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hunger/thrist effecting max stamina should be swapped


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I think TFP swapped hunger and thirst settings IMO. In game if exert yourself like mining you constantly lose max stamina, this does not make since because in real world we eat and does not provide a instant boost, where as drinking and being dehydrated can effect you in matter of a minute from drinking something. So should swap Drinks for food with max stamina and it would actually be a more sensible thing as you take a drink while doing exertion not wolf down a power bar if just eaten Thanksgiving dinner a hour before.

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I agree. I also brought this up in the main A17 thread also.


Stamina should be tied to thirst and should start decreasing when about 50%.

Maybe fullness could also start decreasing stamina once it reaches 0% but not before. Not being well hydrated has a much more immediate effect on your stamina.


But I very much like the system where fullness (calories) is in direct relation to what you're doing.

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