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Everything posted by narimbur

  1. Hi, if I playing with a random map and DF and finding little teclab's in the burned forest there are infinite spawning zombies inside. If I compare it with the DF-Maps ( I played small and medium) the small teclabs where empty and zombies only spawned if I trigger it via the body bags. Is that a bug in random maps? What is your experience?
  2. Yes, I know this. I my case, after finishing laborer and survivalist, the wrench and clawhammer receipt were still gray and I could not make the items. I just made a non-learnable receipt to fix it for me.
  3. You need some mod's for your armor and cloth. I think you can get 27 via this.
  4. Could you tell me the fix for the wrench-bug? I'm just at the beginning of a new game and my starting professions are laborer and survivalist. After I think the first tow quest of laborer, I lost the receipts for workbenchtools. I don't want to cheat it. edit: I also lost, forge ahead and iron tools btw. it is possible to play with A17.4?
  5. Thx for the answer. I don't want to complain, only wanted to know if my search makes sense. Is there something special about " trader caitlins"? I found one trader in wasteland, but it was a common one. Or what is a " trader caitlins", couln't find it via google.
  6. I do have all of this, may only some perks I do not have. Driving now for hours through red/snow/radiated-Zone and can't find a lab. Found a flying Zomi-Angle and a Demonic-Gate....
  7. thx. I play on the small map of DV. Is there more than one of the small tec bunker on map? I just was in the radiated zone... It is not possible to modify the HazmadSuit and to survive there is nearly impossible. Many running and demon zomies.... Yeah with a helicopter, may it were possible....
  8. I found one science lab and can't find another. This one was a poi with a little well nothing else and a bunker under the earth. Are they always in this poi or are there different pois with lab's?
  9. yes I understand it, but some receipts are now gray, so I cant't make ie. wrenches anymore. Other perks are red, but I can still make the items. So this are two kinds of cases.
  10. There is a big confusion in the skill tree. I have learned many skills/perks before I could learn new professions. After learning new profession many of the old skills are gone and now red. ie. i learned to make steel, but after unlock Laborer I wasn't able to make steel anymore till the point I finish all quest. So it's OK now, but I can't make wrenches now. I unlock some professions, so I don't know exactly when was happening. But the professions and "common" perks/skills disturbs each other. Sorry for my English...
  11. Coconut tree empty should grow to CoconutGrown not to young The text of yucca smothie is: ...survive in severely cold environments
  12. Is there any food or drink for surviving in the desert? Just updated the cooking skill to sous chef 4, but can't find something
  13. something is wrong with the coconut trees. I can harvest them when I found one in the desert, but if I plant them, after harvesting, the palm just vanish without getting coconuts. Didn't find something in the xml jet If I take an empty or grown from the creative menu and plant, it's OK.
  14. can't find a receipt for sap....
  15. Is it possible to catch animals? I found a receipt for chicken nest "This is required for chickens to lay eggs", also cows and goats are running around. May there is milk? And how to get it?
  16. I tried both but, the poisoning was red, so I had no success
  17. Is there anything I can do against foodpoisoning? there is no tip
  18. I didn't have that in A16. In this case the green backpack was on the map, I mad a mark on the map for safety and later on the backpack was vanished, also the green mark on the map. Normally you have the mark, but you can't find it, now both was vanished.
  19. are vanishing backpacks after death part of the mod?
  20. hi, I just give your mod a try. What I'm really miss in the HUD is the time and depth...
  21. I downloaded RH_Current_7_Day-master this should be the latest. I have to install manually, because I'm playing on OSX. What is the correct DL-Link for 4.2 manually??? Or someone knows where to find the fix for carbon?
  22. Something is wrong with scrapcarbon. I can't smelt it to carbon. In the first blacksmith forge it smelt but Carbon has still the count of 0. In the second blacksmith forge it smelt into iron. Any clue?
  23. The Quest: Those We Loved, required "Holding your starting Firearm" Anybody knows which this starting firearm is? Solved, I found it: <requirement type="Holding" id="gunPistol"/> <requirement type="Holding" id="gunMP5"/> <requirement type="Holding" id="gunSawedOffPumpShotgun"/>
  24. At day 36 I never saw a trader, broken or not. So you are lucky.
  25. I'm playing with OSX and after every restart of the game I have to change the shortcut for menu from esc to something different and ingame change to default again. May it helps
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