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Schematic Tiers...


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From original Progression.XML, with the first half of the code omitted


Hammer & Forge:

level="1,5" tags="forge,meleeToolFireaxeIron,meleeToolPickaxeIron,meleeToolHoeIron,meleeToolShovelIron,meleeToolClawHammer,meleeToolSledgehammer,meleeToolHuntingKnife"

level="2,5" tags="armorLeatherBoots,armorLeatherGloves,armorLeatherHood,armorLeatherChest,armorLeatherPants,armorIronBoots,armorIronChest,armorIronGloves,armorIronHelmet,armorIronLegs,"

level="3,5" tags="toolForgeCrucible,meleeToolPickaxeSteel,meleeToolShovelSteel,meleeToolFireaxeSteel,meleeToolMachete"

level="4" tags="armorMilitaryHelmet,armorMilitaryVest,armorMilitaryGloves,armorMilitaryLegs,armorMilitaryBoots,armorSteelBoots,armorSteelChest,armorSteelGloves,armorSteelHelmet,armorSteelLegs,"


Grease Monkey:

level="1,5" tags="vehicleWheels,vehicleBicycleChassis,vehicleBicycleHandlebars,vehicleBicyclePlaceable"

level="2,5" tags="vehicleMinibikeChassis,vehicleMinibikeHandlebars,vehicleMinibikePlaceable"

level="3,5" tags="vehicleMotorcycleChassis,vehicleMotorcycleHandlebars,vehicleMotorcyclePlaceable"

level="4,5" tags="vehicle4x4TruckChassis,vehicle4x4TruckAccessories,vehicle4x4TruckPlaceable"

level="5" tags="vehicleGyroCopterChassis,vehicleGyroCopterAccessories,vehicleGyrocopterPlaceable"


Advanced Engineering:

level="1,5" tags="workbench,generatorbank,electricwirerelay,switch,ceilingLight01_player,switch,gunCrossbow,armorMiningHelmet"

level="2,5" tags="gunPistol,gunPumpShotgun,gunHuntingRifle,spotlightPlayer,speaker,pressureplate,pressureplateLong,electrictimerrelay,motionsensor,cementMixer"

level="3,5" tags="electricfencepost,bladeTrap,dartTrap,gunSMG5,gun44Magnum,gunAK47,gunMR10"

level="4,5" tags="shotgunTurret,gunRocketLauncher,gunToolNailgun"

level="5" tags="autoTurret,meleeToolAuger,meleeToolChainsaw"


Yeah Science:

level="1,5" tags="ammo9mmBullet,ammo44MagnumBullet,ammoShotgunShell,ammo762mmBulletFMJ,thrownAmmoPipeBomb,mineHubcap,mineCookingPot"

level="2,5" tags="thrownDynamite,ammo9mmBulletSteel,ammo44MagnumBulletSteel,ammo762mmBulletFMJSteel,ammoShotgunSlug,ammoArrowSteelAP,ammoCrossbowBoltSteelAP,ammoArrowFlaming,mineAirFilter,resourceMilitaryFiber"

level="3,5" tags="ammoCrossbowBoltExploding,modArmorMuffledConnectors"

level="4,5" tags="resourceRocketTip,resourceRocketCasing,ammoRocketHE,ammoRocketFrag"




level="1,5" tags="medicalFirstAidBandage,medicalPlasterCast"

level="2,5" tags="medicalFirstAidKit,drugSteroids"

level="3,5" tags="drugRecog"

level="4,5" tags="drugFortBites"


Master Chef:

level="1,5" value="1" tags="foodBaconAndEggs,foodEggBoiled,foodBoiledMeat,foodGrilledMeat,foodBakedPotato,foodCornBread,foodCornOnTheCob,drinkJarRedTea,drinkJarCoffee,drinkJarGoldenRodTea"

level="2,5" value="1" tags="foodSteakAndPotato,foodBlueberryPie,foodMeatStew,foodVegetableStew"

level="3,5" value="1" tags="foodShamChowder,foodHoboStew,foodFishTacos"

level="4,5" value="1" tags="drinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie,foodChiliDog"

level="5,5" value="1" tags="drinkJarGrandpasMoonshine,drinkJarGrandpasAwesomeSauce,drinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir"




Translated (loosely):


Hammer & Forge:

1 - Forge / Iron Fireaxe / Iron Pickaxe / Iron Hoe / Iron Shovel / Claw Hammer / Sledgehammer / Hunting Knife

2 - Leather Boots / Leather Gloves / Leather Hood / Leather Chest / Leather Pants /

Iron Boots / Iron Gloves / Iron Hood / Iron Chest / Iron Pants

3 - Crucible / Steel Pickaxe / Steel Shovel / Steel Fireaxe / Machete

4 - Military Helmet / Military Vest / Military Gloves / Military Pants / Military Boots

Steel Boots / Steel Gloves / Steel Hood / Steel Chest / Steel Pants


Grease Monkey:

1 - Wheels / Bicycle Chassis / Bicycle Handlebars / Bicycle (placeable)

2 - Minibike Chassis / Minibike Handlebars / Minibike (placeable)

3 - Motorcycle Chassis / Motorcycle Handlebars / Motorcycle (placeable)

4 - 4x4 Truck Chassis / 4x4 Truck Accessories / 4x4 Truck (placeable)

5 - Gyrocopter Chassis / Gyrocopter Accessories / Gyrocopter (placeable)


Advanced Engineering:

1 - Workbench / Generator Bank / Electric Wire Relay / Switch / Ceiling Light (for Players) / Switch / Crossbow / Mining Helmet

2 - Pistol / Pump Shotgun / Hunting Rifle / Spotlight / Speaker / Trigger Plate 1x1 / Trigger Plate 1x5 / Electric Timer Relay / Motion Sensor / Cement Mixer

3 - Electric Fence Post / Blade Trap / Dart Trap / SMG-5 Schematic / 44 Magnum Schematic / AK-47 Schematic / MR-10 Schematic

4 - Shotgun Turret / Rocket Launcher Schematic / Nailgun Schematic

5 - Auto Turret / Auger / Chainsaw


Yeah Science:

1 - 9mm Round (Ammo) / .44 Magnum Round (Ammo) / Shotgun Shell (Ammo) / 7.62mm Round Schematic / Pipe Bomb / Hubcap Mine / Cooking Pot

2 - Dynamite / 9mm Round, Steel (Ammo) / .44 Magnum Round, Steel (Ammo) / 7.62mm Round, Steel (Ammo) / Shotgun Slug (Ammo) / Steel Arrow (Ammo) / Steel Crossbow Bolt (Ammo) / Flaming Arrow / Air Filter Mine / Military Fiber

3 - Exploding Crossbow Bolts / Muffled Connectors

4 - Rocket Tips / Rocket Casings / Rocket HEs / Rocket Frag

5 - At the time, this did not have any recipes included.



1 - First Aid Bandages / Plaster Cast

2 - First Aid Kits / Steroids

3 - Recog

4 - Fort Bites


Master Chef:

1 - Bacon & Eggs / Boiled Egg / Boiled Meat / Grilled Meat / Baked Potato / Corn Bread / Corn on the Cob / Red Tea / Coffee / Goldenrod Tea

2 - Steak & Potato / Blueberry Pie / Meat Stew / Vegetable Stew

3 - Sham Chowder / Hobo Stew / Fish Tacos

4 - Yucca Juice Smoothie / Chili Dog

5 - Grandpa's Moonshine / Grandpa's Awesome Sauce / Grandpa's Learning Elixir



Note: Chemistry Station and Table Saw isn't on the list anywhere to self-craft.

People got to mod/modlet those in; it is unknown whether this was a bug or intentional.

It might be patched in an update after this post.

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