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Everything posted by Beelzybub

  1. Uninstall any Asus sofware. And, add two folder exceptions in Trend Micro for the game folder and the save folder.
  2. Can you screenshot the "I can only see 100 feet" effect and post it here? I've tried from Lowest to Ultra and can't reproduce any effect that limits my vision like that.
  3. The quest is not the only way to get the bug, as you have discovered, however, activating the quest can, and often does, produce the effect.
  4. You are missing some prefabs. While not in the game, delete your Prefabs folder. Then verify files through Steam to get the correct ones. Twice.
  5. I notice I placed the dew collector off-center in this demonstration, however, placing it centered on the 3x3 test area results in the same unwarranted collapse.
  6. I cannot reproduce this and guessing at an infinity of possible seeds is not productive. If you could provide a seed and coordinates that show this, that would be helpful. Your logs are in %appdata%\7DaysToDie\Logs.
  7. This is a known bug and can happen when activating a quest that is partway in the water. It's being addressed.
  8. If you press F11 to take a screenshot, it will show the seed name and location of the error. Barring that, can you provide the seed name and location of a world where this happens. Also provide your output log. Also the second photo is not a bug but just the way terrain blocks behave when they meet build blocks.
  9. You could try enabling SteamNetworking. I have no guess why the client-server version check fails. Does the server show properly in the Server Browser? Also, have you had anyone else try to connect to eliminate your client as being the problem? I'll try to connect if you want me to test that. PM the details.
  10. There are also messages showing you're missing the X11 library.
  11. @peepeepoopooFrom your log: GamePref.BedrollExpiryTime = 80000 GamePref.LandClaimExpiryTime = 800000 These are way out of range. Try setting them to defaults. GamePref.ServerVisibility = 0 Set this to 2. What ports did you forward? The client's output log is in %appdat%\7DaysToDie\Logs
  12. Port forwarding is done on the server's router/s. I doubt Oracle is giving you access there. You don't need port forwarding on the client. You can check your server's ports using an online port checker. That said, your issue seems to be client side. I don't know if your VPN is an issue, but I would activate split tunnelling and bypass it for the game. Also, verify the game files on the server and on the client. Posting complete logs from the server and client may offer more clues. If you pm me the server data, I can look at it and see if anything weird is going on, but I think the problem is your client. (guessing though).
  13. I think you could fix it if you can create a map with the exact same name, seed, and size as the original map.
  14. If you use the same seed name in the map generator, it can overwrite a map with the same name. This bug was reported and confirmed here: Not sure about current status, but I assume it's being worked on.
  15. Post an output log. Instructions are in the stickied thread instructing to read it in the title.
  16. Go to whatismyip.com from the server and it will show your ip.
  17. That's the correct Navezgane build for 20.6. Can't connect to that one either. This looks a lot like a Nitrado problem to deal with.
  18. What's the correct port for the server? The Server Log says 28100, but the client log shows the connection attempt to 61660. I tested both and they both show as closed. Also, I don't think it's your problem but the client has an out of date mod loading.
  19. You seem to be talking about a completely different setup than this thread is addressing. Creating your own thread may yield better answers for you.
  20. I agree, here are some things to check related to network issues in this game. 1: AntiVirus: Add a folder exception for the game folder and the save folder in your antivirus software. (on both client and server) 2: Use Ethernet, not Wifi. WiFi is half-duplex and subject to interference and latency. 3: oem gaming and lighting software like Gamefirst from Asus, Dell, HP, Corsair, etc. Uninsall all this junkware. 4: VPN or proxy: Use split tunneling to add an exception for the game. Or turn off the vpn. (both clients and server) Another thing I've been seeing lately is routers that have security features enabled that interfere with game connections.
  21. I was able to connect to the server and completed the opening quests without any issues. I don't think the server has any problems. What files did you delete from the server to remove the player profile?
  22. Try putting your settings on lowest and see if those issues are still there. If not, you know it's one your graphics settings and can increase them to see which one it is. Restart the game after changing the graphics setting.
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