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  • New 1.0 Controller settings should be reverted.

    • Version: V1.0 b309


    The new controller settings (ds4) will lead to me quitting this game after thousands of hours. Its horrible. If its this way for ps5 i def wont be buying it.



    Game Version: V1.0 b309

    OS/Version: Windows

    CPU Model: AMD Ryzen

    System Memory: 16 GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 1060 4 GB

    Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

    Video Settings: High

    Game mode: Not sure what this means


    Did you wipe old saves? No


    Did you start a new game? Yes


    Did you validate your files? Yes


    Are you using any mods? No


    EAC on or off? on


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) open inventory


    Actual result: (description of what is occurring)


    I use a controller (stop laughing lol) and the 1.0 controller settings are horrible. I used to be able to use my controller like a mouse on top of  my inventory. That allowed for quick grabs of items (think first aid on horde night). Now though, you have to cycle through all your inventory slots to get to the items. It soooooooo slow!

    Also, when I select an item in my inventory, for some reason, I now have to hold down y (triangle on ds4) to see the options menu for doing things like scrapping an item or modifying an item. It has added a click when its not necessary.  You cant use a controller to pull an item out of your inventory and drop it. You have to use the "click x on item, hold down y on item which brings up the controls then select to drop. If I have a full inventory and need to move it to all separate boxes it is going to take forever cause you have to move each piece a square at a time.


    Please please please change the settings for controller back. To be honest, my wife (2000+ hours and I (1000+ hours) both play on pc with controller and this new controller system is making us want to quit the game already. If this will be the ps5 controller experience, we definitely wont be buying the console version. Its too bad too cause we were really looking forward to that.


    I posted the above in the forum and others also don't like the new controls. Others already saying they also wont buy the console version if this is how it works.


    Expected result: revert controller settings back to how a controller worked with the last alpha

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    Thank you for reporting, we have been getting lots of feedback about controllers and will be reviewing and discussing internally about it. Moving this to over WIP.

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    As it's related to controllers, too, I'd like to reference to the always unable to load bug which about 30 people on Steam forums reported so far (also available as bug report here). Might be relevant while discussing the controller topic.

    The console got a null reference to a controller dll on mostly Win7, but also other PCs like Win11 and one managed to at least get into the game by removing controller references from game scripts.

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    On 6/24/2024 at 9:20 PM, NekoPawtato said:

    Thank you for reporting, we have been getting lots of feedback about controllers and will be reviewing and discussing internally about it. Moving this to over WIP.

    Thank you! I have been trying to let others know when they add a new post re this so that you don't get duplicate bug reports.

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    Seriously FunPimps.  This game isn't Fallout running on a PipBoy 3000.  It was designed with Keyboard/Mouse.  We have to have the old schema.  

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    Please fix asap. It’s so disappointing that no one who plays on controller can test out and enjoy the new version with everyone else because it’s completely unplayable. A lot of people have played 7dtd for years and consider it their favourite game. It breaks my heart to think that my wife and I may never play again because of something dumb like this. We tried our hardest to suck up the changes and get use to it but it’s literally unplayable no matter how hard we try. I haven’t read a single positive thing about the new controllers yet. Not a single person is defending it. I know you guys can be stubborn sometimes and that’s ok, you’ve made an awesome game. But this isn’t something that people simply don’t like, it’s actually made the game unplayable..

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    On 6/28/2024 at 4:55 AM, Ken7 said:

    Please fix asap. It’s so disappointing that no one who plays on controller can test out and enjoy the new version with everyone else because it’s completely unplayable. A lot of people have played 7dtd for years and consider it their favourite game. It breaks my heart to think that my wife and I may never play again because of something dumb like this. We tried our hardest to suck up the changes and get use to it but it’s literally unplayable no matter how hard we try. I haven’t read a single positive thing about the new controllers yet. Not a single person is defending it. I know you guys can be stubborn sometimes and that’s ok, you’ve made an awesome game. But this isn’t something that people simply don’t like, it’s actually made the game unplayable..


    100% agree. 

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    Played game back on PS4 and have 824 hours on PC playing with controller. Was ready to quit the first night I played 1.0 experimental because the controller updates are so bad. Agree 100% with OP, bumping to vote for a revert. 

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    Glad this has already been reported. New controller layout is slow and non intuitive. I have issues playing with mouse and keyboard so controller is always the best bet. Starting up with the new setting almost made me quit before an hour had passed. 

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    Just to add to this I wasn’t even able to get over to some of the skill trees with controller and it’s very hard to tell which box you are hovering on. 

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    A million percent agree. I hope its reverted soon because I'd really love to be able to play without the frustration. Also to not die trying to click over to my weapons (was this a sick trolling idea by whomever redid the new controller figuration, seriously?)

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    As a long-time player, my wife and I are unable to fathom why TFP decided to overhaul the controller scheme but some how make it worse. The radial menu is welcome, but everything else is very much a downgrade. It feels like the wrong target group was chosen to test controller support (did these people even play with controllers on <=A21 prior to testing?)


    Let me get this out there: There are many issues with this new layout, but let me give one example. If you took away the ability for KBM players to push 1, 2, 3, ... N to quickly swap between slots on their toolbelt/hot-bar, they'd be rightfully @%$#ed. That's what you've done with the D-pad for controller players. Many players, including myself, used the first 3 slots as "hots" so in combat or the heat of the moment I can flip to 3 important things with those directly accessible buttons on my pad. Time is precious in this game during intense moments and you've effectively hamstrung players who use a controller for this game. Everything takes longer, almost everything has one extra step. Meanwhile, traditional KBM players get to play business-as-usual.


    I'm going to repeat what I put on my Steam comment:


    I'm going to refrain from any other input, other than the following, about this V1.0 release because I feel this issue is so incredibly game-breaking for many PC players using controllers: ***Please bring back the legacy controller controls from A21 and prior.***

    At a *minimum* allow players to choose the legacy mode. Whatever "legacy" mode the UI let's me change to is _not_ what I was expecting when I wanted to use the controls on A21< and prior. Valheim did it, so can 7 days.

    1.) The 3 button hot swap with the D-pad was very beneficial during combat when needing to quickly change between things and knowing their fixed location in the toolbar (think 1, 2 and 3 keys on a keyboard)
    2.) . I don't care what the 'console gamer consensus' is with regards to using horrible ancient one-square-at-a-time-style Minecraft UIs on Xbox/PS4 etc, but moving ONE BOX AT A TIME is never acceptable when you have a full analog control stick at your disposal that can be treated like a mouse input. As a PC player using a controller it's ridiculous. Other games do this nonsense too and it's what set 7DTD apart and I always applauded the game for having really amazing controller controls. Even Zenimax/Bethesda got controller support mostly correct. This is _NOT IT_.
    3.) Having to hold Y/Triangle in order to perform actions against a selected item anywhere in the UI: what is this? What is the honest purpose of this, from what can only be described as some 'safety lockout feature' that costs additional time and steps to get things done in my inventory/UI/crafting?
    4.) Smaller nit: Swapping reload and inventory/radial menu after players have gotten accustomed to one default with another is almost borderline troll-like behavior on the dev's part. This is a lesser issue since one can just remap the button, but issues 1 through 3 can't be fixed in that manner.

    Please address these issues. I know I'm not the only long-term player that has gripes about this. I've been playing this game for years and have many hours (you can look) and I've never really once ever had to come public about the horrible choice of game controls because I've always thought the game had some pretty awesome controller support already.

    Also, on Reddit, there are already tons of posts complaining about this behavior. There are undoubtedly a lot of existing controller-on-PC players you are going to irritate with this awful inventory management sleight. I'm not sure if it all was intentional or not, but it's bad, all bad.

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    @funpimps Can we get an update as to when this will be fixed? All of us controller players feeling left out as the game is unplayable as the controller issue is leaving us unable to play

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    I'm glad I found this! I made a account also just to say please please please change it back the new controller settings are absolutely horrible.

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    I am deleting 1.0 and heading back to alpha 21 until they fix the controller settings. This is ridiculous. It feels like they dont care about the controller users. Im seeing little bugs being fixed daily but the one thing that has left a large portion of players unable to try 1.0 without throwing our controllers at the wall is being ignored. Thats a shame cause we are the ones who would be buying the ps5 version.

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    4 hours ago, homie_tatanka said:

    I am deleting 1.0 and heading back to alpha 21 until they fix the controller settings. This is ridiculous. It feels like they dont care about the controller users. Im seeing little bugs being fixed daily but the one thing that has left a large portion of players unable to try 1.0 without throwing our controllers at the wall is being ignored. Thats a shame cause we are the ones who would be buying the ps5 version.


    I _hope_ that what is going on is some planning around how they're going to re-introduce the cursor concept, remap the hot D-pad buttons (I'd even settle for these being remappable to 1, 2 or 3 etc) with this new engine change and more. I read another post where, while the radial menu is a nice add, but it fails to be a hot D-pad replacement since it 1.) stops your movement or activity while using it and 2.) is clunky. The quick-swap is just simply broken, period.


    Example: in Astroneer (which I don't think has great controller support BTW, but it's OK) uses the concept of holding the LT or RT to "activate" a cursor so one can move around quickly when doing things across the UI. While I would prefer to have the cursor activated at all times in the UI, at the very least this would be welcome so I can zoom around the UI and do/move things in a pinch. Seriously TFP, you can't take away my ability to quickly move stacks and/or move between from box <-> bag and not create dedicated controller combos for this. Just bring back a cursor, please.


    While I can respect "going back" might not be a simple code reversion, the decision to leave controller players hanging with a solution like this is pretty unacceptable.

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    I just want to reiterate a specific feature that I believe was lost from the old control scheme: sprint auto-toggling off when you stop walking. I had to rig that up myself using Steam Input, which I didn't have to do in a21.

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    Yes! Please allow for controller based mouse support like it has been since controller support was introduced. If 1.0 has the same controller support as the previous alphas then it would be perfect! The way it is now is forcing a hybrid mouse/keyboard + controller. It's damn near unplayable with controller. Why break something so fundamentally important to controller players like this? It didn't need to be changed at all. I'll be installing any mod that gives me back A15-A21 style controller support.

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    Another bug for you @funpimps, since the new controller set up i cannot even play on controller because it keeps stop working after about a minute in game if i'm lucky. But the controller still works in menu's. Yes i have tried many things to fix like..change controller, change lead to controller, checked it all configured correctly, uninstalled steam and reinstalled steam, uninstalled 7dtd and reinstalled, played other games on pc with said controller with no issues on steam games and non steam games. I can't be the only player with this issue.

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    On 6/29/2024 at 4:24 AM, freaky_pinky said:

    Played game back on PS4 and have 824 hours on PC playing with controller. Was ready to quit the first night I played 1.0 experimental because the controller updates are so bad. Agree 100% with OP, bumping to vote for a revert. 

    Sorry to jump in your comment but been having trouble myself. Can you actually play with the controller in game disregarding the updates?

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    7 hours ago, Stokie said:

    Another bug for you @funpimps, since the new controller set up i cannot even play on controller because it keeps stop working after about a minute in game if i'm lucky. But the controller still works in menu's. Yes i have tried many things to fix like..change controller, change lead to controller, checked it all configured correctly, uninstalled steam and reinstalled steam, uninstalled 7dtd and reinstalled, played other games on pc with said controller with no issues on steam games and non steam games. I can't be the only player with this issue.


    Run the game launcher executable and check the Native Input module and see if that helps.

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