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Alpha 17 Food abundance (or lack thereof)


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So I think I have liked a lot of the direction of things personally speaking. Death is not a thing to be taken lightly and isn't something you can do to weasel out of the survival elements. I have had a problem though in the early game before reaching mid. Food is really rough to get.


Now you can get Living of the Land (or whatever its called) pretty early to be able to make seeds. But like then you need to have a hoe to plant anything. And you need to be level 20 to get the intellect required to get the forge perk to be able to even begin farming. All the while you literally have to spend so much time just grinding to try and have enough food to just survive day to day. Cause lets be honest, losing stamina cap just get towards a cascade point. So you kinda gotta keep that cap up.


Should the requirements for the forge be lowered to allow at least basic farming a little earlier? Anyone else find a strategy that works well to maintain food in the early game?

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