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Posts posted by Greymantle

  1. 44 minutes ago, JaxTeller718 said:

    Working on getting these re-sorted and updated and confirmed working on stable, along with some new ones to add. Stay tuned guys and sorry for the absence, its been a rough week.

    You made my day! Hope there is a trader balance modlet that would rock. Looking forward to what ever you bring.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Riles said:

    Hmmmmm.... You are right about the stealth bar! I will have to play with that one for a bit. 

    For the two separate temperatures, can you explain why you would want it displayed? It will be easier for me to "do my thang" if I understand the reasoning behind it. But regardless, yes. I can work on either implementing those two temperatures or create an optional download that will have it. But your insight will be helpful. 🙂

    Because you have the environment temperature in the desert say it's 125F but with gear / buffs it might be only 80F for you. It's good to know if the environment temperature is going up and or down and be able to keep track of your real temperature at the same time.

  3. Love the new layout it's really well done. I have a few request it would be nice to see your temp and the environment temp on the hud. Would also like to make the stealth bar below the stamana bar and smaller for it has little importance on game-play. If you can't move it at least make it a lot smaller please it shouldn't be bigger than health and stamina which are far more important.

  4. Jax, I hate to ask this for you do so much for the community but could you please do a trader modlet that is in line with the stone age start please. The trader selling guns and ammo on day 1 sorta breaks what the stone age start is all about. 

  5. How do you get an Ink Pin if you used the one you had and didn't get credit for the quest craft a journal? Or even a better option a way to turn off the quests so I don't run into this issue again.


    once your skill reaches 10, items will no longer break. every 10 skill levels your penalty for repair is reduced by 2. when you find/make a workbench, the combine feature will repair for little loss, but not improve an item.

    Thanks for the quick reply.

  7. So i started a new game , same results. I played till first horde night and i am afraid i will leave it at this for the moment. World is almost empty , and horde night was a big joke.


    Given , i took 1 day to take over county jail POI , which is a good base , but i cannot say i got attacked by a horde. 6 zombies MAX is what console said , while i set it at 64.


    Ill give this a try when it gets patched or the new version is out.


    Same here. I will put it down for now not much fun without zombies.

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