, but keep doing that. You will be amazed between happiness and dropping jaw to the center of the planet we live on, by the fact of how much fun we have around, in the game you guys created, not a compliment, sort of a fact. Keep kicking. We mean it! ....Oh. a torch !
  9. Keep doing your great job Laz, don`t listen Roland ! Aye, Mr. R, a 40 torches, a pitchfork and a couple of napkins. Snowdog is doing a party Yes, you are invited. Do you have a particular favourite POI in 7 days to die, just wondered, or it is still a WIP or yet never created. Keep doing your stuff, guys, we love it.
  10. That can be found here: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/25756-alpha-20-seed-thread/ Just wanted to add a link to these new awesome worlds out there to show how good RNG is working. P.S. props to Kinjahuu
  11. We all really have never tried these to give any sort of feedback. There were many changes among every new alphas, that we were afraid of, or in some way sceptic from. Everyone is curious in some way, but if we haven`t gave a hit with it we really can`t say if it is good or not.
  12. Save Games 🤘 We all had some good times ingame, even minutes before a new release is out, and was really good time we had out there, c`mon ...who of us has never been at a train station waiting for the train ? *Repeat after me kids, what train is on it`s way to get on and have some more fun ?* *The Hype Train*
  13. Past is not gonna be back, we look forward for what is gonna be better, I can`t just say "the longer the better" (because reasons...I mean SG), but it will worth it. It always does.
  14. Shhh..quiet, he doesn`t know that..yet Apart from our posts, about release date and mocking around, having the anticipation before a new release is not something new for many of us here. But I can`t thank him enough for how brilliant he acts among us and how good he explains how stuff works. Can`t wait till he goes wizard.
  15. Next alpha is near than it appears. ..Go in the corner, you are grounded...for like 2 minutes, depending on how slow Roland is counting 😶
  16. Food, indeed is a bit difficult on Wasteland biome only. But the challenge .. priceless ! I guess its a bit of a balance thing, when we go gold, hope would be proper piece of fun for everyone.
  17. Test approved. Welcome to the forums 🤠
  18. Between two of us, Roland is as fan of ziplines as much as me, but he was first to talk about it, so .. I will let him show the test version video of that one. Mr. R, why are you walking towards me, smiling. And why is this ducktape in your hand ?
  19. The hopes of ziplines just vanished. Wait, electrocuted ziplines, masked as cables !
  20. A proper improvement. I will miss the mess.
  21. You, piece of legend. So it begins! Bellies up guys, a new alpha is on its way. And we will play it, ..but when its done 🤘
  22. That part, when a new alpha is out, when we finally got a proper seed and start a new game. The first day goes like woosh. Then first night comes, waiting for it to pass, hidden somewhere. Early in the morning, running out, jumping around, charged with so many new ideas. Indeed, let the pimps, pimp.
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