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Posts posted by schwanz9000

  1. They are logging in through steam. But it's not working. I edited the permissions in the webmap setting but still not working.


    Why does it say Steam certificate error? Doesn't do that with my account


    That certificate error is something that just happens every once in a while. Not sure what it means.


    Could you copy and paste the contents of webpermissions.xml in your root/saves folder so I can see what your settings are?

  2. Anyone knows why the webmap works for me but not for my friends? They only see the map black.


    I have permission lvl 0 and I see that they connect to the map with 1000. I guess that's the default.

    But shouldn't default show them the map? They only see the text online/offline players, to the right.


    webpermission add <webfunction> <level>
    webpermission add web.map 2000


    Put the second line in console.


    Yes. Just to clarify what zig is saying, to view the webmap without steam log in or admin privileges, the permission web.map needs to be set to 2000.

  3. *snip* There is a conflict between some server tools commands and rat server commands.


    You can download the ServerTools source files and change the hook commands so they don't conflict. I had to do something similar to be able to use Coppi's mod with ServerTools.

  4. Hey Alloc.


    This is my first time posting in your forums so first I want to say thank you for all the work you put into the server fixes. Now that's out of the way. spawnmultipleentity/unlockall commands are no longer working for me, have they been taken out for the time being or am missing something. Last time using unlockall was before your last update and seemed to be working for me then. Any ideas?





    Those are part of Coppi's that Alloc added and then took out a few updates back. You can add them with Coppi's separately.

  5. i want to use a command to teleport player to a place. teleport {entityid} coords


    but he teleports me everytime to a different place ?


    Are you talking about Alloc's Server Fixes using the console commands or the custom forward slash commands in ServerTools? Maybe you got the coords messed up. This write up I did might help you. Coords can be tricky.



  6. Had a question about the rendered webmap. Is there a way for someone with admin status to add markers to the map that others could view? Like a marker for a town's name or a trader's location for players to use as a reference in describing directions to places?


    No, at least not for now. Might come in later when I've finally added some proper data store.


    I'm sure Alloc will be able to add some fancy whiz bang feature to make new markers on the fly, but for now, you can modify the map.js.


    Add this code between the map and player icon sections:


        // create custom icon
       var commbase = L.icon({
           iconUrl: 'http://i.imgur.com/3FxOa26.png', //link to your custom marker image
           iconSize: [25, 41], // size of the icon
           iconAnchor: [12, 41], //anchor position of the icon
    popupAnchor: [0, -44] //anchor position of the popup
       // create popup contents
       var customPopup = "SoHC Community Base";
       // specify popup options 
       var customOptions =
           'maxWidth': '500',
           'className' : 'custom'
       // create marker object, pass custom icon as option, pass content and options to popup, add to map
       // the coords are E/W , N/S with W and S as negative numbers
       L.marker([1851, 654], {icon: commbase}).bindPopup(customPopup,customOptions).addTo(map);




  7. will the gimme work with zombies




           <item item="zombieMarlene" min="1" max="1" />                                                                           <item item="zombieDarlene" min="1" max="1" />
           <item item="zombieArlene" min="1" max="1" />
           <item item="zombieYo" min="1" max="1" />
           <item item="zombieMoe" min="1" max="1" />
           <item item="zombieSteve" min="1" max="1" />
           <item item="zombieJoe" min="1" max="1" />
           <item item="zombieBoe" min="1" max="1" />


    You can try it, but I don't think that will work. I see where you're going with it though. You're evil, but I like it!


    Players on my server would "love" this. I might have to see about making this work on my version. MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  8. I can honestly say that I havn't read all posts in this thread. But can I set a public spawnpoint like in HubCity?


    You can setup a custom chat command to do that.


    Set "CustomCommands" Enable="True" in ServerToolsConfig.xml

    The server will create CustomChatCommands.xml

    Use the following as an example:

    <Command Command="hubcity" Response="tele {EntityId} 1000 -1 1000" DelayBetweenUses="60" />

    Use /hubcity in the chat window to teleport to 1000N/1000E

  9. It'd make things much easier with respect to finding co-ords for TPs if the webmap could should x,y,z co-ords as given in the TelNet console as well as the 888 S / 999 E co-ords. Maybe I'm missing something and/or an easy way to translate. I can get 888 S / 999 E co-ords from my mouse pointer position on the wepmap, but no idea how to use them in TelNet teleport command.


    This might help...



  10. I'm on A15 b83 and I've installed the mod and it doesn't seem to create the config xml in the save folder, thus the rest doesn't seem to work. I got the latest and compiled it so technically version 3.3, but I also tried the stable 3.2 and that didn't work either. I placed the the files in the Mods folder in their own directory and I am using a custom save location, but also tried the default with no success. I also am not using any other mods.


    I do thank you for using github though with C#, because I definitely want to create some modifications of my own and this will hopefully act as a jumping off point :)


    I'm doing a clean install of both the Client and Server to test with A15 B83. I'll keep you posted.


    try the new one i just updated. Check the first post



    Added Reserved Slots to the mod. Will kick the player with the least amount of crafted items.

    Added Watchlist to the mod. Will alert online admins when the watchlisted player is online.

    (Console Commads Usage: watchlist add <steamID> <reason>, watchlist remove <steamID>, watchlist list)

    Fixed Motd not showing the correct player name

    Updated invalid items list (NOTE: will need to delete InvalidItems.xml if you want the updated list if items)

    Changed ServerToolsConfig.xml & ServerToolsPhrases.xml will now update themselves if needed. No need to delete them anymore.

    Updated day7 to include a15 zombies


    Awesome! I thought I was going to have to do all that once A15 went stable. :p

  11. the Give or giveself like "Giveself Shotgun 600" or "Give Quicken Shotgun 600" does not work :(


    The quality of a gun is based on the quality of the parts. Fully assembled guns roll a random quality.


    give <player name> <component> <quantity> <quality>


    give Lonestarcanuck partsPumpShotgun_stock 1 600

    give Lonestarcanuck partsPumpShotgun_receiver 1 600

    give Lonestarcanuck partsPumpShotgun_parts 1 600

    give Lonestarcanuck partsPumpShotgun_barrel 1 600


    Use listitems (li for short) command to find the component names such as li partsPump will list all Shotgun parts.


    - - - Updated - - -


    is there a version of your server fixes for a 14.7?



  12. Hi Alloc! I just wanted to let you know I'm still getting zombies way out in the radiation zone. As you can see from the picture below, that I've switched my server over to play on Navezgane while waiting for A15. There is a snow zombie way out at 3464 N 2744 E, but the farthest snow zombie spawn in the log is 1856 N 1813 E. Even if he spawned there, he should have died in the radiation zone walking north. Also, during the picture below, there were 0 players online. Your thoughts?



  13. so how do you tell what the E/W/N/S when I enter 854 -0 1653 I end up somewhere but not at what my map says.


    I answered this same question for you in Alloc's thread here.

  14. Hello Alloc,


    some questions about Teleportation or Tele.


    1. I set up the tele command with permission of 1000 assuming all my users can use it. but all it does is teleport them to themselves.


    2. If specify a location like <Command Command="hubcity" Response="tele {EntityId} 908 -1 1651" DelayBetweenUses="30" />


    how do I specify the quadrant to teleport to? the center of the map would be 0 -1 0 so if I want to be in the NW quadrant do I add N E after? if so is the first the NS and 3rd the EW? so 908 E -1 1651 W ?





    Permission may not be low enough. Try using 2000. Also make sure the players are formatting the tele command correctly.


    If Bob wants to tele to Joe. Bob needs to type tele Bob Joe.



    North and East are positive numbers.

    South and West are negative numbers.


    tele coords are x, y, z


    x = + East or - West

    y = height from bedrock but not the "elevation" in game. -1 puts you on the top most block

    z = + North or - South


    So to teleport to a North West quadrant you would use -1000 -1 1000


    Remember that Custom Chat Commands are only part of dmustanger's ServerTools and not Alloc's Server Fixes


    Hope this helps.

  15. Okay i was playing around and working with visual studio, but i still was unable to find the location where the servertoolsconfig.xml is generated from.

    servertoolsconfig.xml is created in the LoadConfig.cs


    I would like to add my automatic restart as something that can be enabled/disabled. Does it generate the config based on the files it has and i dont need to do anything? Also it is the .sln that i should have open correct, and when i get it to the stage to try it i build it?

    You need to add a line to the UpdateConfig method in LoadConfig.cs. Yes. The .sln is the project AKA solution. Build - Build ServerTools will make the .dll. The new .dll is located in the (your folder)ServerTools\obj\Debug or (your folder)ServerTools\obj\Release depending on the Solution Configurations.


    great mod - love it.


    any way to support Giveto commands for admins like "GiveTo 171 Stone Axe 600 1 (player ID, item, quality, quantity)


    also can /gimme support giving xp like "giveselfskillxp Mining Tools 10000"

    Give and Give XP are part of Alloc's Server Fixes.



    so how does the Ban or kick players for invalid items/blocks in their inventory work? I gave myself 500 concreteblockr (re-enforced) and it did nothing.

    RconcreteBlock is not a default invalid item. Look at InvalidItems.xml for a list of items or add the items you want.


    FEATURE request - Teleport - can you add it?


    so we can teleport to friends

    You can set custom commands to teleport to your friends bases if that helps.


    dmustanger - I hope you don't mind me answering all these questions for you. :smile:

  16. First... i love it, works really great and that without telnet =). Thanks!


    i use coppi's mod -> https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?44835-Coppi-MOD-New-features


    there is a command to change that chat color for a specific player.

    can you write a fix, for your mod to ignore the "[colorcode]" (for gimme and other commands)? sorry for my english.


    here is a picture (i think it is better to understand ^^): http://fs5.directupload.net/images/160723/g3qt45oy.png


    Try my modded files...



  17. If you get this again can you please check the coordinate of the zombie shown and send me both log + that coord please?


    Here ya go Alloc. I've got two zombies that are out in the radiation zone, but they do not show up with the list entities command. The coords for the worst one is roughly 6700S 9100E. After getting the screenshots, I did a killall command. She was removed, but the killall command still reports back about 30 zombies and/or their corpses. Link to log file.





  18. If you get this again can you please check the coordinate of the zombie shown and send me both log + that coord please?


    Someone finally visited that area and now she's gone. I have no one on the map right now, yet there are 19 Hostiles spread out all over the place. I thought they were supposed to despawn if no one is online. Is that still true?

  19. I didn't check the data, I'd seen how long it took to open a 15MB log on my system and didn't fancy my chances with a 13GB one. I have a good idea what the error message was though, as I had my nose in the log files alot at the time:


    2016-07-01T19:38:20 13098.991 ERR Block on position 2066, 121, -6571 with value id=1455 px=1 py=0 pz=-2 should be a parent but is not! (3)
    2016-07-01T19:38:20 13098.991 ERR Block on position 2066, 121, -6571 with value id=1455 px=1 py=0 pz=-2 should be a parent but is not! (3)
    2016-07-01T19:38:20 13098.992 ERR Block on position 2066, 121, -6571 with value id=1455 px=1 py=0 pz=-2 should be a parent but is not! (3)
    2016-07-01T19:38:20 13098.992 ERR Block on position 2066, 121, -6571 with value id=1455 px=1 py=0 pz=-2 should be a parent but is not! (3)
    2016-07-01T19:38:20 13098.992 ERR Block on position 2066, 121, -6571 with value id=1455 px=1 py=0 pz=-2 should be a parent but is not! (3)
    2016-07-01T19:38:20 13098.992 ERR Block on position 2066, 121, -6571 with value id=1455 px=1 py=0 pz=-2 should be a parent but is not! (3)
    2016-07-01T19:38:20 13098.992 ERR Block on position 2066, 121, -6571 with value id=1455 px=1 py=0 pz=-2 should be a parent but is not! (3)
    2016-07-01T19:38:20 13098.992 ERR Block on position 2066, 121, -6571 with value id=1455 px=1 py=0 pz=-2 should be a parent but is not! (3)
    2016-07-01T19:38:20 13098.993 ERR Block on position 2066, 121, -6571 with value id=1455 px=1 py=0 pz=-2 should be a parent but is not! (3)


    I see this a lot on my server too. From what I can tell, it is usually a car that someone started to disassemble. We had one near our community base that would spam the log every time someone walked passed it.


    If I notice one of these cars in the log, I'll tp over and blow it up with a rocket to prevent the log spam.

  20. Govic,


    I looked into the code you posted and found a few things that needed to be fixed.


    Here is a link to my version of the shutdown timer function added to ServerTools 3.2 compiled and ready to go.




    This will check admin permissions which must be level 0 for the /shutdown command to start. Once started, it will start a 10 minute timer counting off each minute and then the last 30, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, seconds.


    NOTE TO ALL: If you have a rented Blue Fang Solutions dedicated server, they already have a server side script that automatically restarts the server. If you want to stop the server for a period of time, you must use their dashboard stop button.


    Also how do I go about compiling these files into the final format?


    These files are written and compiled in Microsoft Visual Studio. You can get a free fully functional version for private use here.

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