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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Excellent. Can you do the same steps for the log for the output_log.txt?
  2. Thank you. I see the error in that log. It'd help if next time you would use a pastebin.com to post log file contents. The two sites you have used already looks pretty sketchy There is still some confusion, so let's see if we can clear that up first. The logs you have generously shared have two different paths. Through the Mod Launcher: INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - launching: C:\7D2D\True_Survival\True_Survival_A16.2\7DaysToDie.exe And your output_log.txt is showing your actual steam folder. If you are using the Mod Launcher, I'd suggest trying to start the game again through it. If it fails again, go to into View menu, then click on Log FIles. From there, select output_log.txt, and click on Upload Log file. It may take a few minutes for the game to load, which is true for all SDX mods, since they load up so many extra files.
  3. Which error? I do not see an error in either logs posted.
  4. I don't see any errors in that log. Would you be able to post your game log?
  5. You did great! that's what I needed to see: INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Could not process RSS feed: System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'github.com' at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at System.Xml.XmlDownloadManager.GetNonFileStream(Uri uri, ICredentials credentials, IWebProxy proxy, RequestCachePolicy cachePolicy) at System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity(Uri absoluteUri, String role, Type ofObjectToReturn) at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.FinishInitUriString() at System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.CreateReader(String inputUri, XmlParserContext inputContext) at _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.UpdateRSSFeed(String strRSSFeed) So your computer can't access the main mod repo. Do you have any firewall software that you are running? - - - Updated - - - I'm not really sure if I'd be able to pull mac (or linux support into the launcher). All assumptions about pathing, permissions, and mod locations are somewhat different between the platforms.
  6. Sounds like your ISP may be blocking it. Would you mind going into the View menu, then click on Log Files? That'll bring up a box to select the 7d2dlauncher.txt. Click on Upload Log file, and send me the pastebin.com link it gives you.
  7. Correct. It's not about the complexity of the code, but rather about trying to enforce standards across the board to make it more consistent for the users, rather than the modders' themselves. Most of the Launcher's users are not on the forums, nor do they even know it exists, so I have to keep that in mind. If I allow modders to come up with their own unique download methods all the time, and code for them, then that breaks any kind of standardization. For example, if someone hosts their mod on a wonky site, such as dropbox or media fire, and it expires, then suddenly that mod is not playable in the mod launcher. It'd reflect poorly on the modder themselves, rather than the mod launcher, as other mods would continue to work. That mod would likely not get a second chance from that particular user. Now, a modder can post a new link on the forums, apologizing for it being wonky, and that it's fixed. But 95% of the mod launcher's users will never see it, and likely won't re-try the mod. If github goes down, then none of the mods work, and they'll reach out for support, as something is obviously very wrong. Or they'll simply re-try the next day.
  8. I hope to do a small release in the next week or so. It can get expensive pushing the launcher out to users, and many of our users can get annoyed or nervous about updates.
  9. You are the new horde night trap =D - - - Updated - - - You can use the Mod Launcher to download the dedi version. It'll do incremental updates; the files you want will be under the TempMods folder.
  10. Do you have a Blacksmith Station? You may have to pick it up and re-place it. https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?76822-Ravenhearst-Mod&p=770887&viewfull=1#post770887
  11. That looks like you are trying to run the Dedicated Server build through the Launcher. It exists in the launcher just as a convience to download. Maybe try a non-Dedi_ version?
  12. Yes, thank you. But the error isn't showing up in the server. It must be client-side.
  13. After reproducing the error, click on the View menu, then Log files. From there, select the game's output_log.txt, and click on Upload Log File. It'll give you a pastebin.com link to give to me.
  14. Thanks. I don't see the error in the server log. Would you be able to upload a client-side log?
  15. The bottom half of the log file is cut off, and that website is super-sketchy (it downloaded an .exe). Can you copy and paste the contents into pastebin.com?
  16. Thanks for clip. They are normal and expected, and aren't cause your issue. Do you have access to the full log file?
  17. I'm sorry you are having trouble. Do you have a log file that you can upload, so we can see what the issue is?
  18. It was another mac user who figured that out. It's stickied in the DONA discord, so I just posted it for you
  19. Try this: MAC Install - 1) Uninstall 7dtd. Open Finder, from taskbar choose Go -> Home. Open Library -> Application Support -> Steam -> steamapps -> common. Delete 7 Days to Die folder. Reinstall 7 Days to Die. 2) Unzip downloaded mod. Open unzipped folder. You should see 4 folders: 7DaysToDie_Data, 7DaysToDieServer_Data, Data, and Mods. I will be referring to this as a “home screen”. 3) Open Steam. In your games Library, right-click 7 Days to Die and choose Properties from the drop-down menu. Choose the LOCAL FILES tab and choose BROWSE LOCAL FILES. 4) Copy & paste (do not drag-and-drop) the Mods folder to this location. 5) Open 7DaysToDie_Data -> Managed. 6) Right-click 7DaysToDie.app and choose Show Package Contents. Here you should see 2 folders: Contents and Data. This will be the other “home screen”. 7) Open Contents -> Resources -> Data -> Managed. 8) Copy & paste (do not drag-and-drop) the .dll files into this location. Mac OSX will ask if you want to keep both or replace. Choose replace. 9) Navigate back to each home screen. 10) Drag-and-drop the 7DaysToDie_Data, 7DaysToDieServer_Data, and Mods folders into this location. 11) Open the Data folders in each location. You will see there are Config, Prefabs, and UMATextures folders in each. 12) For each of these three folders, open up its corresponding folder so you can see the contents. Drag-and-drop the mod’s contents into its respective folder. For duplicate files, mac OSX will ask if you want to Skip, Stop, or Replace. Check the “Apply to All” checkbox, then choose Replace. 13) Start 7 Days to Die and enjoy the mod!
  20. We'd need to see the full server log file in order to help you troubleshoot this. The errors you've mentioned aren't critical, nor are they stopping your server from running.
  21. You can scrap wood to get sticks Can you post your log files?
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