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Posts posted by schwanz9000

  1. Hi Alloc, regarding the "reload tiles" option. How is it different than just clicking the reload button on the browser?


    Refreshing the browser resets the whole browser window and returns the map to the default view and settings. Refreshing the tiles only reloads the tiles of the map itself. If you are zoomed in on a location, only the tiles are reloaded and you don't lose your current location and your current zoom setting.

  2. Will upload a new version (web v8) in a few minutes


    I really like seeing these two fixes in the release notes:

    Added checkbox to auto-reload tiles in a specified interval.

    Fixed player marker clustering when players move towards each other or get farther apart



    Thanks for the update Alloc! :encouragement:

  3. CSS, yep.


    I figured as much. Got it changed back to the original dark red shroud with white text for the gamestats and login info.



    I'm quite certain that you should look up the definition of "patiently" ;)


    LOL!!! Squeaky wheel gets the grease though, right. :playful:


    Again, thanks for all of this!

  4. Hey Alloc! I finally got a chance to add the server fixes update to my server. Awesome work putting my request for the server time on the map! Hi5! I understand that it's a work in progress, but that green shroud has got to go. :becky: Is it a simple color change in the index file I could do myself?


    Also, we noticed that the grouped bubbles are not working correctly. When two or more players are in the same area, they are grouped with the green dot with a number. When one of those players leaves the area, they are still grouped together even though the player is 5 biomes away.


    Still patently waiting for spawn entity @ x, y, z. :eyebrows:

  5. Hey Alloc! Any chance we'll see an update this weekend? Maybe? Really looking forward to the changes you've made with the map and the in-game time display. I saw that you updated that ticket on your site which is beyond awesome that you took the time for my request.


    REALLY can't wait for se @ x y z. It'll come in time I'm sure.


    (Looks around for Alloc's tip jar.)

  6. Alloc - do/have you worked with the FrontRunnerTek server manager? I'm not really sure if I have things working quite right with it... it shows a green light by the fixes... but when I hit Verify Fixes, nothing seems to happen?


    I'm currently running FRT SM and that verify has never worked for me. Everything about Alloc's fixes seems to run ok without that. FRT needs to get in the game and update this handy manager or release the source code so I can fix it. :chuncky:

  7. I know you and the rest of the team are extremely busy, but what are my chances of getting that web-api? Does asking with "pretty please with sugar on top" work?


    Probably mostly depends on how much other work I have to do today / this weekend ;)

    Shouldn't be too complex but not sure right now. Again *maybe* this weekend.


    Already in, just have to clean up a lot of stuff so I can make a proper build ;)


    THANK YOU Alloc! :rockon:

  8. Requires adding a new web-api to return the time and then use that api on the js-code.


    I know you and the rest of the team are extremely busy, but what are my chances of getting that web-api? Does asking with "pretty please with sugar on top" work?


    ...and while I've got your attention. Is there any way to spawn an entity at x,y,z cords? Would love that option for my server's arena.


    Thanks for everything you do!

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