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Everything posted by Riamus

  1. Ah... I didn't realize it could be basically replaced by crafting the hatch and then "upgrading" it. Odd way to go about doing it, but oh well.
  2. Hm... maybe I'm wrong then. But I am pretty sure that I remember wood hatches only upgrading to iron covered wood hatches but not beyond and having to do a separate iron hatch that was different from the upgraded wood hatch with iron covering. And I don't remember being able to upgrade to the vault hatch, though it could just be that I've never bothered because it's just easier to craft the vault hatch than bother with upgrades.
  3. Unfortunately, you can't upgrade to vault from wood.
  4. One thing I noticed when I tried filling a pool with a bucket in the past was that it mattered where you aimed. I forget it it worked when aiming at the wall of the pool or the bottom, but the other didn't work for me. So try pointing at different places and see if that helps.
  5. Farming is really not so difficult as people make it out to be. If you don't like low crop yields while keeping the farm filled with crops, just wait until you have a higher LotL before you start. But as has been said, LotL1 still gives you profit even if it's not much. I end up making so much farming even at LotL1 that after I've harvested crops half a dozen times or so, I often stop farming because I have so much food for a two person game. You get a ton of corn in A21, so you don't need that anymore. And unless you want to make a bunch of different food, you can do what I do any cut out pumpkins and blueberries even though they make decent food. You can also skip the flowers usually aren't worth planting since they can be found everywhere and unless you like making coffee or beer, skip hops and coffee beans. This keeps your variety lower and means you can get a good harvest with a smaller farm. I usually stick to about 20-25 plots for 2 people and, as I said, I quickly have a surplus of food. Mushrooms are easy since you don't need a plot. I just plant them on the sides of the farm for convenience harvesting them. Once you're cooking the top foods, you don't need many ingredients anymore because the food lasts a long time. Yes, the top foods require canned food, but unless you aren't scavenging or are not picking up those cans of food while you're playing, you'll have a good stockpile of cans by the time you can cook them. And when you run out of one, you start making one of the other top foods while you continue looting and getting more cans of food. A big thing to be aware of with conserving food is to NOT put any points into the healing perk. At least not until you have a good supply of food coming in. It eats up your food and water very quickly.
  6. Trying to use water buckets to fill anything more than a really tiny hole is a lesson in futility. It just takes WAY too much water to make that worth trying. I'd recommend just using CM with the water blocks. It still takes a long time if you have a large hole to fill, but you can hold the mouse button and it'll just keep filling until you're out of blocks, so it isn't too bad.
  7. I think you will find after playing the game a bit that it is really an easy game once you understand the mechanics. Most of the time I didn't even bother with guns anymore because melee works just fine. I usually only switch to find in a few parts of a couple of the tier 5 POI just because there's are so many figures at once and for horde night. The rest of the time, I stick to melee. If you are on the street and having trouble, just run away. Unless you have zombies set to sprint, it is ready to outrun them. Even if they are set to sprint, just find something to jump on or over and you can easily get away if needed. It is very unlikely they will add weapons to the drone for vanilla, so finding an alternative is a good Idea. 😀
  8. If you are asking if you get them free, the console version *may* get a discount for confirmed owners of the old version, though that is still being determined. There will be no discount for Bloodmoons. That's a different game.
  9. There isn't any official answer to that. It seems a lot of people think it's around 5 years. Others think less time and others more time, so there's no consensus on it. Until we get the story, we'll probably never know for sure.
  10. I personally would like to see everything craftable so I don't have to either mod the stuff so I can craft it or use creative mode. Leave it up to the server admins to control abuse of things that allow the server down when too many are added rather than police it themselves, imo.
  11. From what I have heard, they chose not to have the fuel barrels available specifically because they didn't want you to use a bunch of them as traps. I doubt they'll make propane tanks available outside of creative mode. Though, I have to say that blowing up ZZTong's propane POI is a "blast"!!! 😁
  12. Ah... I wasn't looking at PNG. That's why it looked different. When exporting, there is an option to save color values from transparent pixels. That's the setting that determines if an alpha channel is saved. The dropdown may also work, but I haven't tried that.
  13. It looks like Gimp updated and the Export dialog has changed. There used to be an option relating to transparency that you needed to make sure was set to not export transparency but I don't see that now. The main thing is to export it in 16bit without any alpha channel. Gimp likes to include alpha channels, so be sure it doesn't.
  14. True, but you'd still see a few people around. If you didn't, then there wouldn't be any traders selling things.
  15. I would be fine if they just stood around and maybe had some generic things to say when you clicked on them. Just to give a feeling of a world with people living in it even if they don't want to put in a lot of work into NPCs.
  16. Tip: if you like the map that you have from RWG but would prefer the biomes to be some differently, you can get easily edit the biomes.png file in your world folder after generating the map before you create a new save with that map. Open it on an image editor (even MS Paint works well) and paint the biomes however you like. The only requirement is that the biome colors must be exact matches to the expected colors. You can use the color picker tool in the image editor to select the exact color from the biome on the map you are editing to get the exact RGB values. That tool usually looks like an eye dropper.
  17. To answer the last question, yes. At least up to the point where loot stops mattering because you already have the best stuff. You will eventually be at the point where you can loot the best stuff no matter where you are, including the forest. At that point, home has no real effect other than how it looks and certain enemies that only spawn in certain biomes. Biome difficulty has far more impact early in the game or even mid-game than it does late-game. If you want to give it a try, Teragon is a third party map generator with tons of options that allow you to make a wide variety of maps. Also, in case you missed it, they plan to add fast travel between traders, so it will be easier to quest in one area while you have your base on another. Not sure yet if that will be in A22 or later, though.
  18. The building tier itself doesn't change. However, the biome increases the difficulty. Look at the skulls on the danger meter to see the increase. Forest has no increase. This increase does impact the difficulty of the area, including inside POI.
  19. Being able to walk into POI and loot everything without any danger seems pretty boring to me.
  20. Even having environmental animals that you can't interact with would add a lot to the game. Birds flying around or hanging out in trees, for example. I would be fine if they made it possible to kill all animals they add, but I would be fine with some that are just there to make the world look more alive.
  21. I wouldn't call it serious, nor would I call it scary. Yes, they have jokes in the game. My issue is that the game is actually a good game and adding something cheesy as an enemy lowers the quality of the game, imo. Especially with them updating all the graphics to give us realistic looking animals and other improved art. It is like adding Mario to the game as an enemy. Could they do it (assuming they got permission)? Sure. Could they even do it in a way that was funny? Sure. Would it really be a good idea for this game? I don't think so.
  22. Well, you would need an RTX 2060 or better anyhow, just to support ray tracing. That in itself is a reason why they wouldn't consider it. They want to support weaker/older hardware and I have a feeling a decent percent of players use graphics cards that don't support ray tracing, so they'd be putting in a lot of effort for only part of their player base. Now, for their next game, they may focus on better hardware for minimum specs and then adding ray tracing would be something they might consider. There is also the question of how they might implement it in the game. For example, I believe it is Metro Exodus that made an enhanced version of whatever it was called that supported ray tracing, among all the other improvements. Yet you can't even open the game if you don't have a graphics card that supports ray tracing. It isn't even an option to disable it so you can play the enhanced version. Other games do have it as an option. I don't know why it was not an option in Metro Exodus and maybe they just didn't want to support older hardware in that version, but if it was due to some difficulty in making the game support enabling and disabling ray tracing, then that would also be a consideration if TFP wants to support older hardware.
  23. Oh, I agree that new enemies would be nice. But there are so many better choices than a poodle.
  24. All I would say is that if they did add that, I would mod it out immediately. Maybe someone would find it funny. But to me, that is just dumb. Needless to say, I'm not a fan of poodles or any kind of tiny dogs. But to each, his own.
  25. Makes sense that it would be from a Wii port. If any dog can be turned into a zombie dog, then it makes sense that all dogs could be turned into zombie dogs unless a specific breed is somehow immune. So zombie poodles, zombie chihuahuas, zombie "lapdogs"... they would make sense in terms of realism. But in terms of a horror game, they just don't belong. Not unless it is a horror spoof game or something, or perhaps a kid's game where you want it to be less scary. Definitely not in any true horror game, imo.
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