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Everything posted by Darkanger

  1. Is there a way to put in a timer between spawns like days ?
  2. Thought the clients auto download it from the server like the map?
  3. Healthbars V1 A21 - The OG version of the healthbars, made by Mumphy. These will activate once an enemy has been attacked, and will display a percentage of their current health in the form of a healthbar. (A21 B324)
  4. Have removed the dir, and re-downloaded the file in the MOD folder. Nothing shows up and my server loads so fast I do not see any RED warnings. Even if I scroll up and review the logs. Any ideas?
  5. Yea, even CMD level verify with steam, And all's good it states! Still get the error sometimes, but the falling thru world and assets not drawing was solved by changing the servers HD's to SSD's ...Odd thing is the HD's were SAS with 14k rpm raid 0 it was sick xfer rate, but the SSD's rule! Now we have 300 Z's with Z-Day every 30 and it rocks!
  6. I would like to move it to a server. Is this possible?
  7. Yes, but as stated this is a NEW server and has not been open to allow others on yet, until issues are resolved.
  8. Fresh install of 7DTD install with SteamCMD dedicated server 48 gb ram 250gb ssd 10gb network Server usage: CPU 4-8% peaking Ram 6.8 to 8gb ram out of 48gb avail 3% Network usage When a single player enters server I see these kinds of msg's: 2023-07-06T16:38:06 282.558 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21978 r=27 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3501, 35, -2949 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:06 282.559 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21980 r=24 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3492, 35, -2957 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:06 282.560 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21966 r=3 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3496, 35, -2943 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:06 282.560 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21983 r=26 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3494, 35, -2917 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:06 282.560 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21978 r=26 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3492, 35, -2900 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:06 282.561 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21966 r=1 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3497, 35, -2875 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:12 288.528 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21967 r=3 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3501, 35, -2949 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:12 288.528 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21983 r=27 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3492, 35, -2957 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:12 288.529 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21968 r=2 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3496, 35, -2943 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:12 288.529 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21968 r=3 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3494, 35, -2917 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:12 288.529 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21966 r=27 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3490, 35, -2886 replacing 2023-07-06T16:38:12 288.530 WRN AddDecorationAt id=21966 r=24 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -3497, 35, -2875 replacing Then as they move around the world assets do not draw all the way and you see the above show on the console the player as even fallen into the world and been transported back to top every so often. No other players are on the server just the 1. Have performed verify files and > Have wiped the 7dtd dir and re-downloaded it even the SteamCMD and started over no changes.
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