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Everything posted by Pille

  1. Hey Jackelmyer, there is a (incomplete) list of available shortcuts in the opening post. Mhh Ctrl + S (save prefab) is already implemented as well as a shortcut for the block picker tool (middle mouse button, I have to provide an additional shortcut though because the middle mouse button doesn't work with certain mouses. Don't know why). Hint: The block picker shortcut doesn't change the current mode and can be used in all modes. There's also hotkeys for some of the other tools. However they're incomplete as you can see. What do you think about the shortcut shift + key for the tools (I already have plans with Ctrl + E and Ctrl + Q and most of the combinations containing the control key are assigned anyway)?
  2. No, that's why I'm about to run out of letters.^^ The main feature of version 0.4 will be electricity (0.2 was painting, 0.3 was about sleeper volumes). I've been quite busy the last few weeks and haven't really worked on the editor ... but I think 0.4 will be released this month. Mhrrr I want to have it now.
  3. Just an idea for custom mines: side view (the blue line represent the sleeper volume):
  4. @stallionsden Yeah, I am pretty sure that bugfix is correct. @Jackelmyer I've just added your nice tutorial video to the opening post. Thanks. I know there are rare, non-reproducible random crashes. It's hard to fix but maybe some kind of autosave function would help...
  5. Hi francogp, you have to install Hal's editor dll: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7564-Hal-s-Prefab-Editor Yeah, I know. It's just a temporary solution. There were performance issues with big prefabs. So I decided to implement this poor solution. ^^ I'll try to find a better, more user-friendly implementation. And I'm glad that you didn't ask for a 3d view.
  6. I just found a ftp client example in the programming library. So should be possible. I have to test it.
  7. Maybe. You mean via ftp access?
  8. Update Time! Changelog v0.3w (August 31, 2017): - added reload function (press Ctrl + R to reload the current prefab). This should be very useful if you simultaneously edit the prefab ingame and in the editor. - added function to change the block colors (see screenshot bellow). This may have a positive effect on the program performance. - added option for layer reset when loading prefab. - added option: show block info at cursor position (see screenshot bellow) - improved feedback for certain functions (e.g. save prefab. now you can see when the save process is finished) - removed disallowed biomes from a16 xml tab since this option no longer exists in A16 - changed layout of 'chances' label in sleepervolume list. The label was to big. - changed and added shortcuts: Ctrl + S -> save prefab Ctrl + Shift + S -> save prefab as Ctrl + X -> Cut selected blocks (copy to clipboad) Ctrl + R -> Reload current prefab Shift + C -> Count selected blocks (console output) - fixed: grid doesn't update after using the replace functions - fixed: grid doesn't update after reloading a prefab
  9. @Laz Man Yes, of course. I think the sleeper is unhurt because he's sleeping during the fall. Have to do further tests. @Jackelmyer Sure. Debris + dreaming sleepers.^^ I just had a look at the gamestages.xml and I am not sure how this work. Can somebody help?
  10. I haven't seen a similar thread yet. So this would make sense.
  11. Ok, I have a solution. Place a trap block (e.g. looseBoardsTrapBlock1x1, id 593) between the instable structure and the sleeper. The trap will break as soon as the sleeper spawns no matter whether he is active or not. This will cause a stability recalculation of the unstable structure and a collapse: Basically, this means we can create completely invisble deathtraps thanks to the sleeper spawning system.^^
  12. Thanks! Ironically, I am quite inexperienced at creating prefabs, so still have to learn a lot.^^ That's an interesting idea but the distance is still too far.^^ The sleeper is ~20 blocks above the player (or ~17 if I use the 3x3 aquarium).
  13. Very nice tutorial! I am going to add a link to this thread to the opening post of the editor thread.
  14. @Jackelmyer Have you set the meta value to 14? According to Henk that should work (although the meta value is set to 4 in Laz Man's McDowell prefab). You're probably right. Unfortunately, I don't want to lower the trap.^^ @Laz Man Ahh I haven't thought about the trap blocks. I just relied on usual structural integrity collapses. Thanks, that's sometime to test out.
  15. @Jackelmyer Ahh thanks Jackelmyer, I've forgotten to add a repaint call to the replace functions.^^ The change is there when you click on "Selected Blocks" but you can't see it. I just fixed the problem in my dev. version of the editor. So the bugfix will be included in the next release. @all Does anybody know how to build sleeper-triggered physics traps? I think sleepers can cause collapses due to their weight but they have to walk across the instable structure, right? So the following setup doesn't work. As soon as the player reaches the ammo box, the sleepers spawn but they are inactive. Therefore the structure won't fall down. How can I wake them up? Or do you know a different approach?
  16. @Guppycur Thanks Guppy. I've added the vid to the op. @Spectral Force Yes, that's intended. Once you've clicked on 'fix position' you can't rotate the prefab anymore. Your suggestion could double the memory consumption since you would use the data of two prefabs. It may be intricate to program. I've to think about it. @Jackelmyer Yes, I think it's almost an one-liner (one line of code). As Guppy said, this information is not stored in the prefab but in the savegame.
  17. @Henk You're welcome! @Jackelmyer You can use the middle mouse button to copy the block data to the edit window. Once the data are copied you can edit them. Your second suggestion is quite difficult. I know it would be a very helpful feature but it's pretty time-consuming to implement since the block rotation are still inconsistent... So hopefully I can do it some day.^^ @stallionsden Mhh isn't this identical to Jackelmyer's second request. I am confused.^^ @Guppycur So many suggestions and so little time. We should make a list of all suggestion and poll in order to find out what the most popular requests are.^^ Ok might be over the top but a list would be helpful since I am very oblivious, lol. @Spectral Force I think you can already do that using the 'vertical rotation' selection menu.
  18. Why is everybody using version 0.3? lol. I've just uploaded zombie 0.3v to the opening post. So you can directly download the latest version from there and don't have to use the auto updater. Also make sure that you have selected a SleeperVolumeGroup with emptyChance = 0:
  19. currentVersion.txt in the subfolder ZombieAutoUpdater. Or click on extras -> force update.
  20. Edit: I guess that's the reason :-D : The sign is another prefab. You couldn't see it because you inserted the line <decoration type="model" name="CraneA16_2Q" position="500, 44, 1215" rotation="0" /> at the end of the file, right? Probably you cannot place two prefabs at the same location even if 'copy air blocks' is on. Remove the sign in the prefab.xml or try this workaround: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?62501-Prefab-Editor-(Alpha)&p=722270&viewfull=1#post722270 So make an extra air prefab and add this thing to the prefab.xml between sign and CraneA16_2Q: ... <decoration type="model" name="sign????" position="?, ?, ?" rotation="0" /> ... <decoration type="model" name="Air" position="500, 44, 1215" rotation="0" /> <decoration type="model" name="CraneA16_2Q" position="500, 44, 1215" rotation="0" /> ... (Old useless blabla)
  21. Yes: 1. Create a prefab only consisting of air blocks (should have exactly the same size as the prefab you want to import). 2. Import the air prefab. This will remove all non-air blocks. 3. Import the real prefab (at the position of the air prefab).
  22. There is a bug in 7tdt causing such issues: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7564-Hal-s-Prefab-Editor&p=721892&viewfull=1#post721892 If you replace everything with air before importing the prefab, you shouldn't have any problems.
  23. I have no clue which one. If you use extras -> print all prefab xml data you will get this console output... Age QSet(Old) AllowTopSoilDecorations QSet(False, True) AllowedBiomes QSet(snow, pine_forest, wasteland, forest, desert, plains) AllowedTownships QSet(rural, town, wilderness, ciy, city, cave) Condition QSet(New, Old, Normal) CopyAirBlocks QSet(False, True) DisallowedBiomes QSet(wasteland_hub) DistantPOIYOffset QSet(0.0, -.1, -0.1, 0) ExcludeDistantPOIMesh QSet(False, True, true) MaxPerHub QSet(1) RotationToFaceNorth QSet(2, 3, 1, 0) SleeperVolumeGameStageAdjust QSet(350, 200, 450, 1000, 50, , 250, 400, medium, 100, hard, easy, 0) SleeperVolumeGroup QSet(S_TestChamberDecoy_S, S_ZomUtilityWorker_S, S_ZomUtilityWorker_Med, S_LootRoom_XS, S_Default_XS, S_Badass_Med, S_GhostTown_Med, S_AbandonedHouse_1, S_ZomSoldier_L, S_BusinessMan_S, S_BusinessMan_L, S_BusinessMan_Med, S_LootRoom_L, S_LootRoom_Med, S_ZomUtilityWorker_L, S_Default_XL, S_ZomSoldier_S, S_FootballStadium_L, S_LootRoom_S, S_GhostTown_S, S_FootballStadium_Med, S_LootRoom_XL, S_Default_L, S_ZomSoldier_Med, S_Badass_XL, S_BikerBar_Med, S_Default_Med, S_Default_S, S_Badass_S, S_Badass_XS, SleeperSmall, S_SnowZombies_Med) StaticSpawner.Class QSet(SpawnSmall, SpawnExtraSmall) StaticSpawner.Size QSet(2, 20, 32) StaticSpawner.Trigger QSet(160, 120) TraderArea QSet(False, True) TraderAreaProtect QSet(20, 0) TraderAreaTeleportCenter QSet( 0, 1, 1, 2) TraderAreaTeleportSize QSet(33, 33, 24, 39, 20, 26, 43, 36, 44, 48, 30, 36, 40, 41) YOffset QSet(-8, -6, -4, -2, -11, -3, -1, -10, -5, -12, -24) Zoning QSet(ResidentialOld, ResidentialNew, NoZone, DevOnly, BiomeOnly, industrial, any, Downtown, residentialnew, commercial, NavOnly, downtown, Industrial, Commercial) ...but it doesn't matter if it's not used in the dll.^^ That means there is (at least) one prefab with <property name="DisallowedBiomes" value="wasteland_hub"/> Time to remove this attribute.
  24. Ok thanks n2n1. Are you sure (I ask because it's used in one of the vanilla prefab xmls)? I am going to remove it in the next update then.
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