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Everything posted by beerfly

  1. If someone doesn`t know what this means, here : P.S. Sorry Simon, love you, mate. No matter what.
  2. Did anyone saw the chicken that kicked the hell out of this trailer`s door and went for justice and brains ? No ?
  3. Among all of the other streamers, that I can`t put in different place as he is, JW is such a soul, a one that really shows up how much possibilities and fun/hell we can have, and the ones that the Pimps gave us, by making 7dtd opened for mods. And this is before Steam Workshop ! Anyway, *double tap on 7dtd icon*
  4. Similar thing happened when I searched about a videos about Book of The Dead (an Egyptian book, very antient one), words are words, but AI indeed must learn what a context is.
  5. HornPub *if Snowdog and me shared a business, this is what it would be called, no doubt. Cheers mate !
  6. It is getting worst, guys. The zeds, they developed writing !
  7. If we can`t use dye colors on the forklift, nope.
  8. I bet you will enjoy this animation while a couple of zombies munch your bottocks
  9. Also, its The FUN Pimps, let`s leave them create the game in their own way. It is already hell of a cool one.
  10. True, tbh I love the magnum and its range in these situations especially on demolishers, but if they become too many I thing the M60 is a weapon of wise choice. Also, balance is still a thing that will go on further in the game, we can expect some changes. Welcome to the forums btw, your feedback and experience would be appreciated as much as everyone`s !
  11. What about the range of those two ? Shotgun is indeed brilliant in close range, if in close space or a corridor for example and zeds come one after another. But if a big @%$# decides to chop on your base foundation 15 blocks away from your position, where you cant go down and kill it, many of us would bring up the machine gun and enjoy it.
  12. "Moooom, there is a Riamus hiding under my bed" *a screamer spawns in front of the door*
  13. Same, but just took a look at the art gallery in the first page of this thread. It is a prop, sadly. Wish it wasn't 😐
  14. Just wanna say, I hope you are here in the forum the hours and the minutes just before the release of A21. It is worth it.
  15. Yeah, but money is a result, not a goal for The Pimps. There were some talks about some DLC after gold, though, don`t think will cost us anything also, just for the sake of how much the game went good and further than we all thought, and to have more fun of it of course. But that is future and talks, we`ll see.
  16. Ah, I forgot, Joe. But last time I saw, it was around 47th most played game in Steam. Skyrim is just above it so, probably doesn`t worth it.
  17. Yea, I`ve even heard about a one game called 7 days to die, people spent thousands of hours of pure fun, a brilliant mods are made, because devs not only allow it, but love to see how the community loves the game. Worst, there is indeed a forum for it.. What a shame.
  18. it is out of his mind ! ..sry for the spam, I know, in the corner, again. My home.
  19. Would we be able to build underwater, lets say 5x5x5, the part where the water is inside, can we remove we it with solid blocks and then remove them, or use buckets for example ? Like in MC sort of.
  20. Aye everyone, its all good. Lets stop this nonsense talk. We`ve all been through A17, its gonna be better, we just don`t know it. Yet, and for better.
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