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Posts posted by Maxley

  1. Zombie cuddler: it will hug you and tell you how special you are and if you do not cuddle it back it will break your neck and then cry over your dead body.


    zombie tap dancer: you will hear its tap dancing feet from up to 100 meters away. The closer it gets the faster it’s feet tap. If it finds you it will tap dance up to you at lightning speed and tap dance you to death.


    zombie cannibal: eats the corpses of dead zombies to heal and grow stronger.

  2. 12 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    At this point, if you really can manage 2-3 new block font sets (I know folks have concerns about too many blocks being added), the POIs are going to look bananas good. Right now that stuff is standing out REALLY REALLY hard, but even the slightest amount of variety would go an extremely long way towards fixing that.


    Better yet, 2-5* Large Signboard blocks maybe? Just a bigger, more formal version of the writable signpost, with a choice of maybe a dozen fonts and pickable textures for both text and background? Absolutely would be more work but could revolutionize POI appearance across the game and actually lower block counts. Especially if you can decouple characters from being forced to always be 1 block in size.


    *Okay, maybe more than 5. Would probably need 1x3-1x9, and maybe a 2x6, 2x9, and 2x12? Would be 10 blocks in total, maybe a couple more sizes for a dozen.


    Even just a more modest implementation with only a handful of larger and more formal signposts would still have very broad use cases. And the game already has fancy signpost blocks in the traders. The difference here is so stark!






    Not expecting anything for 1.0, especially since a large number of POIs would need retrofitting (simple, but tedious). But the effect would be dramatic and very wide-ranging.

     Perhaps they could add neon light letters like the ones many businesses use on their store fronts.

  3. 7 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Don't think that's how it works. Stability support means it can support other blocks. But that shouldn't allow for floating blocks. There are flotation blocks that do allow that I'm pretty sure. I think the issue is things just break a bit when there is a big collapse and the game misses some blocks when doing calculations.

    I was thinking the same thing, that it’s just due to some calculation overload thing. But it Seems to only happen with furniture and other props for me, while all the structural parts of the building completely collapse.

  4. They could make chainsaws lose durability significantly faster when attacking zombies but have them actually deal a decent amount of damage to zombies.


    or they could make it so they have a jamming mechanic where they get clogged with flesh and it takes several seconds to un-jam them. So they do a lot of damage but randomly get jammed for like 5 or so seconds making them a bit risky to use.


    Also, I agree that the gear crafting system is mostly useless since you will receive/find gear that is better than what you can make most of the time. They probably should lower the quality level of the rewards traders offer and they should add unique bonuses that can only be found on gear that you craft. For example you could craft a spear with a built in attack speed bonus. Or a higher chance to dismember a zombie, or knockdown, or knock back, etc.

  5. 29 minutes ago, HB_H4wk said:

    Yes Like what I've been working on. Can't wait to see everything that can change the look to after an apocalypse.

    7 Days to Die Screenshot 2023.04.15 -

    7 Days to Die Screenshot 2023.04.15 -

    7 Days to Die Screenshot 2023.04.15 -

     I like the overgrown look. I don’t know how long after the apocalypse 7dtd takes place but I’d imagine after 10 years it would look somewhat like what you have made. Would be cool to see this in the base game

  6. 25 minutes ago, HB_H4wk said:

    @faatal Is there any possibility of a Yuka Battle Thong for male characters that wish to live in the desert biome?


    That’s actually the top feature of alpha 22. The fun pumps have been planning out its implementation since the very beginning but they didn’t have skill set or the manpower to put it into the game in a way that fulfilled their desires. Now the time has come, the Yuka Battle Thong will bring a much needed layer of complexity and artistic amplification to this game. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Roland said:


    The artists are adding assets to the game as they finish them. If the artist decided to fix the buttons (if they AREN'T his own little joke after all) then it won't hold up A21 at all. Any art assets that are done in time will be added and any that aren't done in time will be added later. There are changes that do impact other systems but since the buttons don't actually work and are just for show there is no impact or delay at all. The vending machine got a face lift but it still works the same as it always has. It is a container with a menu that will let you spend dukes to get items inside that have no dynamic connection to what is seen through the glass as you walk up to it. You won't be inserting dukes and pushing buttons and watching your item spiral out to fall into the slot below.



    Are they going redo the old tree models at some point? I like the newer snowy trees but a lot of the regular forest trees look very dated 

  8. On 12/18/2022 at 1:23 PM, faatal said:

    No, but I may change that tomorrow.

    It is possible, but the particle alignment looks best on horizontal surfaces. There is currently an issue with particles sometimes colliding with moving colliders and stopping in the air.

    Yes, they were fine. The changes were to make the number of repair kits needed to be different and reasonable for each type of vehicle.

    would it be possible to allow vehicles to flip over. I think it would improve the driving experience if you have to drive more skillfully in order to avoid flipping over. One thing I really enjoyed about driving a warthog in halo was when you made a ridiculous jump and you almost flip over but you just barely teeter back onto four wheels. And if you do flip over then it would just kick you out of the vehicle and you would have to pick it up and place it back down.

  9. 8 hours ago, Subquake said:

    I agree it's a bit OP, but I don't have a solution for that yet, something to think about for sure.

    A few ideas:

    you could make it so instead of removing armor mobility penalties it would increase your melee attack speed (or attack damage) by a small percent when you hit an enemy stacking up to 5 or so times, and each stack would only last like 3 seconds.


    Or you could just make it so your movement speed is increased by like 10 or 15% for a few seconds when getting hit or hitting an enemy.

  10. I feel that Urban Combat volume 6, which makes it so armor doesn't slow you down while in combat, is kind of over powered and makes wearing heavy armor the better choice since it just removes the only drawback to wearing heavy armor. Have you thought about re-balancing this? If not, its ok, its just something that always bothered me.

  11. It think it would be interesting if the pool that forms from cop spit did damage to players standing in it. That would make it so players would have to move around to avoid standing in acid puddles. The art and effects for the acid pool are so toxic looking i feel it is shame that it has no effect currently.

  12. On 12/13/2021 at 5:21 AM, just.dont said:

    And then, there are issues that's with us for a while now, but nothing was done about them in A20:

    1) Bloodmoon. For quite a while, TFP seems to find time and spend some effort to make certain static defense setups completely useless. Yet, ever since we got our current buff system, nobody at TFP pays attention to the fact that now you can *outrun* nightmare-speed zombies very reliably with a few buffs, and thus all you need for bloodmoon defense is a bunch of stimulants and enough explosives (and a decent gun, but that's secondary). I'm not sure why static defenses get all the TFP attention (even though many of them require considerable effort to build) while the issue of being able to defend a bloodmoon with just a couple of items and a lot of running in an empty field gets *no* attention.


    I agree that the player should not be able to outrun nightmare speed zombies, at least not for very long. I definitely think some of the perks like Cardio and Sexual Tyrannosaurus are overpowered as well as getting 10 stamina back for every kill with a bat. But people wouldn't be happy if those were nerfed.


    I know this would never be implemented but what i feel would solve this problem is if there were an exhaustion meter which fills based on the players level of exertion. The more sprinting and power attacks a player does in a short time, the faster it fills. It might take a couple of minutes to fill fully. Once full, the players stamina regeneration is reduced significantly for a duration, maybe a couple of minutes until it goes back down to zero.



    Actually there is another solution. They could add a zombie that spits slime at the player which slows the players movement speed for a duration. You would just have to be careful to dodge these projectiles but if u get hit it could allow the other zombies to catch you.

  13. 10 hours ago, new7daylive said:

    havent had a chance to catch up on the dev streams.  Has there been any mentions about caves or other underground features being a part of the released game?


    Apologies if this has already been covered somewhere else recently.



    They said they need to implement some better terrain editing tools for the level designers to use before they really produce any caves. I dont know if thats actually going to happen but that is what they said.

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