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Everything posted by Pille

  1. I have no clue which one. If you use extras -> print all prefab xml data you will get this console output... Age QSet(Old) AllowTopSoilDecorations QSet(False, True) AllowedBiomes QSet(snow, pine_forest, wasteland, forest, desert, plains) AllowedTownships QSet(rural, town, wilderness, ciy, city, cave) Condition QSet(New, Old, Normal) CopyAirBlocks QSet(False, True) DisallowedBiomes QSet(wasteland_hub) DistantPOIYOffset QSet(0.0, -.1, -0.1, 0) ExcludeDistantPOIMesh QSet(False, True, true) MaxPerHub QSet(1) RotationToFaceNorth QSet(2, 3, 1, 0) SleeperVolumeGameStageAdjust QSet(350, 200, 450, 1000, 50, , 250, 400, medium, 100, hard, easy, 0) SleeperVolumeGroup QSet(S_TestChamberDecoy_S, S_ZomUtilityWorker_S, S_ZomUtilityWorker_Med, S_LootRoom_XS, S_Default_XS, S_Badass_Med, S_GhostTown_Med, S_AbandonedHouse_1, S_ZomSoldier_L, S_BusinessMan_S, S_BusinessMan_L, S_BusinessMan_Med, S_LootRoom_L, S_LootRoom_Med, S_ZomUtilityWorker_L, S_Default_XL, S_ZomSoldier_S, S_FootballStadium_L, S_LootRoom_S, S_GhostTown_S, S_FootballStadium_Med, S_LootRoom_XL, S_Default_L, S_ZomSoldier_Med, S_Badass_XL, S_BikerBar_Med, S_Default_Med, S_Default_S, S_Badass_S, S_Badass_XS, SleeperSmall, S_SnowZombies_Med) StaticSpawner.Class QSet(SpawnSmall, SpawnExtraSmall) StaticSpawner.Size QSet(2, 20, 32) StaticSpawner.Trigger QSet(160, 120) TraderArea QSet(False, True) TraderAreaProtect QSet(20, 0) TraderAreaTeleportCenter QSet( 0, 1, 1, 2) TraderAreaTeleportSize QSet(33, 33, 24, 39, 20, 26, 43, 36, 44, 48, 30, 36, 40, 41) YOffset QSet(-8, -6, -4, -2, -11, -3, -1, -10, -5, -12, -24) Zoning QSet(ResidentialOld, ResidentialNew, NoZone, DevOnly, BiomeOnly, industrial, any, Downtown, residentialnew, commercial, NavOnly, downtown, Industrial, Commercial) ...but it doesn't matter if it's not used in the dll.^^ That means there is (at least) one prefab with <property name="DisallowedBiomes" value="wasteland_hub"/> Time to remove this attribute.
  2. Ok thanks n2n1. Are you sure (I ask because it's used in one of the vanilla prefab xmls)? I am going to remove it in the next update then.
  3. I have some free time and motivation. So here is the next (small) update. I am still working on electricity but it will take awhile to understand my source code after this long break.^^ Changelog v0.3v (August 24, 2017): - added option for textures to exchanger (tools -> replace -> advanced). This feature is not very well tested to be honest but it worked for Magoli. So if you've any trouble, it's his fault because he have not reported any bugs. ;p - added tooltips to the export tool - renamed 'Chances' to 'emptyChance | decoyChance | decoy1hpChance' (Sleeper volumes tab) - made chances text field easily readable - fixed: electricity tab may cause crashes - fixed crash caused by the texture table (editor crashed when you clicked on an empty/white cell) What do you think about an animal clinic or centre? I haven't seen anything like this in Magoli's prefab pack yet and there are dog volume groups...
  4. At least it wasn't a bug. lol
  5. Well front face and bottom face depend on the view (top view, front view, side view). Perhaps that's the problem. If you're using the top view this comment may help you to understand the locations of the faces: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?62501-Prefab-Editor-(Alpha)&p=656322&viewfull=1#post656322 Imo the back face should be ceiling white if you want a white ceiling.
  6. You're welcome. I hope you can fix the problem. Edit: That's what I see: Edit: According to the editor there are a lot of blocks without texture. I think you didn't paint every block?
  7. Thanks Mana. I see textures. Everything seems to be ok / is consistent with the textures in the editor. Nice prefab btw.
  8. Thanks. I have no issue using this texture and block id: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/848221012957138935/5FE334A5D4518C90C8774D12B60AE185C47602B7/ So I have no clue what's going on. :-( Maybe you could send me to prefab file (If it's not too much of a hassle).
  9. Please activate the 'ALL' check box (see screenshot bellow) and post a screenshot of the editor or tell me the texture and block IDs you're trying to use. Maybe you accidentally use an unpaintable block?
  10. Mhh what do you mean? The patch should fix the texture issues you, Henk and SevenDaysToDieModEditor have reported.
  11. Uhmm that's a hard decision. Ofc a whorehouse would be the obvious choice but maybe I'll find something less Guppycurianish. I need some thinking time...
  12. Update Time! Changelog v0.3u (August 22, 2017): - fixed: remove rows/columns caused crashes - fixed: remove rows/columns and add rows/columns led to buggy/permuted textures - hint: remove rows/columns may be slower or faster than before
  13. @Guppycur Ok, will be implemented in one of the next versions (if I don't forget it ). @Spectral Force Let me know if the auto-update works. @stallionsden Lol. Just a few technical details: * The max. prefab size is 1024 x 1024 x 256 atm * The file size of this prefab would be ~1.7 Gb (without painting) * The memory consumption would be 14 Gb (it's not optimized yet) So there is a chance but this will take awhile... The damned bugs you guys have found keep me busy. I made some progress but need more time ( 1 or 2 days). The good news is the patch also fixes the crashes caused by delete row/columns.
  14. @SevenDaysToDieModEditor Ahh thanks, that's a pretty bad bug lol. @stallionsden https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?p=706800#post706800
  15. @all I am pretty sure that we have two different bugs. One in Hal's import command and another one in my the editor caused by the remove rows and columns functions. Please use the export function in the editor to remove unwanted rows and columns. I should have enough time to fix this bug this weekend anyway....
  16. @Henk Thanks. I will try to find out what's happen. Everything bigger than a vanilla prefab is not a small one. That's normal (see Hal's reply): @stallionsden Ok I've found the bug (see reply below).
  17. Ahh sorry, I thought you were talking about the textures of the block above the door.^^ Makes much more sense now.
  18. There are some painting issues in one of my old A16.1 maps. So, no probably it's not version specific. Perhaps a game bug. I presume 'small' prefabs are not affected (or less often).
  19. So let's summarize the situation: 1. We get those painting issues if we import the prefabs using the rwg mixer (according to stallionsden) or Hal's mod. 2. It happens with and without involvement of the editor. 3. It's random (and relatively rare). 4. Untouched vanilla prefabs seem to be affected as well as exported ones. Conclusions: Soon™ @stallionsden Thanks stallionsden. I will wait for Hal's reply before doing anything. It doesn't look like my fault anyway (because of 2.). ^^
  20. @all I think the painting bug is not related to my tool. It also happens to prefabs never edited or saved with the editor. If you have a look at the textures of those prefabs using the editor, you will notice that everything seems to be ok. So the bug must be located in the import functions or region files. @Henk 1. see above. 2. I think something is blocking this place. The editor cannot detect such issues atm. If you send me the prefab file, I may be able to help you though.
  21. @n2n1 Thanks. I think I can do 1. and 2. is planed anyway. @stallionsden, Guppycur, Henk I am not able the reproduce the problem. Not sure whether it's related to the editor or not. Give me a few minutes... Yes, please post them.
  22. Yes of course. I think I've found a lazy and fast way to get rid of this issue.
  23. Perhaps, I made things worse. Please use the export tool to crop the prefab. I will try to rewrite the remove function as soon as I can.
  24. @Slaan Good to hear that everything works as intended. @Laz Man Yes, right. @StompyNZ I just tried to implement a flip function but there is a important problem. The rotations of some blocks need to be changed but other blocks (e.g. Doors) should keep their rotation data. So I am not sure if there is an easy method to implement a flip... @n2n1 Yeah, could be better though but real life keeps me occupied. Therefore I cannot implement what I want atm^^
  25. Update Time! Changelog v0.3t (August 7, 2017): - fixed prefab import @Slaan The bug fix is ready. Now I am sure that import function is bug free (99% sure^^).
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