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New Sniper Zoom Overlay


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Hey everybody, ATM I`m playing on 3 mods at the same time, so after hours of xml reading, i think i ve today something to relax, so ive build a new sniper zoom Overlay, cause the old one is so... you know what i mean. ;) So, if you like it, use it, or if you have a nicer cross for the overlay, post it^^ btw, maybe its not 100% accurate, i test it the whole day, i hit what i need tested a lot of different colours, but... i like orange ;) Clear Version: [attachment=5652:name] Other version: 1 Post down please Install 1. First thing is [B]Very Important[/B] , Backup your excsisting ressource.asset, cause if you do something wrong and the file is corrupt, you ve to redownload your Lokal Files over steam 2. Second you need is Grim`s UAE 3. Open UAE, than open the ressource.asset included in (Game Folder)/7DaysToDie_Data 4. search the Texture: sniper_zoom_overlay 5. rightclick on it, choose import and import my new sniper_zoom_overlaynew2.dds 6. Click on File, Save As and overwrite the old ressource.asset. 7. Give the UAE a minute to save. 8. Enjoy^^ [U]Clear Version:[/U] [URL="https://mega.co.nz/#!pEpwRYiS!M1diXNVrSPTAf8IQngwEBRf8Sp-LlLkuvuqSnhI76ck"]Download[/URL] [U]Red with Frame:[/U] [URL="https://mega.co.nz/#!sUQglBCK!EBF26CVTDPYHq25wZjMMW_TKsJmUPZ2wyEcCvCXWuco"]Download[/URL] [U]Green with Frame, reddot:[/U] [URL="https://mega.co.nz/#!NJRSGBhC!d81v8D05j3u-sCGawBzXGq1hsSB9lRuLW7IvPheeXno"]Download[/URL] [U]Grey with Frame, reddot:[/U] [URL="https://mega.co.nz/#!xNBlzTqB!sPqbYixSsMs3wvCVegw-wkPJQrOuirQl4pefcxxJ3b8"]Download[/URL] [U]NewFrame Toxic Reddot package:[/U] [URL="https://mega.co.nz/#!ZYghlBKL!W2FaJPq2P-hUYlK4T546ClIJqaJI4A6sCDNSvkVrtXg"]Download[/URL] [U]NewFrame Toxic SVD package:[/U] [URL="https://mega.co.nz/#!tVZg1S7Q!b87tXLuKLmufjcOjjMuhqG0DBm18atl9DEpIjIK3leQ"]Download[/URL] P.S. sry about my bad english, school is to long ago ;)
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I like that. I was looking for software to edit those fancy .dds but my old Photoshop 5.0 can't and I can't really justify the cost for this kind of software just for frills like that. =) What I tried to do is editing the aimingreddot.dds to be [I][B]a bit[/B][/I] of a crosshair (so it doesn't block the center, either) and fix those damn stealth*.dds so they no longer completely block the view on what you're actually aiming at. (all in assets 2) What software/settings were you using to open/save those?
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For the zoom overlay, i ve used photoshop cs 5 with the nvidia .dds plugin. Saving the file was a little bit anoying, cause i missed 1 little point in the plugin settings. At last i ve saved the file with dxt5, generate mipmaps, flipped vertickaly and, thats the point i forgot, onhigh compression ^^ Year i think about the realy ugly stealth sign, maybe i try later someting in this direction. gr33tz
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I am "trying" the trial version of PS CC so I can at least edit these things. BTW: You're russian? Or did you pick a POSP scope's sight image at random? =P Did you calibrate the range finder? (otherwise, why have one?) If so, for which zoom level?
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No i havent calibrate the range finder^^ dont know so much about shooting and scopes, only likes the view ;) And I think, without a bullet drop, there is no need for a range finder, maybe i`ll take him out, or take another cross, we will see No, i`m from germany, like you?! Nach deinem Avatar würde ich sagen Mechatroniker von beruf?^^ I think a useable rangefinder with a bullet drop in the game will be realy cool, but the only thing i found with a little bit bullet drop is the zombiecop range attack, and i cant find any addjustment for this in the xml`s, i think its hardcoded.
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@ HAL9000 Thanks, I'll try that one. Don't need a 150 €/year software package to edit a few pixels in a texture. =P @ tr4x I'm no fan of the orange tint. It turns everything into a brown mush. This is my take on it: [URL="http://i.imgur.com/KXnzKww.jpg"][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/KXnzKwwt.jpg[/IMG][/URL] . [URL="http://i.imgur.com/DDbXZDG.jpg"][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DDbXZDGt.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL="http://www.hentschke-keramik.de/rmh/7dtd/sniper_zoom_overlay_gazz2.dds"][U]Download link[/U][/URL] Also, I took great care to [I][B]properly zero it[/B][/I]. The vanilla sniper scope is always off by a pixel or two which annoys the hell out of me. =P
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Hey Hal, thx for visiting my stuff ;) Here are 2 new pic`s not much done, only other colours and another cross [U]sniper_zoom_overlaygreenreddot:[/U] [attachment=119:name] And spezially for Gaz a clear version^^ [U]sniper_zoom_overlayclearreddot:[/U] [attachment=120:name] Download links i will adding to the starter posting. Maybe tomorrow a new Frame or something like that, we will see^^ Edit: Download links added. Edit2: I Know, this is not realy a sniper crosshair, but, wayne... i try a little bit.
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[QUOTE=Gazz;147109]I like that. I was looking for software to edit those fancy .dds but my old Photoshop 5.0 can't and I can't really justify the cost for this kind of software just for frills like that. =) What I tried to do is editing the aimingreddot.dds to be [I][B]a bit[/B][/I] of a crosshair (so it doesn't block the center, either) and fix those damn stealth*.dds so they no longer completely block the view on what you're actually aiming at. (all in assets 2) What software/settings were you using to open/save those?[/QUOTE] [URL="http://www.gimp.org/"]http://www.gimp.org/[/URL]
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Hey Ekko, Nice to See, you visiting my thread. Yay, there are a lot Of usefull tools to do The same, ATM i m using PS, shame on me ^^ Gimp is a realy Nice tool, but i havent work with it until now, maybe i give it a try by The next times ;) Have a Nice day ;)
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So if nobody post, i do the tripple post. I ve made a new frame, so i had build two rar packages, one for reddot cross, one for the SVD style cross, in each of this packages are three variants with different colours. [U]Newtoxic Frame Reddot overlay package:[/U] [attachment=122:name] [URL="https://mega.co.nz/#!ZYghlBKL!W2FaJPq2P-hUYlK4T546ClIJqaJI4A6sCDNSvkVrtXg"]Download[/URL] [U]NewToxic Frame SVD overlay package[/U] [attachment=123:name] [URL="https://mega.co.nz/#!tVZg1S7Q!b87tXLuKLmufjcOjjMuhqG0DBm18atl9DEpIjIK3leQ"]Download[/URL]
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Paint.NET is what I used also. I faked a simple illuminated reticle in green. I tried to widen it, and add a blur effect to the area outside the scope, but it seems to have corrupted when I rolled it back into the assets file with UAE, presumably due to the larger file size. It is the upper portion as-displayed (towards end of file?). I don't know how to resolve that. I don't know enough about Unity yet, but I was hoping there would be a way to modify the shader so the area outside the scope was at normal zoom and out of focus. [URL=http://s602.photobucket.com/user/canid/media/7d2d/Alpha_93_10-14-2014_11-30-16_PM_zpsb5fa455f.png.html][IMG]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt106/canid/7d2d/Alpha_93_10-14-2014_11-30-16_PM_zpsb5fa455f.png[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s602.photobucket.com/user/canid/media/7d2d/Alpha_93_10-14-2014_11-47-50_PM_zpsaac514df.png.html][IMG]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt106/canid/7d2d/Alpha_93_10-14-2014_11-47-50_PM_zpsaac514df.png[/IMG][/URL]
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I'll give that a shot. I'd like to add the scope body to the border as well. I can fake the blur pretty well I think, but I still need to figure out what's possible for the rest. I'm starting to think based on what I've read last night that it would require a render texture using a second camera. I wouldn't hold my breath, had just hoped it would be something I could do.
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