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Trader vending machine rentals


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I used them in A15 But in A16 dukes were so easy to earn, that it was unnecessary to use those machines. Trend seems to continue in A17 tho. If only we could configure them for barter or smth. So other players can pay with actually valuable currency, and not just worthless dukes ). Like Iron, for example.

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I used them in A15 But in A16 dukes were so easy to earn, that it was unnecessary to use those machines. Trend seems to continue in A17 tho. If only we could configure them for barter or smth. So other players can pay with actually valuable currency, and not just worthless dukes ). Like Iron, for example.



How about a "Willing to Buy" category? I've never used them myself, but if I could offer to paid a lot of Dukes for say: Cans of oil. Even if there is some NPC code for SP, it would be great!

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How about a "Willing to Buy" category? I've never used them myself, but if I could offer to paid a lot of Dukes for say: Cans of oil. Even if there is some NPC code for SP, it would be great!


So, basically, one step before barter. Sure, it would be good. Barter would have been better tho :). Any improvement that would make trading viable is welcome.

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I was just talking about this tonight with a person on our server on how we could start using this. Most of us are close together in a 2k square and use the same trader. It would be great when he does not have things we need or that 1 thing you have been looking for forever. Maybe a Modder could look into it.

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I was just talking about this tonight with a person on our server on how we could start using this. Most of us are close together in a 2k square and use the same trader. It would be great when he does not have things we need or that 1 thing you have been looking for forever. Maybe a Modder could look into it.


If modders can have sell values "float" that would be the best. Any workable formula would be good.


Using cans of oil again, because of it's powerful uses: The more people who buy oil at a high price, the higher the value becomes in the trader.



Basically prices will then find their true value over time! :)

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