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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. Tools will have their own baked-in sexy rex, like melee weapons
  2. Ah okay, I getcha. Hopefully the dev team might consider it?
  3. I actually like this idea a lot. We should still be able to build our own vehicles, but being able to find drivable vehicles in the world would be cool as well.
  4. Maybe they meant "tedious" instead of "meaningful." A QOL idea I just had - instead of a 50% chance to get a seed back when harvesting, why not make it a 50% to leave a seedling? Then we're only having to replant any spots that didn't yield one. That we we still have to replant empty spots, but not spots that yielded a seed? It'd still give the same effect they were going for, with a little time saved.
  5. Your first response came out as a non-answer that seemed to ignore my question.
  6. See, that's a reasonable response and explanation. I can vibe with that.
  7. imo it shouldn't take five plants to get one seed. A single apple has several seeds in it. At the very least there should be a perk or book that reduces the number of plants required to make a single seed. I get trying to make getting food harder - but there's challenging, and then there's plain stupid.
  8. I asked: "Why are the dew collectors so big?" You answered: "They look really cool, huh?" That does not tell me why they're a 3x3x3 station. I was starting to give you credit again but then there's this.
  9. Ah, okay. That's what I was guessing, but it's good to have confirmation. Thanks!
  10. That's great, but doesn't answer my question.
  11. And the station is still gigantic. Why are the collectors so freaking big?
  12. Any reason the minibike and motorcycle aren't getting increased health? I'm guessing they're already in a good spot, but clarification would be super.
  13. So with Sexy Rex being baked into weapon perks, will it be getting baked into harvesting tool perks, like Salvage Ops and Miner 69'er as well? Correct. The Sexy Rex perk is going away. As you put points into your melee weapon of choice, you'll get a stamina use reduction.
  14. Unless they start crawling, which many of them will do for no apparent reason.
  15. I don't know who the long-haired fellow is, but the guy on the right is from Cutting Room Floor. Sex Yule (sexual) Tyrant Shore (tyrannosaur)
  16. EDIT: Wait, I got it. Something to do with Sexual Tyranosaurus. Jason Mraz from Cutting Room Floor.. If I'm geussing right, Sexual Tyrannosaurus is being removed.
  17. I don't mind digging zombies. I DO mind zombies that dig ridiculously fast (even with their block damage turned down). Last I looked they don't have drills on their arms.
  18. The fact lockpicking on doors doesn't work is certainly vexing. I can use timed charges to blow them open, why can't I pick them? And I agree with you on the lockpicking skill not seeming to apply. I never bother with putting points into it because I always seem to break picks at the same rate - in fact, they seem to break immediately a lot more often with the skill. It's worthless.
  19. On a random gen map, traders can appear anywhere. When I started in A19, I had a random map - Hugh was in the desert, Joel and Jen were in the wasteland, Rekt was in the burnt forest and Bob was also in the forest.
  20. I'd say not, as the Learn by Reading system isn't listed on the roadmap.
  21. I dunno, I'm kind of sick of zombies magically "dodging" shots at the last second, whether due to deciding to crawl for no reason, or having such jittery movement decide to pretend to be Neo from the Matrix. Also getting sick of arm shots spraining/breaking my legs and vice versa.
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